Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World/Characters: Difference between revisions

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An introverted, timid young boy from Palmacosta. During the Blood Purge, he came across the bodies of his parents and was severely traumatised. Afterwards, he was forced to move in with his abusive uncle in Luin, where he is universally despised for his weak personality and for accusing town hero Lloyd of being the instigator of the Blood Purge and the murderer of his parents. He wants to avenge his parents, but due to his timid personality finds himself paralysed with doubt and fear.
At the beginning of the game, Emil signs a magical contract with Tenebrae to become a Knight of Ratatosk and protect Marta. From that moment on, whenever he enters battle he taps into a second, [[Badass]], [[Super -Powered Evil Side|superpowered]] [[Anti -Hero]] [[Super -Powered Evil Side|personality]]. With this newfound power, he joins Marta on her quest to retrieve the Centurion Cores and awaken Ratatosk so that he can finally track down Lloyd.
{{spoiler|Later, it is revealed that his [[Super -Powered Evil Side]] ''is'' the dormant Ratatosk, and that "Emil" is a [[Blank Slate]] personality created when Ratatosk was forced to awaken before he could fully recover from fatal injuries suffered at the hands of Richter. After Emil discovers that he- as Ratatosk- killed Richter's best friend in cold blood (thus triggering the events of the plot and all the disasters that followed), he becomes [[The Atoner]] while struggling to reconcile his new and old selves}}.
Emil provides examples of the following tropes:
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* {{spoiler|[[Amnesiac God]]: Played with in that neither he nor the player knows he has amnesia until [[The Reveal]]}}.
* [[Apologises a Lot]]
* [[Apologetic Attacker]]: After he {{spoiler|seals his [[Super -Powered Evil Side]]}}.
* [[The Atoner]]: {{spoiler|When he finds out that he killed Aster}}. He doesn't let anything on to the party, though.
* [[Bishonen]]
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* [[Idiot Hair]]
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]
* [[Large Ham]]: His [[Super -Powered Evil Side]]
* [[Lethal Chef]]: Subverted. Both normal and Ratatosk Emil have great cooking skills, but while the former takes great care on presentation- doing things like cutting food into the shape of flowers- the latter's meals don't look remotely edible. Both taste just as good.
* {{spoiler|[[Light Is Not Good]]: Ain Soph Aur, Ratatosk's signature move}}
* {{spoiler|[[Memory Gambit]]}}
* [[Non -Action Guy]]: Lets Ratatosk Mode do all the fighting for him {{spoiler|until the second half of Chapter 8}}.
* [[Red Eyes Take Warning]]
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: He has this dynamic with ''himself''. Emil's the Sensitive Guy to Ratatosk Mode's Manly Man.
* [[Shrinking Violet]]
* [[Sliding Scale of Anti -Heroes]]: Type 1, except during Ratatosk Mode, where he becomes type 3/4.
* {{spoiler|[[Split Personality Merge]]: At the end of the game. However, later retconned as Ratatosk basically makes him and Emil two separate people in the good ending.}}
* [[Super -Powered Evil Side]]: To be truthful, it's more of an {{spoiler|"Underpowered Good Side"}}
* [[Tsundere]]: His Ratatosk form shows some shades of type A, especially toward Marta.
* {{spoiler|[[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: Healing the Tree is one thing. Eradicating humanity so that they can't hurt it again... is another.}}
* [[You Killed My Father|You Killed My Parents]]
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* [[Detached Sleeves]]
* [[Doomed Hometown]]: Palmacosta.
* [[Faux Action Girl]]: A very, ''very'' mild one, actually. She is ''never'' a [[Damsel in Distress]], and she's a competent fighter; she just doesn't get that many good cutscenes. Honestly, it was probably the only way to make Emil [[Non -Action Guy|seem like less of a wuss]].
* [[Flower in Her Hair]]
* [[Girlish Pigtails]]
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* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Attacks by spinning in circles, with disks attached to her wrists.
