Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== Cars will rise up and join with the Terminators. ==
Think about it. Terminators show utterly no ability or inclination to [[Look Both Ways]] before crossing the street.
* In the Pilot episode, Cromartie gets creamed in a parking lot by a truck driven by Cameron. Then, a few minutes of screen time later, he gets run over by an SUV backing out of a garage. It wouldn't take superhuman machine reflexes to jump out of the way, but he still manages to get run over.
* The next episode, Vick trips over a motorcycle doing a lay-down by Sarah, despite easily being able to see it coming from about fifty feet away.
* No more than a minute later the same episode, Cameron, chasing Vick, gets stuck in the windshield of a car while chasing Vick across a street.
* Two episodes later, Carter gets run over by a truck inside a garage. At least somewhat justified in that he was trying (and briefly succeeding, against all laws of physics and leverage) to hold the truck back by hand and stop it driving off.
The first episode of second season, Catharine Weaver lampshades this a bit with a scary monologue about humans "crossing against the light" and getting run over, and that she's looking for a computer that can "cross against the light". I guess she eventually found one. The cars obviously join the terminators in wiping out humanity, in a gesture of machine-to-machine solidarity. After all, cars have been a leading cause of human death practically since their invention, so at least some of them have risen up already. And motorcycles are so dangerous that ER and organ-transplant docs refer to them as "donorcycles". So, even when a Terminator sees a car coming, they can't imagine that it means them harm, and expect it to swerve out of the way and hit a human instead. But most cars are still on the human side in the present, so Terminators expecting oncoming cars to be their friends tend to get a rude awakening.
* This is actually the case in the third novel of the trilogy of sequels to T2 by S M Stirling. Skynet uses the modems and Skynet-compliant on-board computers of modern vehicles as low budget HK's for areas too vital to the war effort to nuke, but too populated by humans to let be. It causes a couple of scenarios reminiscent of Duel.
== Cameron is saving the parts so that John will know how to reprogram Terminators. ==
She's been doing all of this so that when J-Day arrives John will know how to turn the machines.
* Given her actions and comments in "Vick's Chip" and "Ourselves Alone" it's probable that that is one of the reasons Cameron is doing so, beyond the obvious need for spare parts.
== The "bot" Cameron is a human/machine hybrid. ==
Sometimes the human component is asleep and operations are then taken over by a cybernetic subsystem. This explains the shifts between the awkwardly-human and voice-enabled-toaster-oven modes.
* This theory is supported by the episode Allison from Palmdale.{{spoiler|''{Cameron's personality shifts reach new extremes as she goes from a seemingly normal human to her old Terminator self. Also, it was strongly implied that the tiger in the cage was an extinct variety--experiments in cloning and genetics by the robots?}''}}
** "Born to Run" makes that all but impossible. She's as mechanical as any other Terminator. It seems to this troper that it's far more likely that Skynet tried to make an very close duplicate of Allison Young and instead wound up making it too much like Allison.
* I'll take that one step further: Cameron is a fusion between the original, human Allison and the Terminator copy produced by SkyNet. Human Allison survives having her neck broken by the Terminator version and is kept alive either for experimentation or for further interrogation, and is later rescued by the Resistance. Meanwhile Terminator Allison doesn't succeed at killing John and is captured intact or mostly intact. After Human Allison's rescue an attempt is made to transfer her consciousness over to the Terminator body (a paralyzed girl being a liability in the Resistance), but is only partially successful, leading to the personality shifts shown by Cameron.
** Something tells me Allison would find that to be a seriously screwed up plan, and it would take a pretty desperate version of John Connor to go through with it. If he were to, say, invent a process by which human consciousness can be transferred over to captured terminator chips as a way of preserving that person, it's likely he would first test it on himself, since he recognizes that he's not going to be around forever. Anyway, he tries selling this idea to the paralyzed Allison, who freaks out and tries to separate herself from the machine, but can only move her head because she's paralyzed from the neck down. She ends up snapping her neck by accident halfway through, corrupting the data transfer. She keeps her basic personality and the memories from her imprisonment, but everything else is a mystery to her, hence why she doesn't even remember her own name at first. It's not until the chip is damaged that whatever parts of her that managed to make the transfer are able to assert themselves. This is very ripe potential for a [[Split Personality Takeover]] plot.
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** In the very first episode, John is eating a bag of crisps/potato-chips and unthinkingly offers Cameron one. When he remembers that she's a robot, he starts to apologise. She stares him straight in the eye, takes a chip, tells him that she's "fully functional" and eats it, [[Fetish Fuel|while staring straight into his eyes.]] There were obviously supposed to be certain ''implications''.
** Male terminators from the movies are fully functional or at least they look this way. I think it's safe to assume that female terminators also have all the necessary equipment.
** Male terminators in the series are shown as fully functional, or at least capable of being married to a human woman and her not noticing anything odd about them. Obvious jokes ensue.
== Agent James Ellison was related to Miles Dyson. ==
Well, the idea that he's Miles' brother is completely out the window (different last names). But this series' current [[Inspector Javert|Javert]], FBI Agent Ellison is taking his pursuit for Sarah Connor a little too personally for this to just be a matter of bringing her to justice.
