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== Anime and Manga ==
* Situations where [[Creepy Cool Crosses|crosses]] are meant to denote "gaijin" (not [[Church Militant]], just normal European war forces) in some anime/manga.
== Comic Books ==
* Parodied in ''[[Problem Sleuth]]'' where several stats are shown using very out-of-place Christian imagery, such as monstrances, communion wafers, the Gifts of the Magi, etc.
== Film ==
* Played straight in ''[[The Boondock Saints]]''. Smecker interprets the McManus brothers' habit of placing pennies in the eyes of the dead to be a payment to Charon (Greek ferrymen of the dead across the river Styx), so they can cross over and atone for what they did in life. The payment to Charon was a coin ''under the tongue.'' Placing coins on the eyes simply served as a weight to keep the eyelids from opening on their own post-mortem. Not to mention that two ''very'' Christian Irishmen would probably not participate in a pagan Greek funeral rite.
== Video Games ==
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** Similarly, in the ''The War Chiefs'' expansion of ''[[Age of Empires III]]'', where the Native American civilizations don't build temples—they get a fire pit where the villagers dance in exchange of new units and techs instead—the inevitable lack of pyramids in the Aztecs is solved by having pyramid-shaped barracks.
== Western Animation ==
* Seth MacFarlane is obviously a pretty big fan of [[Rule of Funny]] and generally [[They Just Didn't Care|just doesn't care]], but his use of Jewish symbols is, unsurprisingly, way off the mark. In at least a couple episodes in ''[[Family Guy]]'' he shows Jews wearing prayer shawls at the wrong times (either outside of prayer, or at nighttime services when they are not worn), and ''[[The Cleveland Show]]'' at one point, in a fantasy cutaway, shows Cleveland reciting Kol Nidre, the Aramaic annulment of vows that begins Yom Kippur, by reading it out of a Torah scroll. It is a legal declaration, not a Biblical passage, and is certainly not found in the Torah (it's not even in the same language).
== Several MediaMultimedia ==
* Use of San(to)/Santa ("Saint") followed by any random word to name fictional Spanish-speaking locations.
* The Kremlin in ''a great deal of American source material'' [[Running Gag| actually St. Basil's Cathedral]]. This is probably due to Western journalism superimposing an image of the Cathedral while announcing news relating to Russia during much of the 20th century. Perhaps ironically, ''[[Command & Conquer|Red Alert 2]]'' does feature ''both'', having models for what is a incorrectly-designed Grand Kremlin Palace and the cathedral.
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** [[The Backwards R]] is this trope applied to the Russian alphabet.
** Ancient Greek hoplites in fiction almost invariably carry the capital L on their shields. It was indeed used as such in Ancient times, but only by the Spartans - the L stood for Lakedaimonia, the homeland of the Spartans. Symbology Research Failure ensues when even the Realism mod of [[Total War|Rome: Total War]] has ''Athenians'' carrying this mark. Athenians, or for that matter Thebans, Argives, Megarians and citizens of nearly a thousand other states would not be caught dead carrying their mortal enemy's emblem on their shields...
== Western Animation ==
* Seth MacFarlane is obviously a pretty big fan of [[Rule of Funny]] and generally [[They Just Didn't Care|just doesn't care]], but his use of Jewish symbols is, unsurprisingly, way off the mark. In at least a couple episodes in ''[[Family Guy]]'' he shows Jews wearing prayer shawls at the wrong times (either outside of prayer, or at nighttime services when they are not worn), and ''[[The Cleveland Show]]'' at one point, in a fantasy cutaway, shows Cleveland reciting Kol Nidre, the Aramaic annulment of vows that begins Yom Kippur, by reading it out of a Torah scroll. It is a legal declaration, not a Biblical passage, and is certainly not found in the Torah (it's not even in the same language).
== Real Life ==
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* FIFA though it would be a great idea to release a football bearing the flags of the countries that had classified for the 2002 [[The World Cup|World Cup]]. And it would have, if one of those countries wasn't Saudi Arabia, which has the 'Shahada' or declaration of islamic creed sewn into it, taken straight from the Quran. Add to that that [[Values Dissonance|hitting something with your shoes or feet is a supreme insult in Arab culture]] and you can figure where this is going.
* Some coins made in Britain during the Dark Ages like those of King [[wikipedia:Offa of Mercia|Offa of Mercia]] have Arab inscriptions reading "there is no God but Allah" or claiming to have been struck in Damascus a number of years after the Hegira. It is believed that the engravers responsible copied contemporary Abassid gold dinars and mistook the Arabic writing for mere decoration.
This page... is actually [[w:Saint Basil's Cathedral|St. Basil's Cathedral]].