That Guy With The Glasses/Fanfic Recs: Difference between revisions

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* ''Synopsis'': Taken from the original chapter list post: "In 2012, the earth yawned open, and supernatural things, both infernal and holy, invaded our world. And now, Linkara has been chosen, by divine decree, to be the Demon Slayer. He'll have to contend with secretive succubi, annoyed angels, overly-sexed werewolves and vampires with designs on a second apocalypse. Give the boy a painkiller; lord knows he'll need it!"
* ''Comments'': Most everybody in the TGWTG fandom knows about [[That Guy with the Glasses in Space]], but this gem of an AU is slightly overlooked in comparison, despite being just as epic, if not more so. the world is built up in a way that isn't too expository, really enabling you to take in the atmosphere it invokes; the OCs are interesting without being too overwhelming; and there's a good mix of badass, dark and occasional fluff.
''[ Hookerverse]'' by emeriin (with guest authors; dark!fic, prostitution, swearing, drugs, alcohol; link goes to masterlist)
* Recommended by nombretomado
* ''Synopsis'': This was apparently a long time in coming, first thought of in the early days of the fandom. Essentially a re-thinking of the TGWTG crew centering around a club, run by the Mikes, featuring some as pimps, some as hookers, and others as customers getting drawn in. Emeriin is the main author, but others have written with her blessing.
* ''Comments'': Absolutely unafraid to go into the down and dirties of such a 'verse, these fics run the gamut from the depressing, to the hot, to the horrifying. Though the idea is cracky, characterization is not ignored and people are still recognizable as themselves. While it is centered around hookers, there are both smut and gen-fics.
* [[Fan Fic/Hooker Verse|Now has its own Tropes page.]]
''[ MST of A Special Truce]'' by a_mae_zing