• Jumped the Shark / Seasonal Rot:
    • There is a school of former readers who felt that TWOP has, itself, Jumped the Shark after being sold to NBC (who runs it under the Bravo brand name), causing the site to quickly lose its teeth.
    • There is another group that says it jumped years earlier when it started actively hating the shows it recapped, arbitrarily deciding that certain shows now sucked, and behaving almost maliciously towards said programs.
  • Lawful Stupid: The board moderation in general is highly stringent to begin with, but the rule about "no talking about the boards on the boards" has, in particular, led to many accusations (fair or otherwise) of moderating that is over-draconian, unfair and less-than-ethical.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: The site -- or at least several of its key contributors -- is also rather notorious for being unusually thin-skinned about criticism of itself (which, given the mission statement of the site, is a bit ironic).
    • This got to the point where, in the site's attempts at keeping it from being criticized, among other things that were forbidden from being mentioned on the forums were the site itself, the reviews themselves, and the reviewers themselves. What exactly was allowed to be talked about was something of a mystery (unless, of course, you read between the lines and understood it to be "absolute and unqualified praise of the site, reviews, and reviewers").
  • So Bad It's Horrible: 7th Heaven came to be regarded as this on the site, supposedly to the extent that they eventually stopped reviewing it because they found it impossible to find a reviewer who would rather watch it than be fired. Whether this was because the show was sincerely bad (it was never that great to begin with and suffered severe Seasonal Rot) or simply because it came from the opposing end of the political spectrum as the site's staff was not entirely clear.