The Adventures of Dr. McNinja/Characters: Difference between revisions

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== Dr. McNinja ==
[[File:2009-03-1714p38 9080.png|thumb|250px]]
Our hero. He has the skills of a doctor and the soul of a healer, but he won't hesitate to get violent with anyone who deserves it. Made of a subtle sprinkling of Insanity over a base of Awesome.
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Bookworm]]: Well, he IS a doctor, after all.
** [[Badass Labcoat]]
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Doctor McNinja is a vigilante, has no qualms about killing bad guys, and his office suffers gunfire and explosions frequently. But he's also a dedicated doctor, and can cure almost any normal or supernatural disease.
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== Gordito Delgado ==
The effing badass kid: Doc's ward and protege. His father was a circus performer with a incredible finishing routine—until it went wrong.
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** Kind of essential to understanding the joke in [ this comic.]
* [[Determinator]]
* [[Future Badass]]: Not that he's not badass in the present, but in the future he's an even ''more'' badass resistance leader.
* [[The Gunslinger]]: Provides the page image.
* [[Kid Sidekick]]: The Doc wants to think of him as Robin to his [[Batman]], save for the fact that Gordito is not a [[Cheerful Child]].
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== Judy the Gorilla ==
Doc's receptionist and occasional muscle. Don't ask why she stays with Doc—we don't know either.
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== Yoshi the Raptor ==
A wild velociraptor formerly owned by a gang of Mexican paleontologist banditos (don't ask); currently Gordito's mount and pet. Not too smart but makes up for it with teeth.
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== Dan McNinja ==
Doc's dad. Defeated Frans Rayner to become head of the American guild of ninjas in the 80's. His moustache gives him instant respect and authority, which is why he cut a hole in his ninja mask so it would always be on display.
* [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents]]
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: Possibly. If the good doctor is supposed to be in his 30s then Dan is probably in his late 50s.
* [[Badass Mustache]]: When it was revealed by his mask getting torn in a fight, he instantly became leader of the Ninja Guild.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Like his son. Believes that setting yourself on fire to avoid capture is so effective it overrides the obvious drawbacks.
** "Ninjas can't catch you if you are on fire
* [[Papa Wolf]]: His response to a pirate claiming to have kidnapped his son is...pretty violent.
* [[Screw Yourself]]: Apparently a believer in this.
== Mitzi McNinja ==
Doc's mom. Known for her two specialties: pickled beets and precisely aimed demolitions.
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== Sean "Dark Smoke Puncher" McNinja ==
Doc's younger brother. Torn between his parents' desire for him to be a good ninja, his own geeky tendencies, and his longing for popularity, resulting in a use of over-the-top "hip" slang. {{spoiler|This is actually a facade which covers his devilishly inventive mind.}} Wearing a ninja mask.
* [[Badass Bookworm]] or [[Genius Bruiser]]: Being a ninja who can build robots has got to make you one of these.
* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]: For instance: he's capable of designing a missile from scratch and hacking into NASA's mission control to launch it given less than a day's notice.
* [[Legacy Character]]: {{spoiler|1=In the [[Bad Future]], he calls himself Dr. McNinja, after his brother.}}
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: In "Futures Trading".
** [[Future Badass]]: We don't know the extent yet, but he's apparently badass enough to make the dinosaur army come running to fight him.
* [[Totally Radical]]
== Donald McBonald ==
The first villain to be introduced in the comic, guilty of defaming Dr. McNinja's name in a new burger promotion. Appears later in "There is a Raptor in my Office".
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== Frans Rayner ==
Became the bitter enemy to the McNinja family after Dan humiliated him. Did a series of action films in which he carved a swath through ninjakind with the aid of copious amounts of The Law of [[Conservation of Ninjitsu]]
* [[The Ahnold]]
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: His laser eye. {{spoiler|Since it has no power supply of its own, it [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points|drains his physical energy]] when he fires it}}.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]
** [[Never Found the Body]]
* [[Badass Beard]]: His neckbeard, while normally the total opposite of this trope, is able to block hits.
* [[Big Bad]]: In the D.A.R.E. story arc {{spoiler|and in the Army of One arc}}.
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]: He is so well trained that he can rearrange his body's weak points.
* [[Critical Research Failure]]: He plans to become president by killing the president. When Gordito tells him that's not how it works, he answers that by that point he'll be so popular nobody will care.
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: {{spoiler|1=Invokes the [[Conservation of Ninjutsu]] against the McNinja Clones. More accurately, he made an army of McNinja clones ''specifically'' so that he could invoke it.}}
* [[Eye Beams]]: It uses his own body's calorie reserve as an energy source though, so using it once renders him incapable of fighting.
