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{{quote|"[[Bad Movie Beatdown (Web Video)|Film Brain]], on LordKat's stream: 'I'm the kind of guy that likes control! ...[[That Came Out Wrong|please don't read into that sexually]].' [[Shipping Goggles|Too late]]!"|Anonymous TGWTG [[Kink Meme]] poster sums up the fic-writing fandom.}}
Proof that [[Sturgeon's Law|the remaining 10% is worth dying for]] here:
These are recommendations made by [[Troper|Tropers]]s for ''[[That Guy With theThe Glasses]]'' [[Fanfic|Fan Fics]]s, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found [[Fan Fic Recommendations|here]].
Do warn when a fanfic may head into [[Everyone Is Gay|homosexual]] or [[Better Than Canon|non-canon]] territory. Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, [[Shipping]] is [[Serious Business]].
You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting [[Conversation in Thethe Main Page]] though; that goes in the discussion page.
== Authors and Websites ==
None yet.
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* Recommended by Taekarado
* ''Synopsis'': Taken from the original chapter list post: "In 2012, the earth yawned open, and supernatural things, both infernal and holy, invaded our world. And now, Linkara has been chosen, by divine decree, to be the Demon Slayer. He'll have to contend with secretive succubi, annoyed angels, overly-sexed werewolves and vampires with designs on a second apocalypse. Give the boy a painkiller; lord knows he'll need it!"
* ''Comments'': Most everybody in the TGWTG fandom knows about [[That Guy Withwith the Glasses In Space (Fanfic)|That Guy With the Glasses Inin Space]], but this gem of an AU is slightly overlooked in comparison, despite being just as epic, if not more so. the world is built up in a way that isn't too expository, really enabling you to take in the atmosphere it invokes; the OCs are interesting without being too overwhelming; and there's a good mix of badass, dark and occasional fluff.
''[ Hookerverse]'' by emeriin (with guest authors; dark!fic, prostitution, swearing, drugs, alcohol; link goes to masterlist)
* Recommended by nombretomado
* ''Synopsis'': This was apparently a long time in coming, first thought of in the early days of the fandom. Essentially a re-thinking of the TGWTG crew centering around a club, run by the Mikes, featuring some as pimps, some as hookers, and others as customers getting drawn in. Emeriin is the main author, but others have written with her blessing.
* ''Comments'': Absolutely unafraid to go into the down and dirties of such a 'verse, these fics run the gamut from the depressing, to the hot, to the horrifying. Though the idea is cracky, characterization is not ignored and people are still recognizable as themselves. While it is centered around hookers, there are both smut and gen-fics.
* [[Fan Fic/Hooker Verse|Now has its own Tropes page.]]
''[ MST of A Special Truce]'' by a_mae_zing
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''[ TGWTG in Spaaaace]'' by Freya
* Recommended by [[Tropers/Aikou|Aikou]], aliceintrouble
* ''Synopsis'': Taken from the original post, Exactly what it says on the tin!
* '' Comments'': Blood, death and insanity! While in space. You got angst, drama and lots of darkness, if you're also a Hetalia fan and loved ''[ Seven Little Killers]'' then you love this story, especially the last few chapters. It is epic. [[That Guy Withwith the Glasses Inin Space (Fanfic)|Also has its own page.]]
''[ TGWTG Preschool]'' and ''[ And What Did You Get?]'' by awesome_emmy
* Recommended by [[Tropers/Freya|Freya]]
* ''Synopsis'': That Guy With The Glasses producers as preschoolers, with Mike Michaud as their teacher!
* ''Comments'': These have to be the sweetest, most cavity inducing fanfics in the entire fandom. The personalities are translated into children beautifully, in jokes are found left, right and center and it will undoubtedly rack up your dentist bill if you read it too often.
''[ Go Amongst Mad People]'' by keevacaereni (Torture, gore, horror themes, multiple endings.)
* Recommended by [[Tropers/emeriin|emeriin]]
* ''Pairings'': Spoony/Scarlett.
* ''Synopsis'': Spoony was committed on the 8th May. Scarlett visits him every week.
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''[ When Harvey Met Linkara]'' by nochi_san
* Recommended by taekarado
* ''Synopsis'': [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]].
* ''Comments'': Dont let the simplicity of the title fool you - there's a reason people are calling this their new headcanon. The situation is set up nicely, and it gives a great insight to Harvey and Linkara's relationship-dynamic.
''[ untitled]'' by unknown ([[MMister PregSeahorse]], implied character death, really disturbing imagery.)
* Recommended by emeriin
* ''Synopsis'': Things go from amusing to horrifying when Critic gets pregnant.
