Tales of Monkey Island: Difference between revisions

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== F-J ==
* [[Family-Unfriendly Death]]: Two of them, both at the end of chapterChapter 4.
* [[Fauxshadow]]: Guybrush’s [[Who Would Be Stupid Enough...?]] moment suggests he’ll lose the other wedding ring, but he doesn’t. {{spoiler|True, his soul separates from his body for a while, but does that really count as losing the ring?}}?
** Actually, at the beginning of Chapter 4, {{spoiler|the ring is taken away from him along with La Esponja Grande as he goes on trial, and they will remain in the court's possession until he clears himself of all charges}}. Does that really count as losing the ring too?
* [[Femme Fatale]]: Morgan.
* [[The Ferry Man]]: In Chapter 5, {{spoiler|when Guybrush arrives at the Crossroads Gateway as a [[Ghost Pirate]],}}, he encounters a skeletal Ferryman with a gold tooth who keeps his boat clean and bears a slight resemblance to [[The Curse of Monkey Island|the Lost Welshman]]; except that this Ferryman needs to be paid with "the golden eyes of everlasting sleep", (i.e., two gold coins that are placed on the eyes of the dead), so that he can ferry arriving souls to the Center of the Crossroads (just like in Greek mythology), after which he'll no longer appear once his journey is complete.
* [[Fingore]]: Morgan snaps one of De Singe's fingers in chapterChapter 4, just so that he'll stop bothering her, {{spoiler|and is rather taken aback when the broken finger instantly heals itself}}.
* [[A Fool for a Client]]: Guybrush does this in the fourth chapter, all requisite gags included.
* [[Foreign Cuss Word]]: "Sacre merde!", as spoken by the Marquis De Singe.
* [[Foreign Queasine]]: Discussed in Chapter 3: when Guybrush looks at the manatee's uvula, he says, "Mmm... manatee uvula,", then pauses a bit before adding, "Eh, it's a delicacy in some cultures."
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Starting when Elaine sternly asks where Guybrush’sGuybrush's wedding ring is, there is plenty of evidence that she will eventually get the wrong idea about him and Morgan.
* [[Formally-Named Pet]]: Hemlock McGee has a cat named Miss Prettywhiskers.
* [[For Science!]]: The Marquis De Singe will exclaim this when asked about a Vole-Powered Generator in his lab.
* [[Four Is Death]]: This may be a coincidence or unintentional, but Chapter 4 seems to be ''the very embodiment of death itself'', {{spoiler|especially when its eerie-sounding title, "The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood", [[Foreshadowing|foreshadows]] its premonition that Guybrush will die, with a bit of [[Fridge Brilliance]].}}. And it's a little eerie when the scene on Flotsam is night-themed, indicating that night is very deathly. And out of the five charges {{spoiler|that Guybrush faces and manages to clear}}, only four are civil ones that carry the death penalty, as indicated in the court briefs.
** {{spoiler|1=Also in Chapter 4, death happens not just to Guybrush, but to four of the characters that he has met on or near Flotsam Island. In Chapter 1, he is first met by Davey Nipperkin before encountering the [[Chekhov's Boomerang|Pyrite Parrot of Petaluma]] and the Marquis De Singe, and at the end of the chapter, the fourth character he encounters in person (though unidentified until Chapter 2) is Morgan LeFlay, who is also the first supporting character to die in Chapter 4. He would either witness or hear of three more deaths (Nipperkin, the Pyrite Parrot, De Singe) before he himself would be slain at the end of said chapter. Oh, and the four wind idols that he has rearranged in Chapter 1 are very helpful once again in destroying De Singe in the Wind Control Device, powering up [[MacGuffin|La Esponja Grande]] and curing the [[Hate Plague|Pox of LeChuck]] in Chapter 4, while they also indicate that something bad (and fatal) may happen.}}.
** What sets up the death-themed Chapter 4 is this: {{spoiler|out of the five characters in the body count in this chapter, only four of them are human (Morgan, Nipperkin, De Singe, Guybrush); and out of the same five characters, we only get to see four of them get killed on-screen (only Nipperkin's death is off-screen). And to add to the finishing touches, ''Guybrush himself is the fourth and last human character to die on-screen at the end of this chapter!''}}! So this trope itself wasn't kidding: Fourfour ''IS'' death all around in Chapter 4!
