Teen Titans (animation)/Characters: Difference between revisions

(8 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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Robin is, at heart, a fairly normal teenager, enjoying hanging out and chilling as much as his comrades do. However, he's Batman's ex-sidekick, and this means he shares his mentor's fixation on discipline and hard work, which can put him at odds with his more relaxed teammates. He's also got issues of his own, namely a tendency to fixate on problems to such an extent that he stops paying attention to anything but "the mission", which has damaged his friendships on more than one occasion. Despite this, he is loyal to his team and takes threats against them seriously indeed.
[[Shrug of God|The creators are ambivalent]] about which Robin precisely he's supposed to be, with [[Word of God]] being that he's more supposed to represent "[[Composite Character|Robin in general]]" than a specific member of the Batclan. That said, the show has enough [[Mythology Gag|Mythology Gags]]s that many assume him to be Dick Grayson, the First Robin. {{spoiler|This was eventually confirmed in an issue of the ''[[Teen Titans Go!|Teen Titans Go]]!'' comic, where Batman narrates Robin's past.}}
Powers and Abilities: [[Badass Normal]] with a variety of weapons and devices.
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** [[Spiky Hair]]
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Normal]]: It’s a contrast to Starfire’s fighting style.
* [[Bad Future]] [[Future Badass|Badass]]: As [[Nightwing]] in "How Long is Forever?"
* [[Battle Couple]]: With Starfire.
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* [[The Leader]]
* [[Love At First Punch]]: When he and Starfire first met, she beat him up and ''then'' kissed him.
* [[Opposites Attract]]: While he and Starfire are a lot alike, he is a human and Starfire is an alien.
* [[Not Himself]]: When he has visions of Slade and starts acting like a psycho.
* [[Not So Different]]: Both Starfire and himself are deeply compassionate individuals. And they both fight with their fists.
* {{spoiler|[[Reverse Mole]]: In the season one finale, after Slade [[Face Heel Turn|recruits him as his apprentice]] [[Sadistic Choice|in exchange for his friends' lives.]]}}
* [[Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl]]: Savvy Guy to Starfire's Energetic Girl.
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* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Alien Lunch]]: Has some weird tastes in Earth food -- admittedlyfood—admittedly, some of it is because she's not a native and so doesn't truly know what humans eat, but she's also got some very strange eating habits (like considering mustard a drink). Her friends treat her as something of a [[Lethal Chef]] whenever she tries to cook a Tamaranian meal for them.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: It is the ''[[Teen Titans Go!|Teen Titans Go]]!'' comics that reveal why she was a Gordanian prisoner and the existence of her younger brother.
* [[Apologetic Attacker]]
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* [[Dangerously-Short Skirt]]: A miniskirt, specifically, but trying to get a peek ''will'' result in a [[Curb Stomp Battle]].
* [[Dark-Skinned Redhead]]
* [[Ditzy Genius]]: She may be naive, but she’s also pretty smart. She can even curb stomp Cyborg (who’s pretty smart herself), just as Cyborg can curb stomp Beast Boy. Though ironically enough, she would probably lose to Beast Boy due to his unpredictability.
* [[Does Not Know Her Own Strength]]: On occasion, as seen whenever she hugs someone too hard.
* [[Eloquent in My Native Tongue]]
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* [[Funny Foreigner]]
* [[Gainaxing]]: Once or twice, actually!
* [[Genki Girl]]: Justified; all that emotional energy is the source of her super powers. 'Joy' for [[Flight]], 'confidence' for super strength, and general perkiness.
* [[Glomp]]: Hands these out quite readily.
* [[Good Is Not Dumb]]: She’s the first one to realize that something is wrong with Mother Mae-Eye.
* [[Girly Girl With A Tomboy Streak]]: She has saved Robin more than once.
* [[Granola Girl]]: Justified, as this is probably the most common thinking on Tamaran.
* [[Green Eyed Red Head]]
* [[The Heart]]: ''How Long Is Forever?'' establishes that she's the emotional crutch holding the team together.
