• Fridge Brilliance: The Turtles' frequent use of Totally Radical dialogue is often mocked. However, in the first episode, Donatello tells April that they learnt all about humans by watching a lot of TV -- where they probably picked up the dialogue.
    • The Turtles' interesting tastes in pizza actually make a lot of sense when you realize they probably don't have human taste buds.
  • Fridge Horror: Baxter Stockman's demise. Probably one of the worst cases of And I Must Scream and Moral Dissonance ever.
  • Fridge Logic: Media Watchdogs forced the animators of the first cartoon to change Michaelangelo's weapon of choice to a grappling hook late in the series, claiming that nunchuku were too violent. It didn't seem to bother them that two of the Turtles used blades.
    • Krang was apparently banished from Dimension X, yet goes there quite a lot.
    • Shredder sure does know a lot about USA Culture (and even acts like he's American) for somebody who supposedly lived most of his life in Japan.
      • And he also looks black.