** Oh, and there's one more bit to add to this trope: in Chapter 5, [[Tarot Troubles|guess what the fourth tarot card is labeled in the intro?]] {{spoiler|That's right, it's "DEATH"!}}! A bit eerie, wouldn't you say?
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: Morgan LeFlay. Not only does she like monkeys, but she also loves cute [[Pirate Parrot|parrots]], especially one that is made of pyrite, which she says she'll keep as a souvenir once she's done with Guybrush.
** It is revealed in Chapter 3 that Santino even loves bugs, as discussed by Moose.
* [[Funny Background Event]]: During the Brotherhood chase in Chapter 3, while Guybrush is asking Morgan for help, you can see Noogie suddenly stop while raising his wooden sword in the air before collapsing, and Guybrush running and passing through him before he gets up and rejoins the chase. So funny.
** Near the end of Chapter 4, though not a funny background event, {{spoiler|1=while LeChuck shouts and laughs in glee, "LECHUCK! Arr, this name-shouting is jolly good fun!", you can see the wounded Guybrush sitting against the encased wind idol in pain in the background before Elaine runs up to him, kneels down, and desperately tries reviving him by holding him close to her. So touching.}}.
* [[Gender Blender Name]]: Morgan LeFlay. Even with the [[Shout-Out|Arthurian]] pun, Guybrush apparently did not expect a woman.
* [[Genius Ditz]]: Guybrush has a knack for solving puzzles, if nothing else.
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* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: "Would you mind releasing my wife? She gets a little cranky when she's tied up for more than an hour or so."
** Morgan: [[Talking in Your Sleep|Gomez... not on the carpet!]]
** When Elaine is begging Guybrush to join forces with human LeChuck, one of her lines is "[[If You Know What I Mean|I'll make it worth your while...]]"
** [[Double Entendre]]: Oh yeah, this game has got many of them: from Guybrush's aforementioned asking LeChuck to release Elaine to trying to show stolen items to someone ("I generally don't rub my booty in the faces of those I've stolen it from.") to looking at the cans in a shack on Roe Island ("Nice cans. I mean... nice CANS!") to repeatedly attempting to steal an empty treasure chest (Trenchfoot: "You just keep your hands off my chest." Guybrush: "Not a problem. In fact, I can guarantee I won't be touching a single part of your body!") to Guybrush recalling his previous events in the Flotsam Jungle {{spoiler|with the Feast for the Senses menu}} ("No more [[The Talk|listening to bees and birds and boars]] for THIS Mighty Pirate™!") to {{spoiler|1=LeChuck attempting to have La Esponja Grande and Elaine all to himself after killing Guybrush}} ("But I be willin' to share my booty, [[If You Know What I Mean|if ye catch me drift]]...") to Guybrush looking at the seaweed {{spoiler|containing the locket as a ghost}} ("The motion of my ocean isn't enough to jostle this seaweed.") to {{spoiler|1=LeChuck's response to Elaine telling Guybrush what to do with the cannon on LeChuck's ship}} ("You can light my cannon later!"). That's probably a LOT of double entendres!
* [[Ghost Pirate]]: {{spoiler|1=Guybrush himself becomes one after being slain by LeChuck, but later finds a way to repossess his own body, and he's returned to normal at the end of the final chapter.}}.
* [[Glamour]]/[[Instant Allegiance Artifact]]: {{spoiler|1=LeChuck's belt buckle is a sort of a mix between the two when he wears it while he is human, acting like a [[Harmless Villain]] and making people believe that LeChuck has made a [[Heel Face Turn]]. However, in Chapter 2, Guybrush acts suspicious about LeChuck, as does Elaine, and they both take turns keeping an eye on the villain's motives which they believe may be suspicious rather than helping him. Unfortunately, in Chapters 3 and 4, Elaine succumbs to the [[Hate Plague|Pox of LeChuck]], making her unable to concentrate on his motives;, and by the time that LeChuck becomes a [[Big Damn Heroes]] in saving Guybrush and winning him over to the villain's side, Guybrush's mind becomes too clouded to concentrate on LeChuck's villainous deeds, which ultimately leads to his [[In the Back|fatal]] [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|downfall]] by the time he [[Stupid Sacrifice|cures everyone of the voodoo Pox]] at the end of Chapter 4.}}.
