The Cheap-Arse Film Review

Revision as of 03:56, 10 January 2014 by Dai-Guard (talk | contribs) (Mass update links)

The Cheap-Arse Film Review is a Web Original Video Review Show where the Cheap-Arse Film Critic reviews films which have been purchased for One English Pound or less.

Also known as 'The Most Essex Review Show On The Internet', you can find it on Reviewtopia and also here!

Tropes regarding The Cheap-Arse Film Review:


 Ghost: Who makes important life decisions while wearing an animal costume?

Cheapus: ...


  Cheapus: All right, plot has found me. I'm an internet reviewer, it was bound to happen some time.


  Cheapus: My room has been completely trashed...and I think I'm wearing a chicken suit!