* [[Lethal Chef]]: Mainly because she never bothered to taste her cooking, and her father said that [[Blatant Lies|it was delicious]]. In a subversion from the norm, once she realises how bad she is she vows to get better and eventually becomes a decent cook.
* {{spoiler|[[Mad ScientistsScientist's Beautiful Daughter]]}}
* [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]: [[Playing With a Trope|Played with]] if not outright [[Deconstructed Trope|deconstructed]].
* [[The Medic]]
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Richter provides examples of the following tropes:
* [[Anti -Villain]]: If he had a different opinion of what Ratatosk is, he'd be a party member.
* [[Badass]]
* [[Badass Long Hair]]: That he frequently flips.
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* {{spoiler|[[Broken Pedestal]]}}
* [[The Comically Serious]]: He ''laughs'' at one of Emil's jokes. And then wonders why everyone is so shocked. And every time he tries to make a joke it falls flat, because no-one can work out if he's actually joking.
* [[Cool Sword]] [[Dual -Wielding|and]] [[Sinister Scythe]] (or) [[An Axe to Grind]]
* [[Evil Genius]]: Vanguard.
* [[Evil Mentor|Sort-Of-Bad-But-Not-Really Mentor]]
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* [[Guest Star Party Member]]
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: His [[Xanatos Roulette]] was supposed to end this way so that Aster could be revived without letting the demons of Niflheim into the world}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Half -Human Hybrid]]}}
* [[Ho Yay]]: With Emil {{spoiler|and Aster, which is probably the reason for the former.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Infernal Retaliation]] / [[Playing With Fire]]: His final boss/Lord of Flames form. It's also a [[Shout Out]] to Abyssion, ''Symphonia'''s [[Bonus Boss]] and the last person who tried to tap into the power of Niflheim}}.
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* {{spoiler|[[Noble Demon]]:}} Much of his criticism of the people around him is followed by an apology for his rudeness. Also, despite {{spoiler|helping to set up The Vanguard's combat unit, he's not as bad a guy as its current members}}.
* [[Ubermensch]]: He even references [[Friedrich Nietzsche|Nietzsche]] in the name of his trademark Mystic Arte ''[[Eternal Recurrence]]''. {{spoiler|Turns out he wasn't like this at all...}}
* {{spoiler|[[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]}}
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The Centurion of Water, she is Richter's constant partner and ally. She is utterly infatuated with Richter and has actually renounced her loyalty to Ratatosk in favour of following Richter everywhere he goes. As the Centurion of Water, she can make pacts with Water-elemental monsters, using them to fight in her place. She tends to be highly emotional, and shares a love-hate relationship with Tenebrae.
* [[Anti -Villain]]: She's actually quite nice and sociable to Emil. She's just devoted to Richter. {{spoiler|And she has good reason for abandoning Ratatosk}}.
* [[Bodyguard Crush]]
* [[The Dragon]]: To Richter.
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* [[Dishing Out Dirt]]
* [[Large Ham]]
* {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father]]}}
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Despair Event Horizon]]: When Decus takes Emil's sword for her, she finally can't take it anymore and admits she loves him back, and then goes into a rage to avenge him.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Dying Declaration of Love]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Half -Human Hybrid]]: She's a half-elf.}}
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Love Is a Weakness]]: She refuses to fall in love because she feels that caring about another will make her weaker. {{spoiler|She gets proven right when her love for Decus gets her killed.}}
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* [[Older Than They Look]]: She's at least 18.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: In her sidequest.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: She gives one to Marta.
* {{spoiler|[[Unstoppable Rage]]: She goes apeshit after Decus died in her arms confessing his love to her [[Anguished Declaration of Love|and realized she loved him too]], and picks Decus' [[BFS]] to trying exacting revenge. It doesn't last long as she's quickly killed off.}}
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: {{spoiler|When Decus dies.}}