* [[Grand Theft Me]]: The Voodoo Lady's locket is the cause of this one in Chapter 3. When played around with the button on the locket, pressing it can cause some possession effects with [[Voices Are Mental|voice changes]], like the Voodoo Lady's possessions of De Cava and Guybrush, and [[Gender Bender|Guybrush's possession of the Voodoo Lady]].
** Gets a whole new meaning when {{spoiler|Guybrush voluntarily gets arrested for kidnapping his own body}}.
* [[Gravity Screw]]: In Chapter 4, one of the buttons on De Singe's Auto-Trepanation Helmet turns the whole room in the lab upside down along with Guybrush for a few seconds.
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: Elaine when she assumes the worst about Guybrush and Morgan.
* [[Guile Hero]]: {{spoiler|Elaine. She laid down an intricate master plan, used her charm back in chapterChapter 2 to make sure Guybrush would play his part in said plan, and repeatedly engaged in swordplay and (in one case) naval warfare to help move things along.}}.
* [[Hanging Judge]]: The Right Honorable Judge Wallace P. Grindstump once he catches the Pox. Still, apart from his uncontrollable shouting, he's fairly reasonable for being a bloodthirsty voodoo-pox-stricken pirate judge presiding over a court filled with an equally bloodthristy, pox-stricken audience of pirates. He is also very friendly and relaxed at his second job as the owner of clubClub 41.
* [[Healing Factor]]: The Marquis De Singe, eventually.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: LeChuck. Unfortunately, the [[Applied Phlebotinum|Phlebotinum]] discharge that accompanies it is causing everyone else in the Caribbean to undergo a gradual [[Face Heel Turn]]!
* [[Hell on Earth]]/[[Villain World]]: {{spoiler|1=More like "Hell on the Caribbean" in Chapter 5, since LeChuck has regained his voodoo powers after killing Guybrush (see [[Hero-Killer]] below) and has captured Elaine. And since Guybrush isn't around to stop him, the villain not only pillages and plunders the islands in the Gulf of Melange, but he also destroys Spinner Cay, damages Flotsam (where Guybrush has fallen, though his decaying body survives intact in Club 41), slaughters many people and some Vaycaylians (and a few animal species), and sets fire to many islands, creating his own villain world that is right between [[Apocalypse How|Class 0 and Class 1]]. ([[It Got Worse|It gets a bit worse]] when [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|the Crossroads are opened]], and he becomes a [[A God Am I|Demon Pirate God]].) Thankfully, [[No Ontological Inertia|the entire Gulf of Melange starts getting better]] once Guybrush comes [[Back from the Dead]] and destroys him once and for all.}}.
* [[Here We Go Again]]: In Chapter 2, this is lampshaded by the MerLeader when McGillicutty [[Poke the Poodle|repeatedly attempts to drown him/her as "torture"]]:
{{quote|'''Chieftain Beluga:''' Guybrush, sink his ship!
'''McGillicutty:''' I'll deal with you later, [[My Name Is Not Durwood|Stinkwood]]! I think old fin-face here wants another dip in the drink! [[Evil Laugh|HA ha ha ha harr!]]
'''Chieftain Beluga:''' Here we go again. ''[s/he is lowered into the water]'' }}
* [[Hero-Killer]]: {{spoiler|1=LeChuck. After being turned human, he proceeds to fatally stab Morgan LeFlay with her own blade in Chapter 4 and then save Guybrush's life from the gallows... only to brutally murder him with the Cutlass of Kaflu not long after.}}.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Guybrush suffers a brief one in the fifth episodechapter when {{spoiler|it appears as if his wife has abandoned him for his arch-nemesis.}}.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: An unusually low-key example happens in the final episodechapter when {{spoiler|1=Morgan LeFlay sacrifices her remaining thread of life to allow Guybrush to open the portal to the world of the living. She claims that what she's actually sacrificing is her reputation as a pirate hunter, but it's obvious from the look on her face as she walks away that she knows she's just given up any hope of being fully restored to life}}.
* [[Hidden Eyes]]: Moose in Chapter 3. His eyes are hidden behind his hair, which is why you never see them.
