TV TOME Adventures


Multiple Episode Moments

  • Nylocke's Running Gag of jumping into the air and declaring himself "NYLOCKE! Dragon of [insert whatever caused him to declare this here]!"

Episode 01

  • Rockoon and Doubling.

Doubling: Let's get back to business and find this fucking thing. My paypal's in need'o some cash.
Rockoon: *Song and dance* Yo paypal's empty and you need cash now! Let's find that thingy and- wait, what are we looking for again?

    • Mothascratchers.

Doubling: Mother scratchers? Really?
Rockoon: Ye-Yeah, you wish you thought of it. You mad?
Doubling: No, just...freaking ashamed. That I know you.

  • Alpha and Flamegirl are having a moment and Kirb ruins the whole thing by being blasted onscreen and his hair catches on fire.

Kirb: Who puts a campfire here?! WHO DOES THAT?!

  • After Alpha makes his Deal with the Devil, he walks up to Flamegirl.

Alpha: I'm in the mood.
Flamegirl: Huh? *awkwardly*
Alpha: To wipe out some hackers.
Flamegirl: Oh.


Person in the crowd: SOMETIME TODAY, JACKASS!


Episode 02

  • Sniperwheel unveiling a huge cannon that is at least three times as big as he is, and Kirb's reaction face that follows.

Kirbopher: WHAT IS THAT?!
Sniperwheel: This is my "Head-Cannon". And in my head-canon...YOU DIE!

  • Incidentially, DANCING.
  • Splat's intro.

Splat: Simple, effective, disgusting, what's not to love?
Kirb: I DON'T LIKE YOU! Whoever you are.


Episode 03

  • "Sir Alpha! Thou wishes to become Lady Flamegirl's knight in clothes. DON'T YE?!"
  • Whyti imitating Nylocke's "WHOOSH!".
  • NYLOCKE! DRAGON OF- (Demonking runs into his sword head first and gets knocked out) Uninteinal finishing blows?
  • Granda the Stegosaurus's tantrum directed at Nylocke for beating her 10 times in a row and the reactions from T-Bones, Nylocke and Alpha.

Granda: Role-players are dumb! You're dumb! When I see you tomorrow I'm gonna bite your nails down to the cuticles and SPIT THEM IN YOUR EYES! Then I'll scraggle your greasy haircut and kick you in the face!
T-Bones: Augh, Granda don't go, come back!
Nylocke: I...I am...Nylocke...dumbfounded dragon...?
Alpha: Well, it was the most colorfully spoken temper-tantrum I've ever seen somebody throw.


Episode 04

  • Pick a moment with Rockoon...ANY moment.
  • Nylocke's epic and comedic Curb Stomp Battle at the hands of Granda. Flamegirl, while all of this is happening off-screen, is seen casually trying to solve a puzzle. The exchange with Gamecrazed afterwards is also noteworthy.

Gamecrazed: What happened to you?
Nylocke: I was violated by a dinosaur...In the form of a scruffy little Vietnamese girl.
Gamecrazed: I see.

  • Gamecrazed's "awkwardness meter"