* ''Comments'': Dark [[M Preg]] that's actually good is seriously hard to come by and this one stays in your mind for days. And the characterization is excellent; Chick cares deeply but does it in a quiet way and Critic is suffering badly (when his hair starts falling out, you'll be crying) but is strong-willed to the very end. Who says all Kink Meme fills have to be kinky?
''[ The Missing Piece]'' by gethenian
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''[ Kickassia: The Novelization]'' by Xoanon
* Recommended by [[User:Dont Kill Bugs]]
* ''Synopsis'': The crew of Channel Awesome takes over the nation of Molossia in their moment of triumph. Unsurprisingly, things get incredibly complicated very quickly.
* ''Comments'': Aside from faithfully novelizing ''Kickassia'', Xoanon also includes some new subplots, including one regarding Spoony's suppression of Doctor Insano involving anti-psychosis pills, and a new epilogue. It's also probably the only TGWTG-related form of media that legitimately paints Doctor Insano as [[The Woobie]]. The author also has tentative plans for a sequel. A great read for any TGWTG fan.
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* Recommended by Kizuna Tallis
* ''Synopsis'': A unique spin on the origins of The Entity, exploring how exactly the "wonderous accident" played out and how a glitch from a video game gained physical form and became the world eater we know and fear.
* ''Comments'': The origins of The Entity are very well played out here, and the writing is great, throwing in a few small jokes here and there, with more than a little [[Nightmare Fuel]] as well. Definitely worth a look!
''[[Obscurus Lupa Wins the Olympics]]'' ([ link]) by GigaBob
* Recommended by nombretomado[unknown]
* ''Synopsis'': Obscurus Lupa wins the Olympics in the first sentence, and it only gets stranger from there.
''[[Escargoancitizen and Friends]]'' by geekmuffins, abslterror, malaloba and anonymous
* Recommended by [unknown]
* ''Synopsis'': A majority of the site's members are various woodland creatures and plants, with a focus on Oancitizen, who is a snail. And that's about as much context as you get.
== [[Shipping|Shipping Fics]] ==
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''[ Or Is It?]'' by Iambic (Bondage, mindfuckery, knifeplay, dubcon, Critic!whump. Link goes to the first chapter, of which there are three.)
* Recommended by [[Tropers/emeriin|emeriin]]
* ''Pairings'': Critic/OFC, implied Critic/Chick.
* ''Synopsis'': The Critic is kidnapped by one strange woman and rescued by another. Unless they’re the same person. Unless it’s all a dream. In other words, what the hell is going on?
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''[ Tie A Red Ribbon]'' by Fininevermore (Bondage, knifeplay. Link goes to the first chapter, of which there are three.)
* Recommended by [[Tropers/emeriin|emeriin]]
* ''Pairings'': Critic/Nerd, Critic/Ask That Guy, Ask That Guy/Nerd/Critic.
* ''Synopsis'': Ask That Guy decides to get the Nostalgia Critic a Christmas present. The problem is, it's unwilling, loud and very, very angry.
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''[ Nerd-On-Critic Action]'' by Aunt_Zelda
* Recommended by [[Tropers/emeriin|emeriin]]
* ''Pairings'': Critic/Nerd.
* ''Synopsis'': The Final Battle goes an entirely different way.
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''[ When Zombies Attack: A Dark Comedy in Three Acts]'' by bubosquared (Character death, slash of both flavors, het and ZOMBIES!)
* Recommended by [[Tropers/Freya|Freya]]
* ''Pairings'': Critic/Nerd, Chick/Marz/Goggles, Chick/Ma-Ti, several implicit.
* ''Synopsis'': From the chapter list: "The mad scientist community cordially invites you to attend the Zombie Apocalypse".
* ''Comments'': Exactly what it says on the tin: A zombie fic featuring TGWTG contributors. Not only is the fanfic funny and sweet, but it's also dark and sometimes tearjerking. It even comes complete with an author commentary!
''[ In the Wasteland of Truth]''{{Dead link}} by nombrehetomado (Prostitution, character death, violence. Link goes to the first six chapters.)
* Recommended by [[Tropers/emeriin|emeriin]]
* ''Pairings'': Critic/Ask That Guy, Spoony/Scarlett, Insano/Scarlett, Critic/Chick.
* ''Synopsis'': A murderer is on the loose in Victorian times, and a detective is hot on his trail. He's getting sucked in way, way over his head.
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''[ Welcome Home]'' by alien_snipe
* Recommended by [[User:V Ger]]
* ''Pairing'': Linkara/Good!Insano
* ''Synopsis'': Linkara encounters an AU Insano who has some... issues... and tries to bring him back to some modicum of sanity while only keeping a tentative hold on his own.
* ''Comments'': Very well written, satisfyingly dark and angsty without being graphic, the author captures both characters' "voices" wonderfully.
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