The Catalogue

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
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What is this about?: This "Wiki" is a catalog of the tricks of the trade for writing. Frequently found plots, tropes, idioms, and devices are fair play here. The idea is to provide a resource for writers to spark ideas. Finding a cliché to subvert is always fun.

Right, So what is a "Wiki" ?: A "Wiki" is a web site where any user can create new pages, edit existing pages, link between pages, and search the site. You can even edit this page! This may seem weird, but it can be an extremely powerful and flexible way to take notes, collaborate and work on the web. All we request is that you act responsibly with all this power...

How do you contribute? Jump into a category. Edit the page. Add the element you are interested in. The element name has to take the form of a Wiki Word. After you commit the change, your entry will appear in red. Click that puppy, and start writing.

If you see an entry in red that you want to fill in, grab it and run.