Talk:Outgrowing the Box

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Previous page history was archived for backup purposes at Trope Workshop talk:Outgrowing the Box/LQT Archive 1 on 2016-05-31.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

...although I'd like to see a few more examples.

First impression of the title

NotaBene (talkcontribs)

I first thought that this trope would be about that thing where animals that are born small (pythons, turtles, Great Cats, etc.) outgrow their enclosures and start to cost more and more. Played for laughs when it's a kid trying to keep it a secret, or for sadness if the animal has to be given away, or for horror if the "pet" starts thinking that its owners would make a great meal.

Adamantium9001 (talkcontribs)
NotaBene (talkcontribs)

Maybe "Expanding the Scope"?

Adamantium9001 (talkcontribs)

Eh, too literal, not interesting enough.

NotaBene (talkcontribs)

I'll take clarity over poetry any day.  :)

Anyway, more suggestions: "Jumping the Fence", "Leaving the Box", "Leaving the Nest" (might be too easily confused for something involving the growing-up of a character), "Seeing a Wider World" (not wild about four-word titles).

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