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== Beverly is only half right ==
Leonard's mother has pointed out that Howard and Raj seem to be in something akin to a homosexual relationship, but also pointed out that Howard's circumstances make him a stereotypical Jew, maybe accounting for it. Raj...just scared of women. As the seasons, and flanderisations, have passed, Howard has acquired Bernadette and never really shown tenancies, and Raj? Raj just got more feminine to the point he is bordering on being a stereotypical 'flaming' gay man, and we know this show loves stereotypes. He likes many shows that would be considered for women (Good Wife, Sex in the City), has read Twilight which has
implications of itself and always treats Howard like 'the pants' in the relationship. His attraction to Howard is blatantly obvious and only a reverse flanderisation could make him even seem heterosexual.
** Raj's dream from the Bus Pants Utilization practically confirms this.
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== Howard's mum will be CGI. ==
The more we hear about her health problems and beauty regime, the more repulsive she becomes. By the time she actually appears onscreen she'll be so [[Eldritch Abomination|unutterably hideous]] that no human actress could live up to the image.
== Penny's dad will be played by John Goodman. ==
[[Jossed]], In season 4 episode 9, Penny's dad was played by [[Keith Carradine]].
== Sheldon's dad will be played by John Goodman. ==
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* [[Jossed]]. [[Word of God]] says no.
* If Sheldon had a mental illness, then it would make laughing at his socially maladjusted antics faintly reminiscent of those Victorians who visited asylums to laugh at the inmates. [[You Bastard]]!
** Officially, no, he doesn't. He really couldn't without it becoming a major point in the show. It would suddenly be "Oh that's awful, they're making fun of disabilities!" and they'd have to play it as sympathetic. But as one of the [[N-Word Privileges|spergin']], there are a LOT''lot'' of things that would indicate him as an extreme case of Asperger's. And a lot more things that are looking at a funhouse mirror version of my own tendencies.
** Jim Parsons addresses this in an [ NPR interview]. The writers deliberately incorporate aspects of Aspberger's into Sheldon's character, without labelinglabelling it, as stated above.
** Asperger's isn't a mental illness; it's a higher functioning level of Autism. Calling it a mental illness is a [[Berserk Button|highly controversial thing to say.]] [[You Bastard]]!
* This is formally listed in [[Alternative Character Interpretation/Live -Action TV#The Big Bang Theory|the relevant section]] of [[Alternative Character Interpretation]].
** The Writers probably don't know Asperger's as well as we do.
*** Some of them don't know ''Sheldon'' as well as we do.
* Just being smarter than the average bear and not understanding most (completely contrived) social conventions doesn't mean you're mentally ill. Sheesh.
** While this is true, Sheldon obviously has more than just those two symptoms of the syndrome. He's very anal about his schedule, in the flashback episode he seemed to have trouble with eye contact, and he doesn't read emotions very well. All of these are major signs of Asperger's. As someone who was diagnosed with Asperger's at the age of 8 and has done plenty of research on the topic (mostly so I could fully understand why I think the way I do), I should know. (Though I'm not an expert by any means.)
* Sheldon has also displayed a pointed tactile aversion and is asexual.
* While the writers of the show say no, the actor who plays Sheldon nods towards Asperger's as his main inspiration for the character. For the record, this troper has Asperger's Syndrom and wasn't offended at all. In fact, he enjoys finding similarities in between Sheldon and his Aspy friends and him.
** It's his aspie-ish tendencies that make me (an aspie) like him so much.
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Look at their mothers. Nuff said.
* ...[[Poison Oak Epileptic Trees|this theory]] is possibly the only thing that could make "The Maternal Congruence" even [[Squick|squickier]] than it already is.
* It does sound like something Leonards mother would do in some sort of weird nature VS nurture experiment.
Or alternatively, the real reason they became friends is because they subconsciously remind each other of their mothers.
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Based on a few things that came up in ''The Wheaton Recurrence'' but were never brought to fruition:
{{quote| '''Penny:''' I love you.<br />
'''Leonard:''' I know.<br />
'''Penny:''' You quoted ''[[Star Wars]]''.<br />
'''Leonard:''' I believe I quoted ''[[The Empire Strikes Back]]''.<br />
'''* Kiss* '''<br />}}
*** Can we all get a heartfelt 'hallelujah' that this was not the case?
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** That's likely to be a line in ''a'' season finale if not ''the'' series finale.
== [[Wil Wheaton]] is the [[Big Bad]] of the series. ==
He claimed his grandmother was dead so he could win a card tournament, and drove a knife into the suppurating wound of Leonard and Penny's relationship just to beat Sheldon at bowling. Not only do these actions violate Wheaton's Rule, they clearly establish him as the series' main antagonist. Comic Shop Guy (Stuart) is [[The Dragon]].
** Alternately he didn't ''intentionally'' break up Penny and Leonard, but lets Sheldon think he did because he likes screwing around with the crazier fans.
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*** Sheldon shuts up pretty quickly when told, that makes him a lot more tolerable.
* Not quite. a) Sheldon often tries to read emotion/behave properly. He fails (partially because of his limitations partially because it is his "hobby" not profession) but he tries. He sometimes resigns but often when he considers "the problem" as too hard. His jokes are probably bad attempts rather then malice - he read about social structure in book but he didn't grasp all nuances. b) Sheldon helps. {{spoiler|He helps creating flowers for Penny.}} He lends Penny money. {{spoiler|He is willing to risk life for Leonard, whom he hardly know at this point and save him.}}.
== Penny's last name is... ==
* '''Candy''': Because it would be sexy.
* '''Worth''': She's related to [[Batman|a certain butler]]. Which means Batman exists in the ''BBT'' universe, which is ''awesome''.