* [[Hot Amazon]]: According to Robin, some of the things he likes the most about Starfire are "the way you shoot starbolts, that you're brave, and the strongest girl ever." Robin is brave and strong himself, but it’s still understandable.
* [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]]: Sadly, the same cannot be said for her sister. She’s more or less the person keeping the team together though.
* [[Like Brother and Sister]]: She has this dynamic with Beast Boy and Cyborg. She’s silly like Beast Boy and smart like Cyborg.
* [[Magic Kiss]]: Her ability to learn new languages.
* [[Magic Skirt]]
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* [[Muscles Are Meaningless]]: She's a ''lot'' stronger than she looks.
** [[Glacier Waif]]: Tougher too.
* [[Not So Different]]: The fact that’s fully memorized a poem that has 6000 verses shows that she’s as smart as Robin himself if no smarter.
* [[Not So Similar]]: Starfire and Blackfire seem to be the same at first, but Blackfire turns out to be an outlaw, while Starfire is firmly on the side of good. This is a contrast to her relationship with Raven, basically.
* [[Omniglot]]: She can learn any language by a kissing a speaker of it. By extension, this makes her [[The Face]] when they go somewhere that doesn't speak english.
* [[Opposites Attract]]: While they have a lot in common, Starfire is more energetic than Robin himself is. And she’s more naive.
* [[Pair the Smart Ones]]: Both Robin and Starfire are highly intelligent, even if Starfire is naive.
* [[Panty Shot]]: In the beginning of "Sisters."
* [[Pardon My Klingon|Pardon My Tamaranian]]: For a girl who is supposed to be [[The Ingenue|sweet and innocent]], she uses Tamaranian swears frequently.
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* [[Proud Warrior Race Girl]]
* [[Puberty Superpower]]: Eye-beams.
* [[Redheaded Hero|Redheaded Heroine]]ine: She’s usually calm, though.
* [[Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl]]: Energetic Girl to Robin's Savvy Guy. The two have a lot in common, but this is one difference they have.
* [[Sibling Yin-Yang]]: With Blackfire.
* [[Spock Speak]]: A rare version in that she does not speak this way due to a fascination with logic/science, but as a sign of her relative inexperience with Earth languages.
** She's also [[Everything's Better with Princesses|royalty]], so it's not unlikely that she's used to speaking formally.
* [[Thigh-High Boots]]: Just like her comic book counterpart, but with a different design.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Girly Girl to Raven's Tomboy. Though she does have a tomboyish streak.
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Mustard. It's her favorite ''drink''.
* [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]]: A ''lot'' with Robin. {{spoiler|They finally get together in the movie.}}
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{{quote|'''Voiced by''': [[Greg Cipes]]}}
The son of two scientists studying wildlife in Africa, Beast Boy was infected as a child with a mysterious disease, the experimental cure for which gave him the ability to turn into any animal, but permanently dyed him green. His parents drowned in a boating accident -- Beastaccident—Beast Boy being too inexperienced to save anyone but himself -- andhimself—and he was subsequently adopted by the [[Doom Patrol]]. It wasn't a stable family, and Beast Boy subsequently ran away after he hit puberty.
Beast Boy is the unofficial comedian of the team, though most of his teammates consider his typical array of jokes and pranks to be pretty groan-worthy, and it is implied that, like his comics counterpart, he is one of your "jokes to hide the pain inside" types. Whether he is or isn't, he is the youngest, in terms of behavior, of the team, obsessed with video games and goofing off, which means he's often chewed out by Robin. A devout vegetarian: as he has ''been'' [[Animorphism|just about every animal under the sun]], he finds [[Carnivore Confusion|eating any kind of meat]] to be [[I'm a Humanitarian|too similar to cannibalism for his liking]]. (Though it might be more accurate to a call him a vegan- he eats tofu eggs rather than regular ones in "Nevermore"- but the show [[You Keep Using That Word|always refers to him as a vegetarian]].)
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* [[Cute Little Fang]]
* [[Cute Shotaro Boy]]
* {{spoiler|[[Did Not Get the Girl]]}}: Not Terra, at least.
