Survivor (TV series)/Characters/Redemption Island: Difference between revisions

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'''== Rob Mariano''' ==
* [[The Ace]]
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* [[Zen Survivor]]
'''== Phillip Sheppard''' ==
* [[Bald of Awesome]]
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* [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad]]: Ended up taking the bulk of the screentime this time around.
'''== Natalie Tenerelli''' ==
* [[Kid Hero]]: The youngest person ever to compete on ''Survivor'', Spencer of ''Tocantins'' notwithstanding. (Both were 19 years old at the time of filming)
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* [[Tall Dark and Bishojo]]
* [[Those Two Guys|Those Two Girls]]: With Ashley.
* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: Attempted the Natalie White - perfected tactic of hiding behind the aggressive strategist and then win because the jury didn't want the one that cut their throats to win. It failed partly because she never made any big moves on her own (while ''Samoa'' Natalie worked the Galu ladies to off Erik), but also because she didn't appear to make the effort to get to acknowledge, let alone befriend, anyone who ''wasn't'' specifically in her alliance. By contrast, an instrumental part in Natalie ''White's'' victory was building bonds with the former Galu.
'''== Ashley Underwood''' ==
* [[Action Girl]]: When she puts her mind to challenges, she really can win them! She's almost like the female Brett in this regards. Speaking of which...
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* [[Worthy Opponent]]: One guess.
'''== Andrea Boehlke''' ==
* [[Action Girl]]
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* [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Woman]]: Between Rob planning out every single move of the game, Ashley and Natalie hanging around camp not doing much, and Phillip just being himself, she generally comes off as this (which ''isn't'' so [[Genre Blind]]).
'''== Mike Chiesl''' ==
* [[Badass]]
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* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Rob stated in the torch walk that he was glad Mike didn't win the challenge because he was legitimately afraid to have had to compete against him and sit against him in the finals. He was also one of the few people in the torchwalk who the final four ''didn't'' deliver a [[Take That]] to.
'''== Matt Elrod''' ==
* [[Badass Long Hair]]
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'''== Grant Mattos''' ==
* [[Badass]]
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* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]
'''== Ralph Kiser''' ==
* [[The Big Guy]]: To the Zapatera alliance.
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* [[The Unintelligible]]: Not ''quite'' on the level of Big Tom, but pretty close.
'''== Steve Wright''' ==
* [[Badass Beard]]
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* [[This Is Gonna Suck]]: Right after Matt's second blindside, he mutters "Let the fireworks begin."
'''== Julie Wolfe''' ==
* [[Foreshadowing]]: When the idea to throw the challenge comes up, Julie is the sole dissenter of the alliance, pointing out that throwing challenges could give the other tribe momentum. Not only does this build up to her being the swing vote at Tribal Council, it also foreshadows Ometepe chain-winning immunities after Zapatera threw the challenge.
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* [[Straw Feminist]]: Gave off vibes of this at the Final Jury.
'''== David Murphy''' ==
* [[Badass Bookworm]]
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* [[Worthy Opponent]]: This guy totally could have won a previous season or gone down with a ''huge'' fight.
'''== Sarita White''' ==
* [[The Load]]
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* [[We Hardly Knew Ye]]: Had less screentime than the other members of her alliance, though this is partly on account of being eliminated pre-merge.
'''== Stephanie Valencia''' ==
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: The moment Russell stepped off the plane she wanted to align with him, thinking she could get him to take her to the end game where she could easily beat him because he's [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk|Russell]] [[Entitled Bastard|Hantz.]] It didn't turn out that way, partly because this time people knew whom he was.
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* [[Wrong Genre Savvy|Wrong Season Savvy]]
'''== Krista Klumpp''' ==
* [[Alliterative Name]]
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* [[Token Good Teammate]]: Easily the nicest member of her alliance with Russell and Stephanie. Chances are if those three were in the finals, she'd have won.
'''== Kristina Kell''' ==
* [[Alliterative Name]]
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'''== Russell Hantz''' ==
* [[Asshole Victim]]
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* [[Zen Survivor]]
'''== Francesca Hogi''' ==
* [[Bald of Awesome]]