** [[Memetic Mutation|But Sheldon is Batman!]]
* '''Foryourthoughts''': Unlikely, but possible.
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* '''Wise''': Which is [[Stephen King|kinda creepy,]] when you think about it.
* '''Arcade''': Again, [[Just for Pun]].
* '''Perry''': [[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration]].
* '''Penny-Penny''': And it turns out that Sheldon is being formal when he knocks on her door.
* '''Wyatt''': Because that is what her dad was called in season 4, even though he had been referred to previously as "Bob" in season 2. He is a farmer who probably goes by his last name to distinguish himself from all the other Bobs in Nebraska. Therefore his full name is Bob Wyatt, therefore Penny's last name is Wyatt.
* '''Priddy''': Because [[The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension]] is awesome.
== Penny will break with Leonard ==
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** Wouldn't it make more sense the other way around? We know Wil Wheaton exists as an actor in the BBT universe, maybe he just calls himself 'Fawkes' online.
== Howard is [[DoctorDr. HorriblesHorrible's Sing -Along Blog|Moist]]. ==
He lives in the LA area and has more than enough free time (as well as tecnologicaltechnological expertise) to act as a mad scientist's sidekick. Not to mention how his mysterious unnamed friends are always able to get him access to semi-legal defense technology and information at the drop of a hat...
* His turtleneck probably conceals some sort of anti-persperation device.
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It probably says something like "aardvark" instead.
== Leonard is related to [[Cheers|Lilith]] [[Frasier|Sternin]]. == Don't you think Leonard's mom is a lot like Lilith?
Don't you think Leonard's mom is a lot like Lilith?
== Penny's ex boyfriend from the pilot was sent to prison. ==
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== Stuart is the [[Big Bad]] of the series. ==
Follows in part from the WMG of Stuart as [[The Dragon]] and Wil Wheaton as the [[Big Bad]]. This troper is sure Stuart finally [[The Reveal|reveals]] himself as the true villain [[The Dog Was the Mastermind|all along]]. Thinking about his character, he's very similar to Leonard, which is assumed to be why they get along so well. The difference? Leonard has Sheldon, Raj and Howard as friends, whereas Stuart is lumbered with Captain Sweatpants and the socially inept patrons at the comic book store. Leonard's friends may not be pefect, but he at least has close friends who enjoy a basic social life. Stuart becomes jealous and starts to look for ways to sabotage Leonard. He wasn't so much looking for a relationship with Penny, she was just a way to [[The Chessmaster|hurt Leonard]]. And Wil Wheaton {{spoiler|sabotaging Leonard and Penny's relationship?}} Not just to beat Sheldon at bowling. He was being [[Batman Gambit|manipulated by]] his friend and Mystic Warlords of Ka'a partner Stuart.
== The series, or perhaps just a season, will end with Penny and Leonard moving to Nebraska. ==
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== Sheldon and Leonard are the guys that bullies [[Ben 10: Alien Force|Ben Tennyson]] at school. ==
Just... look (picture "Cash" and "J.T.")
== Howard never had a fight with Bernadette in the season 4 finale ==
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== Penny suffers from slight Manic-Depression ==
On a web MD site, the following symptoms came up: poor judgement, promiscuity, easily distracted, poor temper control, spending sprees, talking alot, very upset, lots of energy. Now in the christmas and new years ep, its seems she hates being alone for holidays as she admits in the latter. Can't pick a boyfriend to save her life (or purposely picks losers to make herself feel better but falls in love with them, but when they break up later no matter what) and can have sex with a guy for 36 hours (annoyingly retconed to give her a high and mighty personality in "The Plimpton Solution"). She never bothers to learn to check her engine and where Sheldon's spot on the couch is (And is annoyned when corrected on it). She has a very short temper (like in the snap anger she had in "The Einstein Approximation" when she fell). More likely this brought on by environmental causes than a genetic problem.
* That's not Manic-Depressive. If Penny wouldn't go to sleep for a few days, then had suicidal thoughts, she would be bipolar. She doesn't. Not even close.
** How do we know/there are multiple forms of MD. You can have bipolar depression to a lesser or greater degree of severity, and also someone suffering from bipolar disorder can have episodes which are years apart, so it's possible that Penny just hasn't had a depressive episode in the time we've seen her, only a manic episode or maybe even neither. Also, there are long periods where we don't really see what Penny's up to, so she could be doing anything, including not leaving her apartment because she's having an episode. We never really knew what she did while the guys were in Antarctica, for example, and she could have spent the whole time crying into her pillow and cutting herself for all we know. I'm not convinced of this WMG, but only because there's not enough information in the show to go on. So far nothing I've seen either confirms or denies it.
== The reason Raj can't speak to women... ==
Is because as a young child he accidentally walked into a room a his father work with a patient in a "compromised" position. this has left a mental scar that has left him only able to speak to the opposite sex when drunk. He might not even remember it.
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== Raj will [[Calling the Old Man Out|call out his parents]] ==
I really hope this because [[Tropers/Spider Fan 14|I]] consider them scrappies for their hatred of their kids dating white people.
== Amy is bisexual. ==
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The whole series turned out to be just an over-thought hypothesis by Leonard and/or Sheldon of whether or not they should talk to the new girl who moved in across from them.
* I hope this is true so the last words of the series can be:
{{quote| ''[[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|Hi, I'm Leonard, and this is my roommate Sheldon.]]''}}
* And that's how Penny's last name going to be revealed:
{{quote| '' Oh, hi, I'm Penny. Penny [her last name]...}}
== The Elevator will be fixed in the series finale ==
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Oh, he's still pretty naive, but sometimes he realizes what's going on but just runs with it for his own amusement.
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