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{{quote| ''That's numberwang!''}}
''That Mitchell and Webb Look'' is a [[The BBC|BBC Two]] [[Sketch Show]] starring [[David Mitchell]] and Robert Webb, best known for their characters Mark and Jeremy in [[Britcom]] ''[[Peep Show]]''. Run from 2006 to 2010. Recurring characters tend to be limited to one series, although some (such as [[The Full Name Adventures|The Surprising Adventures of Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar]]) have run for longer. The sketches are occasionally intercut with [[Faux Documentary]] "[[Two for One Show|behind-the-scenes footage]]" of the comedians, featuring much [[Lampshade Hanging]] and [[Self -Deprecation]], and [[Zig Zagging Trope|zigzagging]] between mocking and playing up their respective [[Smart Guy]] & [[Man Child]] personas.
The series was [[Sound to Screen Adaptation|adapted from the radio show]] ''That Mitchell And Webb Sound'', and the pair had previously made a short-lived TV [[Sketch Show]] called ''The Mitchell And Webb Situation''.
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{{quote| "I estimate you can shoot the same dog through twenty four windows before it becomes an terrifying lump of mutilated flesh."}}
* [[Bad Boss]]: Hennimore's boss is not really mean-spirited or a bad man, but he never fails to give Hennimore two simultaneous tasks with instructions so confusing that no one could possibly handle both without screwing them up in the most comedic way possible. Needless to say, [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* [[Berserk Button]]: The TV Realtor ''really'' doesn't like non-white...[[Does This Remind You of Anything?|bathroom suites.]]
* [[Big No]]: Professor Death every time one of his inventions [[Berserk Button|is proposed for a military application]].
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: The man who wants to make a cup of tea for everyone in Belgium tries talking to them in French. The police car in the background says 'politie' (the ''Dutch'' word for police) meaning he's in Flanders. No wonder they're ignoring the guy speaking terrible French.
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* [[Black Comedy]]: All the Quiz Broadcast segments, and a few of the one-offs too.
{{quote| "Pre-Event sources talk about "hope". What was hope?"}}
* [[Bond One -Liner]]: Parodied in one of the [[Camp Gay|Party Planners]] sketches, in the middle of an extended [[What the Hell, Hero?]] aimed at Bond.
{{quote| '''Mitchell:''' Everyone's in shock, except for [[James Bond|James]], who strolls over to the window, glances down, and says "What a piercing bore"<br />
'''Webb:''' "A piercing bore"? There's no such expression!<br />
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* [[Drama Bomb Finale]]: Discussed in Series 4 ep 5 as a way to shoehorn some depth and maturity into the program -- they finally go with [[Tonight Someone Dies]], with a [[Really Dead Montage]] involving a minor player who makes the mistake of showing off his [[Fatal Family Photo|beloved girlfriend's Facebook page]].
* [[Electric Torture]]: One of the contestants on the Remain Indoors quiz show is taken away to be "voltage-calmed".
* [[Eleventy -Zillion]]: Parodied in a Numberwang skit involving "imaginary numbers." The contestants offer "twentington" and "frilve hundred and neeb" as their numbers, followed by "shinty-six." The host then stops the contestant and says, "Oh, I'm afraid shinty-six is a real number. As in the popular phrase, 'I only have shinty-six days left to live." Behind him, a board displays the number shinty-six (fifty-six with a reversed five).
** Given the nature of the Numberwang board, we could have been looking at frilve hundred and neeb, or even Nova Scotia, for all we know.
* [[Embarrassing Slide]]
* [[Epunymous Title]]: [[Comedy Duo|Comedy Duos]] [ Fish & Chip and Pin & Cushion] split up to form [[We Are Still Relevant Dammit|Chip & Pin]]... but [[Word Salad Title|Fish & Cushion]] end up being more successful. And even get the gig to promote the [ Chip & PIN] system.
* [[EverybodysEverybody's Dead, Dave]]: Twice in the [[After the End|Quiz Broadcast]] statements - first when everyone but the main three has simply succumbed to the harsh conditions of the collapsing society, then, after being found again, when [[Zombie Apocalypse|They]] kill everyone but Peter and the host before inexplicably disintegrating, leaving the two of them alone and extremely disturbed.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: A woman gets progressively better hair & make-up, and more cleavage, as she confesses to murder. This is, [[Deconstructor Fleet|of course,]] lampshaded and invoked.
* [[Exact Words]]: Numberwang's "Sudden Death" round.
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{{quote| '''Major''': One question that obviously leaps to mind, Professor [[Names to Run Away From|Death]], is why on Earth you elected to name this contraption of yours the Giant Death ''[[You Answered Your Own Question|ohIsee]]''.}}
* [[Facecam]]: "The Surprising Adventures of me, Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar!"