* [[Dogged Nice Guy]]: Towards Terra. He’s also one of these to Raven, though it’s averted occasionally.
* [[Everything's Better with Dinosaurs]]
* [[Embarrassing First Name]]: It's {{spoiler|Garfield.}}
* [[Foil]]: He’s a contrast to Robin and Raven’s serious personalities, as he is silly. It isn’t wrong to consider both himself and Raven to be funny though.
* [[Four-Temperament Ensemble]]: The Sanguine (Shares this with Starfire).
* [[Genre Savvy]]: He spends his free time playing games and watching tv shows like this one. It saved the day once against Control Freak.
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* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]: Since he can't speak while shifted (unlike in the comics), it comes across that when he's in his animal forms, the jokes are over and he means business. And by "business" we mean kicking your ass.
* [[The Movie Buff]]
* [[Must Make Her Laugh]]: Towards Raven. It’s shown that she legitimately cares about BB despite finding him annoying sometimes.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Though understandably emotional, he makes the grave error of giving Terra a [[HeelDeadly Face Door SlamChange-of-Heart]] after learning she betrayed them. He spends most of "Aftershock Part 1" agonizing over this decision, and trying to make things right. He fails...at least until next episode.
* [[Not So Different]]: Both he and Raven have troubled pasts, though Beast Boy’s father did love him.
** Additionally, Raven is named after an animal.
** Both have a sense of humor, though Raven’s is slightly different.
** Both Raven and himself considered hazing Cyborg to be fun.
** And it’s not wrong to consider them both cute, if not together.
** His relationship with Terra isn’t too different from the relationship Raven once had with Malchior.
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]
* [[Pointy Ears]]: Chicks dig 'em. Or at least they do in Japan.
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{{quote|'''Voiced by''': [[Tara Strong]]}}
The half-human daughter of Arella Roth, a human woman who managed to find her way to the other dimension of Azarath/a native of Azarath (the show isn't clear) and Trigon the Terrible, a dread and powerful demon lord who intended to use Raven to open a portal that would allow him to enslave Earth. As a result of her race, Raven has powerful telepathic and psychokinetic abilities that are destabilized by her emotional level -- inlevel—in other words, if she fails to keep her emotions tightly in check, her psychic power runs rampant, breaking and destroying her surroundings until she calms down. Presumably due to her birthplace, she is also versed in a wide variety of occult lore and a skilled practitioner of magic. She also has the power to astral project, dispatching her soul from her body to teleport herself or others, and to heal, though it's left unclear if these are [[Psychic Powers]] innate to her or mystical powers she has learned from her studies.
Because of her background and powers, Raven is a solitary, quiet individual who prefers to avoid interacting with others much, but displays a biting, acerbic wit and a love for sarcasm when she does.
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* [[Creepy Monotone]]: Though not as creepy as Slade's monotone.
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* [[Daddy’s Girl]]: Averted, she turns on her so-called father once she realizes that she means nothing to him outside of allowing him to come to Earth.
* [[Dangerous Sixteenth Birthday]]: And we do stress ''danger''.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: She dresses dark and her power are tinted black and she's half demon, but she's not evil.
Line 258 ⟶ 277:
* [[Nightmare Fetishist]]
* [[New Powers as the Plot Demands]]: Her list of one-off powers is quite extensive. As are all the times they would have come in handy had she remembered she had them.
* [[Not So Different]]: Raven's snarkery tends to be about as funny as Beast Boy's actively joking is.
** Also, they both love pizza.
** Both Raven and Beast Boy can be respectful towards others, as the page quote shows.
** And on the subject of BB, Raven is named after an animal.
* [[Not So Similar]]: She and Malchior turn out to be this. While they both seem to have a lot in common at first, it turns out that Malchior is a manipulative monster (literally) that was only using Raven to get what he wants.
* [[No Periods, Period]]: See ''[[Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo]]''.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]
Line 313 ⟶ 337:
* [[Fake Defector]]: Turns out Cyborg is resistant to [[Mind Control]].