* [[Hijacked by Ganon|Hijacked by LeChuck]]
Line 245:
*** "Just my two <ref> cents,</ref> sir."
** In Chapter 3:
*** "Now let's get down to brass <ref> tacks.</ref>."
*** "United we stand! <ref> Divided we fall.</ref>"
*** "Feel free to stay, but please, don't rock the <ref> boat.</ref>"
*** "I've always lived by the rule: do unto <ref> others</ref> as you would have <ref> them do unto you.</ref>."
*** "<ref> Heavens</ref> to Betsy, could it be?"
Line 263:
*** "<ref> Badges? We</ref> [[Blazing Saddles|don't need no stinkin']] <ref> badges!</ref>"
*** "That's why I always sail defensively, and carry State <ref> Farm</ref> insurance."
*** Hardtack and D'Oro have an auction called <ref> [[EBay]].</ref>.
*** "<ref> Pin</ref> the <ref> Tail</ref> on the <ref> Donkey!</ref>"
*** "...he seemed to think I could make a pretty <ref> penny</ref> off of your untimely execution..."
*** "Do you swear on <ref> [[The Bible]]</ref> to tell the <ref> truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?</ref>"
*** "Time is <ref> money,</ref> Captain."
*** "[[Black Eyed Peas|Whatcha gonna do with all that]] <ref> junk?</ref> ... [[Black Eyed Peas|All that]] <ref> junk</ref> [[Black Eyed Peas|inside your]] <ref> trunk</ref>--"
*** "I've had it up to <ref> here</ref> with all this landlubbing lollygaggin'!"
*** "You sent me on a wild <ref> goose</ref> chase for La Esponja Grande..."
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* [[Hook Hand]]: Guybrush's newly acquired one is the most useful tool in the game.
* [[Hot Chick with a Sword|Hot Chicks With Swords]]: Morgan LeFlay and Elaine.
* [[I Ate What?|I Drank What?]]: Downplayed a bit: Inin Chapter 3, Moose drinks the manatee ichor (kind of a bloodlike fluid or discharge) and, surprisingly, it doesn't sicken Moose at all ([[Squick|though Guybrush and Morgan do seem kind of grossed out by it]]). He even tells Guybrush that the orange ichor (which has "a bubbly effervescence with a tangy palette") has been pure and unfiltered since he got hooked on it when he and the other crew members of De Cava landed in the [[Womb Level|belly of the manatee]]. Moose adds that the other ichor, the yellow bile, is acidic and hazardous to the digestive system when drunk. Since De Cava only likes the orange ichor, Guybrush can trick him into drinking the yellow bile served on a mug for one of the key expressions in a Pirate Face-Off.
* [[I Call It Vera|I Call It Jumbo Jimbo]]: Moose had his own name for the Tongue of the Manatee.
* [[I Can Explain]]: Repeated in Chapter 3, once when the Brotherhood gets angry at Guybrush for betrayal, and once when he talks to De Cava during the ship battle {{spoiler|for La Esponja Grande}}.
Line 289:
{{quote|'''Guybrush:''' If you did anything to hurt Elaine while I was gone, I swear I'll--
'''LeChuck:''' The only thing I did to Elaine was to pull her from the freezing water along with a bunch of wet, screaming monkeys!
'''Guybrush:''' ''[smiles]'' Actually, that kinda sounds like our honeymoon! }}
* [[I Have You Now, My Pretty]]: Averted when {{spoiler|a weakened De Singe chases and corners Guybrush's Poxed hand at the Vaycaylian Wind Control Device and says, "Aha! I have you now, my pretty!" before the hand pushes him into the device with a [[Stock Scream|Wilhelm Scream]] in Chapter 4.}}.
* [[I Love the Smell of X In the Morning]]: From the Treasure Hunt in Chapter 1:
{{quote|'''Guybrush:''' I love the smell of treasure in the morning!}}
* [[I Meant to Do That]]: Guybrush says this in Chapter 1 after he has caught the Desingeograph of his Poxed hand with his feet and flips it onto the picture bucket near the Illuminopictoscreen. Even though he says that as if he were doing it by accident, it is all a part to escape from the operating table in De Singe's laboratory.
