Tales of Bleach: Unreal Society/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Colette and Lloyd {{spoiler|finally doing the deed in}} ''{{spoiler|Blades of Destiny}}''.
** Mithos{{spoiler|' return in}} ''{{spoiler|Blades of Destiny}}'' {{spoiler|and leading the half-elves and elves into battle against the Soul Society}}
** {{spoiler|In the [[Alternate Universe]] in Blades of Destiny, Yuna and Mari are part of the Gotei. Fans of [[Soul Chess (Fanfic)]] will have mixed feelings since they are now antagonists}}.
* [[Ass Pull]]: Some may regard {{spoiler|the world actually existing}} as this.
** To a lesser extent Virginia {{spoiler|being a hero of Tethe'allan folklore}} could be this as well. Then again {{spoiler|[[Fridge Logic|Genis and Raine's magic skill had to come from somewhere]]}}.
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: ''Blades of Destiny'' is mostly like this to some considering the things that happen and the decrease in laughs.
* [[Diabolus Ex Machina]]: Hollow Ichigo {{spoiler|being able to use the abilities of all the Espada Ichigo has ever faced}}.
* [[Dude, Not Funny]]: Out of universe, Ichigo's comment about Kratos killing Kvar is this considering who he really is and why he hates Kvar so much.
* {{spoiler|[[Dying Moment of Awesome]]: Regal using his fists to fight against Mari and Yuna is either this or a heavy case of [[The Worf Barrage]]}}.
* [[Harsher in Hindsight]]: Pronyma abandoning the child she cared for in the woods turns out to be this when it turns out that {{spoiler|it's Kiku}}.
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** Rukia begging the wild rabbit she has to live. There's no buildup to the sentence at all you almost expect Ichigo to make a comment about how it's [[Just a Flesh Wound]].
* [[The Unexpected]]: Shunsui joining the party rather early in ''Unreal Society'' and staying with them throughout the entire journey is this to some considering how little interaction he has with Ichigo and is not one of his regular companions.
* {{spoiler|[[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]}}: Pronyma can be this depending on how you view her given the backstory she has in this fic.