* [[First -Name Basis]]: The final sketch of the show, which features Dr. Watson visiting an aging, senile [[Sherlock Holmes]] in a nursing home, Holmes addresses Watson as "John" in his final speech, [[Tear Jerker|where he admits that he knows his mind has gone, but he can not do anything about it.]]
* [[First Name Ultimatum|Last Name Ultimatum]]: HENNI''MOOOOOORRREE!!!''
* [[Genre Blindness]]: Hennimore's boss never seems to learn to either stop making his instructions to Hennimore so confusing, contradictory and overlapping or just get someone other than or as well as Hennimore to do it instead.
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{{quote| '''Sheila:''' Survival tips for children.<br />
'''Host:''' Yes, the world would be a different place... if some of the children had survived... }}
* [[It Never Gets Any Easier]]: word for word, on a [[Did Not Do the Research]] medical show, when a doctor has to... [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?|pull off a plaster]].
* [[ItsIt's Been Done]]
* [[I Want My Jetpack]]: Both the attitude, and the concept of jetpacks, are spoofed in-universe [ here].
* [[Just Think of the Potential]]: Professor Death made a Giant Death Ray and an Armoured Scorpion of Death for peaceful purposes, damnit!
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* [[Political Correctness Gone Mad]]: Not political correctness, but the backlash against it, is parodied in [ a sketch] where some people organizing a church panto are told they can't include "traditional" scenes like dwarves being gassed and Cinderella fellating a horse, and react as if this is hypersensitivity.
** "I'm afraid we're going to have to cut the dame rape scene."
* [[Politically Incorrect Hero]]: [ Captain Todger], whose emblem is a crude drawing of a penis and ends up going to prison for statutory rape, to the horror of General Drayfox (the opposite of a [[Politically -Incorrect Villain]]).
* [[Poor Communication Kills]]: The recurring sketch "Get me Hennimore!" has the hapless titular character requested to do various tasks by his boss. These tasks always involve two objects that are ''never'' to be confused, yet look exactly the same. Naturally, the worst possible result occurs every time.
* [[Precision F -Strike]]: [ From the Numberwang board game skit]: "No, Timmy, because that would be ''shit.''"
** It looks like a polite, family-friendly scene at first, which is why it qualifies.
** [[Pride and Prejudice|Mr. Darcy]] of all people gets a good one when he [ finally gets sick of Caroline Bingley].
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* [[Promoted to Scapegoat]]: Admiral Doenitz is thrilled to learn that he's been named the next ''Fuhrer'' after the death of [[Adolf Hitler]]. Unfortunately, his underlings have to patiently explain that this means ''less'' that he gets to implement his various ideas about pensions and the housing shortage and ''more'' that he gets to call General Eisenhower and surrender to the Allies.
* [[Rambling Old Man Monologue]]: Anything the snooker commentators say that isn't "That's a bad miss."
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: How the Incredibly Intimidating And Aristocratic Person Who Still Unaccountable Sells Clothes justifies being horrible to his customers:
{{quote| Because I'm trying to help you! I'm trying to help you have standards! I'm trying to make you know that the world ''isn't'' pleased to see you, you ''aren't'' needed or included or loved! You're ugly! And superfluous! And ignorant! And you should be frightened. And meek. And grateful. That's better. Now, first things first; [[Nice Hat|let's get you a hat]].}}
** Also, the "Little Date" man, who gives these to women, reducing them to tears so they'll go out with him to feel better.
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* [[Scandalgate]]: Rob refers to the original scandal as "Watergategate" on the grounds that, otherwise, what would you call a scandal about water?
{{quote| '''Mitchell:''' ...Aquagate?}}
* [[Scare 'Em Straight]]: "If your children touch dirt, they'll explode."
* [[Service Sector Stereotypes]]: The Posh Waiter (cousin to the Scary Tailor and the Bad Vicar)
{{quote| '''Customer:''' What happened to the friendly Australian girl who used to work here?<br />
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* [[Sinister Minister]]: "We're back." "Who?" "The incredibly horrible and twisted people who are still unaccountably vicars." (the full sketch is [ here])
* [[Sound to Screen Adaptation]]: Adapted from Radio 4's ''That Mitchell And Webb Sound''.
* [[Stealth Pun]]: [[BusmansBusman's Holiday|Busman]] and Christmas.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: The host of the quiz broadcast.
* [[Story -Breaker Team -Up]]: Angel Summoner and BMX Bandit are a parody of this trope. [[They Fight Crime]].
* [[Sudden Death]]: First one to die wins.
** This round is also announced in one Quiz Broadcast, at which point one of the contestants immediately keels over. If he were on Numberwang, that would've been a victory, but The Quiz Broadcast evidently operates under different rules.
* [[Super -Powered Robot Meter Maids]]: Colosson, the robot with the job of determining whether or not something is Numberwang, was given mobility and laser cannons. This was apparently the result of the scientists who were creating him wondering late in development whether he could be used for the war effort. Because this didn't change what they used him for, it achieved nothing but creating a problem when he decides to [[Robot War|take over the world.]]
