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** Now he's back to being a red-head. Appropriate, given his current nom de guerre.
** But wait, post relaunch: black hair, no white stripe, and this is his natural colour again.
* In a rather peculiar example, when the [[Batgirl (Comic Book)|Batgirl]] mantle was [[Batgirl 2011|returned to Barbara Gordon]] [[Batgirl 2009|from Stephanie Brown]] following ''[[Flashpoint (comics)|Flashpoint]]'', Barbara's personality appeared to shift to be closer to [[Lighter and Softer]] Stephanie's, so she was a similar replacement to her replacement's replacement. Incidentally becoming the [[Replacement Scrappy]] to the [[Replacement Scrappy]], yet both of whom have [[Vocal Minority]] fanbases. The Batgirl question is a massive [[Base Breaker]] with a lot of [[Executive Meddling]].
* When [[Grant Morrison]] was writing [[Justice League of America|JLA]], he was unable to use [[Hawkman]] because the character's [[Continuity Snarl]] had become such a problem. Instead, he created the replacement character Zauriel. He even hangs a lampshade on it by having [[Aquaman]] briefly mistake Zauriel for Hawkman in his first appearance.
* A cross between this and [[Psycho Rangers]] happens with [[Norman Osborn]]'s [[Dark Avengers]]; villainous ranged-combat expert Bullseye imitates heroic archer [[Hawkeye]], the new [[Venom (Comic Book)|Venom]] symbiote imitates [[Spider-Man]], [[Wolverine]]'s [[Daken|psychotic son]] takes his place, and so on.
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** On the other hand, they are radically different in terms of personality: while Gamma was a conflicted and ultimately tragic character, Omega is a borderline mechanical psychopath that wants to obliterate his former master (and everything he built) and then ultimately take over. And [[Rule of Cool|he talks like a]] [[Doctor Who|Dalek]].
** ''[[Sonic Battle]]'' has a different Gamma substitute, "Chaos Gamma" -- a mass-produced model based on Gamma without enough intelligence to rebel against its master.
* The [[Updated Rerelease|Maniax Chronicle Edition]] of ''[[Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne]]'' chucks out [[Devil May Cry|Dante]] in exchange for the series' own Raidou Kuzunoha. Consensus says it's an improvement.
** The main reason is that Raidou has the Pierce skill, an absolute necessity if you want to face the [[True Final Boss]] (and honestly, at the point you recruit Raidou/Dante, that's the only thing ''left'' for you to do). Dante was cool, but his lack of Pierce, inability to ''get'' Pierce (because you couldn't fuse him with anything) and permanent consumption of one of your party slots reduced him to [[Awesome but Impractical]].
* The first print versions of ''[[Punch Out]]'' for the NES starred Mike Tyson as its final opponent. Eventually Nintendo's license to use Tyson's likeness in a game expired (and since he was no longer the undefeated world heavyweight champion, renewing the license was less desirable...and would become even less so when Tyson was convicted of rape a year later), so the 1990 reissue substituted Tyson with the fictional Mr. Dream, a white boxer with similar stats.
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** [[Fire Emblem Tellius|Danved is definitely not Devdan.]]
** From one game to the next half the cast will be this for the previous game. There's a set of archetypes that are well known in the fandom such as the two (occasionally three) cavaliers and the [[Crutch Character|Jeigan]].
* In the PSP Game ''[[Jeanne D 'Arc]]'', {{spoiler|Liane is burned at the stake in Jeanne's place, and replaced by Cuisses}}, who is, thankfully, virtually the same. (Because {{spoiler|Liane}} was probably one of your healers)
* The first two partners in ''[[Paper Mario: theThe Thousand -Year Door]]'', Goombella and Koops, are similar at first to the first two in the original ''Paper Mario'', Goombario and Kooper, having the same attacks and abilities- except upgraded. Also, unlike Kooper, Koops actually has a ''personality''. After that though, the partners are all new, although {{spoiler|Admiral Bobbery has the same abilities as Bombette and Vivian's field ability is functionally identical to Bow's}}.
** In ''[[Super Mario Land]]'', Princess Daisy took up the "kidnapped princess" role Peach normally has in other Mario games.
*** Peach herself was sort of a substitute for Pauline, the damsel in ''[[Donkey Kong]]'', except she's one of the few examples to overshadow her predecessor. When they brought back Pauline in the [[Game Boy]] version, they had to dye her hair color to brown to distinguish her.