• In one episode, Red finally sees Laurie's true nature upfront, and treats her with dissapointment, leading to her becoming depressed. After initially revelling in the situation, Eric begins feeling sorry for her. The scenes between are beautifully heartwarming when compared to their interactions in almost every other episode.
  • There was also an episode where she comforted Eric after he became traumatised by seeing his parents have sex. She also briefly became a saint towards the end of her original actor's run, but reverted soon after with no explanation.
  • Hyde and Leo are playing LIFE, which the latter greatly enjoys because of all the success he has in-game. When Hyde suggests getting back to work, Leo wants to continue playing because his life is better in the game - noting that his own kids split on him. When Hyde replies that his own mother abandoned him, the two bond as (a unconventional) family.

Leo: Will you be my father, man?
Hyde: (smiling) Sure.

  • When Leo returns in Season 7, Eric takes him to back to the basement to see Hyde. Hyde is happy to see Leo again. The two talk for a few moments before Leo realizes who he's talking to.

Leo: Hey, wait a second. You're Hyde, man! (hugs Hyde)

  • "Hyde's Birthday", Red tells Hyde to go to his birthday party since he lives with Red and Red makes the rules, but Hyde replies that he plans on leaving since he's now 18.

Hyde: "My dad and my uncle and cousins were all on their own when they were this age."
Red: "And where are they now?"
Hyde: "Uuh...pumping gas, prison, prison, dead, prison."
Red: "And the reason you're with us is so you don't end up like that. So, what's it gonna be Steven? Prison, death, or a birthday party?"

  • The final episode has a twofer, as Red reveals to Hyde that he'd kept every cent he'd paid the Foremans as rent over the years, and was saving it for when he finally moved out on his own so that he would have some money to fall back on. Hyde then decides to use that money to buy Red a season ticket for his beloved Green Bay Packers, something he had wanted for most of his life.
  • Any moment where Red and Eric actually bond. "Hunting" has an underplayed but strong one, Red asks Eric if he was serious when Eric said earlier Red has been yelling at him all his life, and tells Eric to say what he honestly thinks of Red. Eric replies that Red is unhappy with how his life turned out and is mean to Eric to make him grow up a stronger man who won't get pushed around like Red ended up being. Red smiles slightly and notes "maybe you'll turn out okay".
  • Red may be a hardass on his son. But mess with Eric in front of Red at your own peril. For instance, when a psychiatrist tells Red that the source of his stress is Eric:

Red: You think my problem is my own son?! My son is a *fine young man*!
Eric: Oh, dad, you don't...
Red: Shut up, dumbass!

  • Throughout the Season 8 premiere, Kitty records messages for Eric and tries to get Red to say he misses him. Red refuses and, in fact, tries to act like he's glad Eric is gone. In the end, though, Red admits that he genuinely misses having Eric around. When Red leaves the room, Kitty reveals she recorded him saying it.
  • When her dad goes to jail, Jackie seeks comfort from Hyde - who unsurprisingly is incapable of being sensitive. In the end, Hyde shaves off his beard (which Jackie hated) to make her happy.
  • The final flashback of "Class Picture". It shows the gang discussing the merits of I Dream Of Jeannie vs Bewitched over the years of their friendship. In the end, the entire gang is in the circle (one of the few times this happened on the show) laughing and goofing off. For anyone who has fond memories of hanging out down the street with their friends in high school, this is guaranteed a smile.
  • Red explaining to Eric that for family members, you only say "I love you" when you're in trouble or you're just drunk. As he says, "Otherwise, it's a given."
  • In "Til the Next Goodbye," everyone has a moment where they say goodbye to Eric. Yep, even and especially Red.

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