** [[Epileptic Trees|Maybe]] he was designed by [[Mad Scientist|Doctor Death]]? He does have trouble spotting the [[Potential Applications]] of laser cannon...
* [[Superpower Lottery]]: [[Reality Warper|Angel Summoner]] and [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart Anyway|the BMX Bandit]].
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'''Host''': Simon?<br />
'''Simon''': ''Yes''.<br />
'''Host''': Great! Let's play [[Spin -Off|Wordwang]]! }}
** [ Reports Mode]
* [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]: Done in the Dosh 4 Gold and Cash 4 Plutonium skits:
{{quote| '''Presenter''': ''Remember, we are a [[Evil, Inc.|multi-billion dollar multinational company]] [[Blatant Lies|and not a transparent front for a greedy dragon.'']]}}
* [[Take That]]: A sketch about a comedian making a cup of tea for everyone in Belgium as the result of a bet, and as a result writing a bestselling book about his exploits, was a dig at comedians who did similarly unlikely things [[The Bet|supposedly as the result of bets]], such as Tony Hawks (played the entire Moldovan football team at tennis, hitchhiked round Ireland with a fridge) David Gorman (flew around the world meeting [[NamesName's the Same|people called Dave Gorman]]), and Danny Wallace ([[Yes Man (Film)|spent a year saying yes to everything]]).
** They delightfully skewer [[James Bond]] in their "Friends of Moneypenny" sketch:
{{quote| Remember that drinks do I had just before Christmas, Moneypenny brings James along - Oh God, but Christmas spirit and all that. So I said, "hi James there's some mulled wine and I think there's some beer in the fridge." Cock asked for a martini...what does he think it is? 1973? }}
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* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: Invoked and subverted. "I advise you to march in step with the rest of the white-bathroom loving nation -- [[Refuge in Audacity|REMEMBER, LIKE RACISM!]]"
* [[Villain Ball]]: Parodied in the Conspiracy sketches; when a member of the conspiracy asks ''why'' exactly they're doing this conspiracy in such a convoluted way -- or why they're even bothering at all -- the answer's usually along the lines of "it's just what we government types ''do''."
* [[Visual Pun]]: Numberwang is like [[McDonaldsMcDonald's]], [[U 2]] and the Catholic Church all rolled into 1.
* [[Wham Line]]: "I know, John. I do know."
** "Yes... they used to be... us."
* [[What Could Possibly Go Wrong?]] - Get Me Hennimore!
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?]] - [ So That's The Football Coming Up Watch It Watch The Football Watch It IT'S GONNA MOVE!]
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Heinous?]]: In a 'behind the scenes' conversation discussing [[Drama Bomb Finale|Drama Bomb Finales]], [[Mood Whiplash]] and [[Tonight Someone Dies]], Mitchell and Webb reserve their greatest venom for [[Commercial Pop -Up|announcers who talk over the credits.]]
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart Anyway]]: Telekinesis. Which only works on biscuits. And no, [[Truth in Television|Jaffa Cakes]] ''[[Truth in Television|are not true biscuits]]''.
** Don't forget the [[Badass Normal|BMX Bandit!]]
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{{quote| '''Webb''': I thought you might like an ''injection''.}}
* [[Historical Re Creation]]: The Early 1990s House, where you have to cope with 28k dialup.
* [[ItsIt's Been Done]]: Parodied with a possible inversion in the 'two writers' [[Seinfeldian Conversation]] sketch; the two writers seem to be setting one of these up, but from the way they eagerly begin to start typing once the 'original' idea has come together, it's suggested that they are either amazingly sheltered or that they're the ones who came up with the idea in the first place. Played straight in the final episode, where all their ideas get this response.
* [[Master of Illusion]]: Two barmen who can make people believe something is happening just by making the proper sounds.
* [[Poisoned Chalice Switcheroo]]: The revolving table. A murderer's worst enemy.
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** In the German version of Numberwang, the host wishes one contestant "Good luck!" only to furiously disqualify her when she responds in English with "Thanks very much!", a reference to how one of the escapees blows his cover in ''[[The Great Escape]]''.
*** In another ''Great Escape'' reference, a chef who loses his keen sense of smell tries to prove he still has it by putting a piece of cheese on the floor, only to end up getting caught out. This is identical to one POW putting a pin at a certain place on the floor to show he's not going blind. Even the dialogue ("You can't smell your hand in front of your face!") is taken from the film ("You can't see your hand ''etc.''")
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?]]: Parodied in the farmer sketch.
* [[X Meets Y]]: 'German Dad's Army' is essentially ''[[Dads Army (TV)|Dads Army]]'' meets ''[[Downfall (Film)|Downfall]]''.
* [[Zeerust]]: The iMac G3 and Clamshell iBook used in the abovementioned [[Seinfeldian Conversation]], looking back on the show from the present day.