The Angry Video Game Nerd/Drinking Game

Drinking game for The Angry Video Game Nerd (Non-alcoholic version):

  • Every time the Nerd swears, take a sip.
    • If said swear is "ass" or the f-bomb, take two sips.
    • for Country Matters, bottoms up.
  • Every time the Nerd takes a drink, take a sip.
  • Every time the Nerd gets angry at a game, take a sip.
  • Every time Mike Matei cameos, take a sip.
    • Every time Mike's rendition of The Joker laughs... don't take a sip or you'll die.
  • Every time the Nerd says the word "diarrhea", take a sip.
  • Every time the Nerd says he would rather do something disgusting than play the game, take a sip. Take two if it involves diarrhea.
  • Every time the Nerd says "What were they thinking?", take a sip.

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