* [[Gratuitous English]]
== Mongo ==
Genetically constructed "Uber-ninja" who assists Frans Rayner. Kind of dumb. Wields chainsaw nunchucks in his first appearance.
* [[Actual Pacifist]]: {{spoiler|Refuses to kill in his second appearance, due to the death of a small child he became friends with.}}
* [[Chainsaw Good]]
* [[Dumb Muscle]]: Capable of carrying two grown men in one hand, but has the mind of a toddler.
* [[The Juggernaut]]
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: Rayner calls him off by offering him Happy Meal toys.
== Dr. Knickerbockers ==
Extremely short neurogenetipharmocologist in the employ of Frans Rayner. Developed the ninja drug responsible for the events of the DARE arc and .
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== Dracula ==
The real thing. His immortality has enabled him to master every technology and amass the world's greatest minds and talents in his secret moon base, but he is getting bored.
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* [[Genre Savvy]]: Fighting in a hall of mirrors is a great asset when one has no reflection.
** [[Genre Blind]]: Somehow did not realize that if there's a fight in a hall of mirrors, if his opponent sees him, ''it's really him.''
* [[Evil Plan]]: He wants to know what exists on the other side and does evil things to find out.
* [[Public Domain Character]]: Lampshaded in the [[Alt Text]].
* [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]]: It's not that he doesn't, he's just done so much awesome stuff that now he's bored and getting curious about what might lie on the other side of death.
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== King Radical ==
The most radical man in the radical land. Conducts amoral dealings to improve Cumberland and make it more radical. Antagonizes Doc for fun.
* [[Ambiguously Evil]]: He's almost certainly up to ''something'', and he's done some pretty questionable things like blowing up Doc's office for refusing to treat one of his henchmen and {{spoiler|murdering a version of Chuck Goodrich}}, but he's also a largely benevolent force, using his mafia to genuinely improve the quality of life in Cumberland.
* [[Badass Beard]]
* [[Berserk Button]]: Thanks to Sparklelord, he hates rainbows.
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* [[Totally Radical]]: In name only - he's perfectly articulate otherwise.
* [[Troll]]: Best shown when {{spoiler|he mockingly reminds Doc about how his defeat of Sparklelord is a [[Pyrrhic Victory]].}}
* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]: His evilness is questionable, as seen above, but he is at the very least a mob boss. Nonetheless, everyone in town seems to love him.
== Sparklelord ==
Evil unicorn who led a revolution of the radical land in an attempt to depose King Radical. Took the form of {{spoiler|a motorbike with rainbow decals}} in the regular world.
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* {{spoiler|[[Cool Bike]]}}
* [[Master of Illusion]]
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: His natural form in our world is a badass motorcycle that just happens to have a rainbow design on it.
* [[Stable Time Loop]]: {{spoiler|The doctor throws him into a time portal that leads back to where he was discovered.}}
== Martin Birding ==
Old college friend of Dr. McNinja who was once a teammate of his on a crime-fighting superhero team. Now he owns a chain of grocery stores.
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* [[Dumb Muscle]]: Literally. His intelligence is inversely proportional to how hulked-out he is at the time.
* [[Expy]]: Of the [[Incredible Hulk]]
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: His powers make him dumb.
* [[Gag Penis]]: When hulked-out. The sight of it brought [[McNinja]] to his knees sobbing like a kid.
* [[Hanlon's Razor]]: The moral of Martin's character arc.
* [[Lamarck Was Right]]: He inherited his powers from his father, who got them while experimenting on himself.
* [[Magic Pants]]: Averted hilariously.
* [[Power Incontinence]]: He ends up getting stuck halfway between his normal form and monster form, requiring a trip to Dr. McNinja.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: His father is very unhappy about Martin's decision to use his powers to shill a grocery store chain.
== Hortense ==
The doctor's ex-girlfriend from college. Now works as a mercenary of some sort.
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== Chuck Goodrich ==
Mayor of Cumberland, elected for his plans to stop zombies destroying the world.
* [[Chosen One]]: {{spoiler|Chuck Goodrich is from the future. He came back in time to avert disaster, and succeeded. Except averting the current disaster always leads to a new future disaster in the new timeline, and a new future Chuck Goodrich comes back to avert the new disaster.}} Chuck-Prime is growing rather tired of it.
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== Ben Franklin II ==
A clone of Benjamin Franklin and Dr. McNinja's college professor. Helping him {{spoiler|not become a headless horseman}} is the focus of the Punch Dracula arc.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: {{spoiler|'''TWICE'''}}.
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: Tends to speak this way when in a sour mood.
* [[The Call Knows Where You Live]]
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* [[The Reveal]]: {{spoiler|1=He IS Dr. McNinja }}
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