* [[Immortal Life Is Cheap]]/[[Immortality Hurts]]: {{spoiler|1=Near the end of Chapter 5, LeChuck gives zombie Guybrush [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|a terrible beating and maiming]] that [[Normally I Would Be Dead Now|would have killed an ordinary human being]], often [[Evil Gloating|gloating about many ways to kill our hero]] and [[Trash Talk|trash-talking him]], yet unaware that Guybrush can't die, thanks to the effects of the Spirit Gum inside him. And while Guybrush is continuously beaten, he feels so exhausted and in so much pain that he can't even ''quip'', indicating that immortality ''does'' indeed hurt. He eventually finds a way to get back to the rip in the Crossroads and destroy LeChuck with help from Elaine and Morgan in the end, just to end our hero's [[Fate Worse Than Death|continual suffering]].}}.
* [[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice]]: Guybrush does this to LeChuck in a botched attempt to destroy him. {{spoiler|1=LeChuck later does it to both Morgan and Guybrush.}}.
* [[Impossible Hourglass Figure]]: Morgan.
* [[Impossible Thief]]: The thief in The Crossroads in chapterChapter 5. ''And with no hands.''.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: {{spoiler|In Chapter 5, W.P. Grindstump can even throw '''''a freaking cash register''''' at Guybrush to crush him if he revives as a zombie (that is, unless he surrenders)!}}!
* [[Incredible Shrinking Man|Incredible Shrinking Pirate]]: In Chapter 4, Guybrush uses one of the buttons on De Singe's Auto-Trepanation Helmet and gets shrunk a bit smaller than the size of a lab vole for a bit before growing back to normal size.
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Given the series, these are unavoidable, but of note is Guybrush's "[[Dora the Explorer|D'Oro the Explorer]]" in Chapter One1. His left hand actually slaps him for it.
** Amazingly, he manages to top himself in the very next episode,chapter ''The Siege of Spinner Cay'', after receiving a book of 101 Fish Jokes from the Vaycaylian Tetra (many of which also qualify):
{{quote|'''Guybrush:''' I hope it doesn't keep me in '''stitches''' or I might need a ... '''Sturgeon'''!
'''Tetra:''' I hate you now. }}
* [[Informal Eulogy]]: {{spoiler|1=At the very end of Chapter 4, when Guybrush dies from his mortal wounds, and Elaine becomes enraged and points her sword at LeChuck:}}:
{{quote|{{spoiler|1='''LeChuck:''' Out of respect for the newly-deceased, I feel I should point out that you wave your sword like a dairy farmer.}}.
{{spoiler|'''Elaine:''' How appropriate... [[You Fight Like a Cow|you fight like a Pox-infected undead cow.]]''*sword clash*''}} }}
* [[Inherently Funny Words]]: Apparently, someone on the Telltale staff likes the word "manatee".
* [[Inhuman Human]]: {{spoiler|Guybrush [[Came Back Wrong|comes back as a zombie]] in Chapter 5, albeit with a few cases of [[I'm Having Soul Pains|Soul Pains]] and [[Resurrection Sickness]].}}.
* [[In Medias Res]]: The first episodechapter opens with Guybrush confronting LeChuck at the end of an alleged epic adventure. See also [[Noodle Incident]] below.
* [[Intangible Man]]: {{spoiler|Subverted at first in Chapter 5, when Guybrush can still touch and pick up the items as a [[Ghost Pirate]] in the Crossroads of the afterlife;, but when he returns to the living world, it becomes [[Double Subverted]] when he tries touching the Cursed Cutlass of Kaflu, only to find that he can't touch it (or any other item) or even pick it up while in the living world (he needs to get back in his own body in order to do that).}}.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]/[[Mermaid Problem]]: The scene in Chapter 2 when the MerLeader plants a kiss on Guybrush {{spoiler|after the rescue}} is kind of... [[Squick|Squicky]], and Guybrush responds nervously with "How about a reward instead?".
** And in Chapter 5, Guybrush discovers that Winslow and Anemone (a merperson) are in a relationship, and wonders aloud "how that works... logistically.".
* [[In the Back]]: {{spoiler|1=Inverted near the end of Chapter 4: Notnot only does LeChuck (figuratively) stab Guybrush in the back in a clever ambush attack, but he (''literally'') stabs Guybrush ''in the chest... with the Cursed Cutlass of Kaflu that is powerful enough to kill him,'' if not instantly!}}!
