Teen Genius: Difference between revisions

Galactica 1980 link
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(Galactica 1980 link)
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{{quote|''"Mr. Speaker, Members of the House, I shall be brief, as I have rather unfortunately become Prime Minister right in the middle of my exams."''|'''Pitt the Younger''', ''[[Blackadder]] the Third'' <ref>This is only a ''slight'' exaggeration -- the actual William Pitt the Younger became Prime Minister at the ripe old age of 24.</ref>}}
|'''Pitt the Younger''', ''[[Blackadder]] the Third'' <ref>This is only a ''slight'' exaggeration -- the actual William Pitt the Younger became Prime Minister at the ripe old age of 24.</ref>}}
[[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|As the title suggests]], the '''Teen Genius''' is just that: a genius who happens to be a teenager. This character is responsible for coming up with the magical answer to any given episode's problem, while at the same time being generally angsty and teen-like. May be exposed to discrimination by those that don't know him, because he's [[Just a Kid]].
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== Anime and Manga ==
* Theresa "Tessa" Testarossa, Sagara Sōsuke, and Kaname Chidori from ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]''.
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* Lucas Wolenczak from ''[[SeaQuest DSV]]''. A rather successful example of the trope; where the character and the actor became a [[Teen Idol|hit]], from an otherwise flop show.
* Wesley Crusher from ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'', an example of what can [[Creator's Pet|go wrong]] with this trope.
* Doctor Zee from ''[[Battlestar Galactica Classic|Galactica 1980]]'' was not only a Teen Genius, he was weird and fey enough to qualify as an [[Oracular Urchin]].
* Adric from ''[[Doctor Who]]''. And Luke Rattigan from the latest series.
* Luke Smith from ''[[The Sarah Jane Adventures]]'' appears to be this, subverted in that he was [[Artificial Human|created with a body]] [[Younger Than They Look|on the onset of puberty]].