* [[Four-Temperament Ensemble]]: Alternates between Choleric and Melancholic.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: He can be curb stomped by Starfire though…since it’s been shown more than once that she’s pretty smart herself. And she’s even stronger.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]
* [[Good Thing You Can Heal]]: He sustains more graphic damage than any of the other Titans partly because of this and partly because said damage is arguably G-rated due to his mechanical nature. He is also the only Titan to suffer realistic dismemberment.
* [[Heroic RROD]]: Happens on more than one occasion.
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* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: As mentioned above, becoming a cyborg put the kabosh on a normal childhood and he misses the chance. Seen best when he infiltrated the H.I.V.E.
* [[The Lancer]]: He's taller, darker, and [[Hot-Blooded]] to contrast Robin's serious-as-a-heartattack demeanor. He's also the [[Number Two]].
* [[Logical Weakness]]: It’s likely that part of the reason that his evil counterpart lost to Starfire is because unlike himself, she can fly.
* [[Make Me Wanna Shout]]: His main weapons are his sonic cannons.
* [[Number Two]]: Though it's never officially stated, Cyborg is often considered the second in command of the team, and is always the first to take the lead when Robin is MIA or unable to take the lead. Starfire can also be considered as such, however.
* [[Team Chef]]
* [[Telescoping Robot]]
* [[Watch the Paint Job]]: He loves his Cy-car.
* [[The Worf Effect]]: It can be considered a bit humorous when Starfire wipes the floor with his evil counterpart.
* [[The Worf Effect]]
== Titans East ==
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Powers and Abilities: Superspeed, [[Twin Telepathy]]
* [[The Big Guy|The Big Guys]]s: Sort of. Ironic considering they're so tiny. Their speed, however, lets them build up momentum to pack serious punch.
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: Everything that comes out of their mouths. Everything.
** [[Played for Laughs]] during a long rant that went completely over Speedy and Aqualad's heads. They wore dunce hats.
Line 415 ⟶ 440:
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: They have sworn in Spanish at least once.
* [[Gratuitous Spanish]] (Subverted - it can and [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXsyOdX5mgs has been] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOFu61Bp0-E translated].)
* [[Lightning Bruiser|Lightning Bruisers]]s
* [[Meaningful Name|Meaningful Names]]s: "Más y Menos" means "plus and minus" in Spanish. It's also a [[Punny Name|pun]] on the Spanish phrase for "more or less."
* [[Motor Mouth|Motor Mouths]]s
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: As a result of the [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] trope.
* [[Single-Minded Twins]]
Line 435 ⟶ 460:
Perhaps ''the'' most divisive character in the series, Terra was envisioned as a [[Lighter and Softer]] adaptation of the infamous "Judas Contract Arc" character, who was a stone-cold psycho hired by Slade from the beginning to infilitrate the Teen Titans and managed to creep ''him'' out (not that it stopped him from [[Squick|sleeping with her]]). The animated Terra, on the other hand, was envisoned as a more sympathetic, confused character -- [[Word of God]] describes her as no longer caring about good or evil, [[Broken Bird|just wanting to no longer be hurt.]]
[[All There in the Manual|According to the]] ''[[Teen Titans Go!|Teen Titans Go]]!'' comics, Terra was born Tara Markov, a princess to a small country called Markovia, and whose royal scientists experimented on her and her brother to imbue them with geokinesis (the psychic ability to manipulate earthen materials) as part of a project to create metahuman defenders. Terra escaped and abandoned her country, but, perhaps as a result of this, her ability to control her powers was limited -- Sladelimited—Slade mentions, in her debut episode, a history of having attempted to settle down and do good, but causing disaster when her powers invariably went out of control. When she first met the Teen Titans, the possibility of her finally finding a home arose... but her paranoia meant that she would destroy this chance, and her friendship with them. {{spoiler|However, the episode "Things Change" and issue 51 of the ''[[Teen Titans Go!|Teen Titans Go]]!'' comic also revealed that Terra's tragic "death", due to [[Power Incontinence]], had not been permanent, and that she was happily living life as a normal Schoolgirl, with no desire to return to either villainy or heroics.}}
Powers And Abilities: Geokinesis. As Slade's apprentice, wore a special suit that created a telepathic link with him and enchanced her powers (but also allowed him to remotely control her).