* [[Ironic Echo]]: "Unholy THIS!"
* [[It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY"]]: Throughout the entire game, the Marquis De Singe (and Joaquin D'Oro) pronounces his own name as "''deh SANJ''" (with the short "a" sound in "apple"), and the Voodoo Lady and Hemlock McGee pronounce the name as "''day SAHNJ''" (with the "a" pronunciation in "father"). Guybrush and Morgan LeFlay, on the other hand, pronounce De Singe's name poorly, coming out only as "''deh SIHNJ''", like the word "''SIHN-jee''" without the "ee", or like the English word "singe". It's possible this may have been them pulling a [[My Name Is Not Durwood]] with him, though. The correct pronunciation, incidentally, is how he says it himself, and it means "of Monkey" (not "of the Monkey", that would be "du Singe") in French.
** ''Tales'' also has every single character pronounce "La Esponja Grande" with "esponja" pronounced with a J sound (es-pon-JA). Not until the ''very end of the final episodechapter'' does Elaine FINALLY say "Actually, it's pronounced 'es-pon-HA' with an 'H' sound at the end?".
** And of those who pronounce the word "Caribbean" as "''CA-ri-BEE-an''", only Morgan pronounces it as "''cuh-RIH-bee-an''".
** Also, ''Rise of the Pirate God'' lampshades the pronunciation of Guybrush's name as a [[My Name Is Not Durwood|way of showing disrespect for him]].
{{quote|'''Galeb:''' Don't worry, Carniferouswood--
'''Guybrush:''' Oh, come on, that doesn't even sound like "Threepwood." .}}
* [[It's a Long Story]]: Near the end of Chapter 4, Guybrush says this to Elaine {{spoiler|1=after curing her and everyone else of the Pox of LeChuck, and she doesn't remember how she got here or why her mouth tastes like coleslaw. He also says that he'll explain once they figure how to get out of the clamshell traps. LeChuck's arrival unfortunately turns it into "[[Your Princess Is in Another Castle]]!"}}!
* [[It's the Only Way]]: {{spoiler|1=Spoken by Zombie Guybrush to a surprised Morgan near the end of Chapter 5, when he takes out [[Chekhov's Gun|his last shred of life]] and tosses it into the rip to close up the Crossroads, trapping the Pirate God LeChuck and allowing her and Elaine to use the [[Coup De Grace]] on him simultaneously.}}.
** Before that, De Cava says this in Chapter 3 when he says he's weaving the husks of Manatee Throat Grubs for an artificial cochlea, {{spoiler|unaware that the actual cochlea had been stolen by his own crew during the time they were in the manatee}}.
* [[It's What I Do]]: Guybrush says this to Morgan in Chapter 3 when she doesn't believe that he can talk to De Cava's crew for {{spoiler|the manatee cochlea}}, and she just wants to attack them for it.
* [[It Was a Dark and Stormy Night]]: Though not narrated by voice or words, the game's opening ''does'' take place on a dark and stormy night in the Rock of Gelato.
* [[I Will Show You X]]: There are a few examples of this {{spoiler|when Elaine is poxed and fighting De Singe}} near the end of Chapter 4: "I've got yer juicy strain right here, bucko!" "I'll give you some piddlin' firkins!" "I'll show you who's done for!" and "I'll spread you to the four corners!!"
* [[I Wished You Were Dead]]: {{spoiler|1=Sort of: At the end of Chapter 4, as Elaine is sharing her [[Last Kiss]] with the fatally wounded Guybrush, LeChuck taunts him by saying, "Aren't you dead yet? I've got wedding plans to make!" As if on cue, Guybrush [[Died in Your Arms Tonight|dies in her arms]] and leaves her heartbroken and angry. Cue the [[Informal Eulogy]].}}.
** {{spoiler|1=Somewhat subverted in Chapter 5, when Guybrush (as a zombie) confronts LeChuck, who tells him, "I do wish you hadn't made such a pest of yourself. [[I Want Them Alive|I wanted you alive]] to see me marry Elaine!"}}
* [[J'accuse!]]: Spoken by Guybrush {{spoiler|while showing Jacques the Monkey to the court during Hemlock's case}} in Chapter 4.