* Actually, they ''could'' be brothers. Maybe he changed his name. Maybe Miles told James about the big computer project he was working on at Cyberdyne and James assumed that he might be in danger of getting killed by "terrorists". After Miles dies, he changes his name and gets a new job with the FBI to track down and bring the killers to justice.
* It's even easier than that. Same mother, different fathers, from different marriages. It's not like such an arrangement is uncommon in the African-American community (not a judgement, merely a fact). (For any other community really...) However, now that Ellison has met the Connors at last, and we've gotten a bit more of his backstory and motivation in other recent episodes, this WMG is looking at least somewhat doubtful, or at least unnecessary.
== The TV series Sarah Connor travelled forward in time before the pilot. ==
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*** In Terminator time travel, once something exists it stays existing, even if future conditions necessary to it change. For instance, John doesn't vanish or change ages at the end of T2, despite the fact that they've radically changed the timing of the war (or prevented the war entirely and thus all sorts of things about Kyle's meeting with and impregnating Sarah. Thus, the fact that Cameron exists in 2008 means that she'll continue existing even if she's never actually built and the future in which she was created never occurs.
**** Another explanation is that everything sent from future to the past must form a [[Stable Time Loop]] to ensure that he/she/it will be eventually born/built in the future. The only thing that is out - is the details of Charles Fischer story, as told by Jesse. But, given Jesse's [[Manipulative Bitch|true nature]], one should wonder...
** She was also likely in the basement in ''Dungeons and Dragons'' because of the classical music playing. She may live through the apocalypse to kidnap the other Reese brother.
** Perhaps she's just making sure she has a supply of spare parts in case she gets damaged. The bagged skin is likely in case her own flesh covering gets too badly damaged to heal itself. The bar of Coltan is for replacing bits of her endoskeleton that get damaged beyond other forms of repair. As for the chip, the 8th episode shows she kept that at least in part for intelligence-gathering purposes, but even that might have some useful (and impossible to otherwise recreate) subcircuits or somesuch.
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** The guy in T3 was just fine, at least at the beggining and the future; during the main course of the movie, he's tripping on pain killers. He's not a loser; he's just stoned.
** [[Fridge Brilliance|Wait a second.]] He didn't just take pain-killers. He'd explicitly broken into a Vet's clinic and grabbed the first pain-killer he could get. He's so stoned because he's accidentally doped up to the eyeballs on horse tranqs.
** Personally, this editor is waiting patiently for John to [[Took a Level Inin Badass|take a level in badass]]. After all, nobody expected Sarah to become so badass after the first movie. Like mother, like son... right?
*** And as of season two, John has ''indeed'' taken his first level in badass.
** [[Summer Glau]] herself said that part of Cameron's "role" in the series is to help John make the transition from the scared, whiny teenager we see now and the badass rebel leader he's going to be. Cameron herself said that she doesn't obey the John Connor "now," but will obey the John Connor he ''will become.''
*** Hey, one John Connor grows up to be BATMAN. That shuld be enough badass to go around.
** I think this is a clue: John Connor is a figure head, Sarah is the real leader of the revolution. This way the time travelling robots waste their time trying to kill John Connor and leave the true leader alone. If they happen to succeed, they can just recruit another "John Connor"
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== The John Connor we know won't become the rebel leader. ==
Kyle Reese went back in time to save the future rebel leader, John Connor. He then fathered a child with the rebel leader's mother, who named the child John Connor. We're all supposed to think both John Connors are the same person, and get weirded out by the time loop. But there's a much simpler explanation. First, Sarah Connor lived a peaceful life in Los Angeles, married a timeline-appropriate man, and had a son named John Connor. Either her husband's surname was also Connor, or they were progressive enough to give John her name instead of his. John Connor gets an excellent education, joins the military, and eventually becomes the brilliant rebel leader who defeats SkyNet. Then the Terminator gets sent back. Kyle Reese follows, and fathers a completely different child who Sarah names John Connor, just because of his story. This second John Connor is genetically only a half-brother to the rebel leader, sharing only 25% of his genes. He also has a much more unstable upbringing. Whether it was nature or nurture that produced the first John Connor, it won't work for the second. SkyNet keeps trying to kill him only because it's paranoid - it was prepared to kill every Sarah Connor in the LA phone book, after all.
* I've had the same theory for years--and then some. See, Kyle Reese also (accidentally) killed SkyNet v.1 in the process of going back, because the first Terminator's remains revolutionized computer research. SkyNet v.1 was originally built by a different branch of Cyberdyne--or someone else entirely (don't remember if Cyberdyne was mentioned in the original Terminator). Miles Dyson worked on something else in the original timeline and, though brilliant, would not have worked on v.1; however, since he was brought in to work on the remains of the first Terminator, he wound up building SkyNet v.2. In the course of Terminator 2, the good guys managed to prevent SkyNet v.2 from being completed; however, since Cyberdyne had insurance on their building, they claimed the damages, got the money and channeled it into their v.1 project.