Line 441 ⟶ 466:
* [[Action Girl]]/[[Dark Action Girl]]
* [[Anti-Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type IV]]... On her good days.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Type II. Though she does start to act like Slade after a while.
* {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]}}
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]
* [[Becoming the Mask]]: Despite her betrayal, she really felt at home with the team.
* [[Big Eater]]
* [[Birds of a Feather]]: She ended up bonding with Beast Boy for this reason. But it wasn’t meant to be.
* [[Blondes Are Evil]]: Subverted. Not quite evil, but very misunderstood and paranoid.
* [[Blue Eyes]]
Line 458 ⟶ 484:
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: A lot of Terra's behavior (fear of intimacy, inability to settle down, paranoia, self-destructive tendencies, exaggerated startle response, desperate yearning for approval from a mentor figure that she ''knows'' will hurt her) are all very reminiscent of children who grew up in abusive households (especially sexually abusive ones). This puts the revelation that Terra and Slade were sexually intimate in the comics in a whole new perspective...
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]: She started off good, had a [[Face Heel Turn]], had a semi [[Heel Face Turn]] that [[HeelDeadly Face Door SlamChange-of-Heart|got slammed in her face]], had an even ''bigger'' [[Face Heel Turn]], and finally made a permanent [[Heel Face Turn]].
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]
* {{spoiler|[[I Just Want to Be Normal]]}}: It’s implied she succeeded.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: "terra" means "earth".
* [[The Mole]]
Line 469 ⟶ 495:
* [[Peek-a-Bangs]]
* [[Power Incontinence]]: Why she's broken and paranoid; she can't control her powers.
* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: Or maybe not?
* [[Save the Day Turn Away]]: Played with. Whether she remembers anything or not, Terra would rather not be acknowleged as a villain or hero. {{spoiler|High School is more her style.}}
* [[Secret Legacy]]: Formerly Princess Tara of Markovia.
Line 476 ⟶ 502:
* [[Taken for Granite]]
* {{spoiler|[[That Man Is Dead]]}}
* [[Tomboy]]: She's got no problems with [[PunA Worldwide Punomenon|getting dirty]].
* [[Took a Level in Jerkass]]: Once she recieves a [[HeelDeadly Face Door SlamChange-of-Heart]], Terra fully embraces [[The Dark Side]] and becomes truly ''evil''. Thankfully, it turns out that "it's never too late to change"....
* [[Witch with a Capital B]]: Drops an [[Precision F-Strike|poignant W-bomb]] while fighting Raven.
* [[We Used to Be Friends]]: With the Titans.
Line 489 ⟶ 515:
Powers And Abilities: Superspeed
* [[Actor Allusion]]: Voiced by Michael Rosenbaum, who voiced the adult [[Justice League (animation)|Flash]].
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[The Dulcinea Effect]]: Of sorts, with Jinx. Once he crosses paths with her, Kid Flash continuously tries to convince Jinx to make a [[Heel Face Turn]].
Line 546 ⟶ 572:
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: Things are ''never'' light or fluffy when Slade's around. ''Never''.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Mind Rape]]: Especially to Raven when he comes [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]].
* [[Mind Screw]]: [[Break Them by Talking]], [[Mind Rape]], [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulation]], it's all there. And ''boy'', do Robin and {{spoiler|Terra}} bite the bait.
* [[No Sense of Personal Space]]: Best seen in his interactions with Raven.
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** To be honest, there are also a few instances where that eye of his widens or when he loses his cool.
* [[Warrior Therapist]]: Slade is the master of the evil version.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: Played straight with his treatment of Terra. Averted with his treatment of Jinx, Gizmo, and Mammoth.
=== Trigon the Terrible ===
Line 582 ⟶ 608:
* [[Evil Plan]]: Use his daughter to enter "the world of mortals" and lay waste to it.
* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]
* [[God of Evil]]: The name Trigon the Terrible didn’t come out of nowhere.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: So good that he was able to dupe ''Slade'' into thinking that he was being sincere. However, as it turned out, [[Crazy Prepared|Slade had second guesses.]]
* [[Nigh Invulnerable]]
* [[Not So Invincible After All]]: After he enters the [[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]]' world from his world. He only lasts three episodes before Raven kills him.
* [[Obviously Evil]]: He is a giant demon, after all.
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]
* [[The Other Darrin]]: When he first debuted as a mental manifestation of Raven's anger, he was voiced by Keith Szarabajka. Later, in Season Four, he was voiced by [[Kevin Michael Richardson]].
Line 669 ⟶ 695:
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Cyborg, in practice and Beast Boy in personality.
* [[For Science!]]
* [[HeelDeadly Face Door SlamChange-of-Heart]]: Gizmo was very excited when Robin made him an Honory Titan after helping the team in one episode, only for Cyborg to rescind the offer.
* [[Monochromatic Eyes]]
* [[The Other Darrin]]: Most of his appearances were voiced by [[Lauren Tom]], though his last two appearances were voiced by [[Tara Strong]]
Line 745 ⟶ 771:
* [[Canon Foreigner]]
* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: He bears similarities to Raven.
* [[Intangible Man]]: The selective variation.
* [[The Speechless]]
Line 937 ⟶ 964:
* [[Batman Cold Open]] (has come out on the recieving end of a couple of these)
* [[Chew Toy]]: Off all the villains he gets the most comic abuse.
* [[Foil]]: He’s one of these to Raven. Raven is a hero with power over darkness, he’s a villain with power over light.
* [[Harmless Villain]]: His threat level is considerably lower than other villains.
** [[Not So Harmless]]: Proved that he wasn't so harmless in "Kole", there he totally pwned Robin. Even in his first appearence, he pwned the whole Titans but he didn't count on Raven's demonic powers.
* [[Name's the Same]]: He did ''not'' create [[Mega Man (video game)|Mega Man]].
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]: It’s possible to feel sorry for him given what Raven once did to him.
* [[Light Is Not Good]]: His weapons are variations of lasers.
* [[Light'Em Up]]
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Mad Scientist]]
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: He makes a flashy attack an oil platform ''the Titans can see from their home''. He may be a [[Gadgeteer Genius]] with very powerful tech, but as Robin points out, when it comes to tactics he's just [[Incredibly Lame Pun|not very bright]].
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: in "Kole".
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did It Have To Be Raven]]: She can make him blue streaked and quivering with a word.
Line 969 ⟶ 997:
* [[Half Human Hybrids]]: If Killer Moth's appearance isn't solely from a costume, then Kitten, though she doesn't look it in the slightest. Also, Fang has a [[Giant Spider]] for a head.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: If you don't count ''Trouble In Tokyo'', Kitten and Fang (though nobody can be completely sure on what either of them actually are) are the only characters in the show who kiss onscreen. [[Squick|And yeah]].
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Kitten may be a spoiled child, but she at least doesn’t date people on their looks alone.
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Killer Moth, again.
* [[Outlaw Couple]]: Kitten and Fang are seen together in a cameo in "Revved Up". Since Kitten had already given villainy a shot, well...
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: Kitten, again.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Kitten takes one in her brief appearance in "Calling All Titans"; she gets to control moths and fight with a laser whip like her father.
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: So, what ''happened'' to Kitten after "Calling All Titans"? She's not with the other villains at the Brain's HQ afterward.
* [[Whip It Good]]: Kitten's aforementioned whip.
Line 1,003 ⟶ 1,032:
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: Averted, Mod is only a physical threat when he can suck out someone else's youth; everything else he does turns out to be either the result of machines he controls or purely fake.
* [[A Day Atat the Bizarro]]: Both episodes where he was the featured villain.
* [[Disco Dan]]: "Mods" haven't been in fashion since the 1970s.
* [[Evil Brit]]: Played to the hilt for comedy purposes.
