That One Attack/Video Games/Fighting Game: Difference between revisions

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* The third [[Soul Calibur]] game's [[Bonus Boss|Night Terror]] has an attack that has a blue sphere erupt around him. If you try to cancel this attack, it just becomes stronger and unavoidable. Also, he has one that [[Frickin' Laser Beams|fires barely-avoidable lasers at you.]] If he puts his "earthquake" move before that, you're screwed.
** Think you've taken down Colossus? Better move, because otherwise, [[Kaizo Trap|he'll fall on top of you, killing you]] '''[[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|before the match actually ends.]]'''
* ''[[Dead or Alive (franchise)|Dead or Alive]] 4''. Alpha-152. Okay, got her... GOT HER... NO! That stupid attack where she grabs you, knocks you down, then smacks you across the face a few times which removes 70% or so of your health! Resist... urge... to... toss... 360... out... window.
* [[BlazBlue|Ragna The Bloodedge]] has a [[Awesome but Impractical]] attack called "Devoured By Darkness" which is unblockable and damaging, but balanced by a requiring a lot of Ragna's super meter, having to go into his [[Deadly Upgrade]] Blood Kain state to use it, losing said [[Super Mode]] after an (attempted) use and being a close-range grab. Any semblance of balance goes out the window for his [[True Final Boss]] form ''Unlimited Ragna'', who can use Devoured By Darkness nearly at-will to blow away 70% of your health and massively heal himself. [[It Got Worse|Also]], it doesn't remove Unlimited Ragna's Blood Kain.
** We cannot mention ''[[BlazBlue]]'' without mentioning [[Skill Gate Characters|ICECARZ, Chain Revolver]], [[Storm of Blades|SWORDSPAM]] and [[Bee-Bee Gun|BEEZ]].
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* For a while the [[Street Fighter]] series was in love with these. SFII games not so much, but in the Alpha games Bison used a full screen psycho crusher that would probably end up losing the match for you if you didn't block it. Gill from SFIII had both a full screen nuke AND a self resurrection; fortunately Gill's attacks were interruptable, if you got to him in time.
** The Hadoken from Street Fighter II was close. On harder difficulties, Ryu would happily fire a constant stream to chip you to death, and if you time the jumps poorly, he'd take you out of the air with a Shoryuken when you got close enough.
* In [[Dead or Alive (franchise)|Dead or Alive]] 2, the Tengu can use a wind attack. It can knock you over, do a large amount of damage, and worst of all, is the only ranged attack in the game.
* ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]] A's Portable]]: The Battle of Aces'' has a few of these. Hayate's - and by extension [[Evil Twin|Material-D's]] - basic attack is a [[Beam Spam|spammable energy-ball thing]] that, once you're in range, can pretty much lock down the enemy until you run out of mana. Vita's Swallow Flier with its five homing energy balls is hard for most to swat out of the air outright and she can whore it much more than one can usually dash away from it.
* ''[[Marvel vs. Capcom 3]]'' has several:
** One of the biggest ones is [[X-Men (Comic Book)|Phoenix's]] [[Super-Powered Evil Side|"Dark Phoenix"]] mode, which restores her to full health with a buttload of stronger, [[Beam Spam|projectile-launching]] attacks and a weakness (her [[Cast from Hit Points|constantly-degenerating health bar]]) that can be compensated for with relative ease.
** [[Humongous Mecha|Sentinel's]] "Strong" regular attack is a plasma beam the length of the screen. The easiest projectile to use in the game, and therefore the most commonly spammed.
** [[Street Fighter|Akuma]] is ''made'' of this. Most egregious is the [[Hurricane Kick|Zankukyaku]], a ramped up version of Ryu's Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku. Note that while both attacks hit multiple times, Akuma's does more damage, which along with the [[Kamehame Hadoken|Gohadouken]], [[Shoryuken|Goshoryuken]], and the returning [[Nothing Is Scarier|Shun Goku Satsu]], combine to earn him the reputation as one of the most feared and hated opponents in the game.