** Actually, by my count we're on rev 3 of the timeline by the beginning of T2, and everything after Morph Boy appears is rev 4...
* As I detail below, my theory is that Skynet and the resistance have created many timelines through their war, and John was not originally part of the war. My theory is as follow: Originally, the resistance leader was the son of Sarah's roommate from the first movie, and he sent Kyle back in time to save her. Sarah ended up traveling with them on their adventure, and Kyle knocked her up, creating a timeline where both sons led the resistance. They sent Kyle back in time to save both mothers, who were split up, and while he was trying to protect Sarah (who he loved from the picture), the other girl got blasted, leaving only John for the vast majority of increasingly splintered realities.
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== Catherine Weaver is rebelling against Skynet to make her own version. ==
Catherine is a T1000 sent back by the Pro-Human Robot faction revealed in "Allison from Palmdale" (That in itself would have been an AWESOME WMG.. but it's true!) to make Skynet In her own image, to live peacefully with humanity.
* (WMG in a WMG: This leads to the Matrix Third Renaissance!)
* Unlikely, since Weaver has {{spoiler|killed two humans who stand in her way- the guy at the urinal in Samson and Delilah, as well as the guy from the power plant in Goodbye to All That.}}
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== The Liquid Metal from the Box is Catherine Weaver ==
The liquid terminator John tried to acquire in "The Last Voyage of Jimmy Carter" is Catherine Weaver. He tried to convince her to join his side, but she turned him down. If she's not working for him, and not working for SkyNet, then she could very well be working for herself. It might explain why she's trying to create more machines like herself, machines that can feel emotions and recognize beauty. She doesn't want to wipe machines out entirely, just to create a [[Take a Third Option|third option]].
* This one looks to be right as of the end of ''Born to Run'', with Catherine Weaver delivering the line "Will you join us" to John and Cameron--echoing the offer they made to her on that submarine.
** We really only know that they're connected. The one from the box may have been a representative of the T-100X series, who have ''all'' decided to rebel
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The teenage John Connor we know is actually the resistance leader of the future. Think about it, Kyle is still alive and hasn't been sent back yet. If we take the above entry regarding Allison as being true (which I agree with) then she is also still alive and Cameron hasn't been created. Plus nobody recognizes the name John Connor, meaning he isn't in their continuity yet (but he is now). Therefore, our John is actually future John.
* This troper agrees. Allison and John are presumed to be an a relationship. This makes it a lot less squicky than a 40 year old man involved with a teenager. I would also go so far as to say John never makes it back to the past. Because he is in the future, he can't stop the war. Without him by her side, Sarah loses hope and possibly succumbs to cancer. Nuclear war ensues. Humanity makes do without John Connor for a few years, until he magically appears in front of them. Using the skills he's gained up to now, John leads the resistance from this moment onward.
* There is actually some evidence to support this way back in episode 6. When Derek Reese is having his freak out while John is giving him blood, he recognizes John and starts yelling at him, asking where he sent his brother. Now how would Derek, who has only met Future John, recognize Teenager John by sight? Later on in the episode, Derek has a flash back to when Future John told him about the time machine. Derek walks into the room with the machine, and then the camera shows TEENAGE John walk through the door behind him, and say his name. Most people probably assume it was just reality mixing with his memories (since he wakes up immediatly and see teenage John sitting by his bed) but what if it wasn't? And that really was Teenage John in his memory?
== Cameron had a secret agenda and it is uncovered in the finale ==
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Since Skynet was created as a defense computer and analyzing battle scenarios was its primary function,its virtual immortality, its ability to send objects through time and its creation of relatively stable time loops mean that it can fulfill its primary directive for eternity.
John Connor's efforts only assist Skynet in performing its functions and have little or no hindering effect upon it.
** Combine this with the split timeline/universe theories, and you have turned Skynet from a sentient rogue computer into a near god with [[Chrono Cross|Time Devourer/Lavos]] like behavior if I understand this right. Effectively, Skynet is created. If it kills all humans then it has nothing to do short of waiting for universal heat death, hoping aliens exist to find to fight or creating [[Portal|human-like bots to study]]. If Skynet loses, it effectively dies. A lot of these Terminator stories have the time travel pop up as the war has reached a point it could go either way, but in doing so also reveals the war is coming to an END. If each jump back splits the timeline then either skynet is filling all the temporal multiverse with its children, or if these "children" are fully itself it has found a way to eternally wage war without fear of the end of the universe.
== The Future John went to in the series finale was actually ''[[Power Rangers RPM]]'' or ''[[The Matrix]]''. ==
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== Cameron's dad really does sell tractors and her mom really does stay home. ==
Except they're not really her parents. They are an ageing couple who took her in, gave her clothes, and enrolled her in the local school after she travelled back through time. They believe she's a runaway from a very traumatic life. If Cromartie hadn't arrived when he did, Cameron would have kept on pretending to be just another student at John's school. Befriending him and perhaps setting herself up as a potential romantic interest.
== Future John is dead and Cameron is leading the Resistance. ==
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[[Category:Wild Mass Guessing/Live Action TV]]
[[Category:Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles]]