The Chris Carter Effect: Difference between revisions

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== VideogamesVideo Games ==
* The ''[[Legacy of Kain]]'' series seems to be suffering from a fatal case of Chris Carter. Eidos never really knew what to do with it after Crystal Dynamics stole it from Silicon Knights (and told SK to throw their carefully plotted story ideas for a sequel in the trash). Crystal Dynamics' next decision with the franchise, having multiple titles in development at the same time, with different teams working on them, did little to gel any sort of solid story. The meat of the stories after the first game seemed to follow [[Our Vampires Are Different|immortal, nigh indestructible evolving vampires]] traveling through time and fighting extra-dimensional demons. The series' timeline spans thousands of years, and each additional game either flagrantly [[retcon]]s and/or [[Reset Button|reset buttons]] the previous installations, including at least one cliffhanger ending that not only drew cries of the game being released incomplete, but wasn't actually resolved in the next game. It still could turn out to be one of the greatest series ever, provided they manage to put a bow on it. However, so far news from the developer seems to suggest that another sequel is unlikely.
** ''Blood Omen 2'' takes place entirely in an alternate timeline that was destroyed in the same game that it was created, and the other games ignore all of the retcons it made. If you ignore that one, the story is actually fairly straightforward once you understand the time travel mechanics.
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** The series was deliberately designed with plot holes to fill because Nomura was unsure if it would really be worth it to make a sequel to the original game, and also because he wanted his fans to create their own theories about how things happened. (which he succeeded at). Nomura recently confirmed that he always will make plot holes and bizarre, mysterious elements in a game, and make up the explanations while working on the next game. Rinse and repeat. Again, [[Your Mileage May Vary]] as to how successful this tactic is.
*** [ According to Nomura] the creator of [[Final Fantasy]] told him that he needed to make the game more complex or it wouldn't be able to compete with other games. Whether Nomura went way too far beyond this advice or if Japanese standards of complexity are different is another question entirely.
** ''[[Dissidia Final Fantasy]]'' is Nomura taking this trope to infinity and beyond. The sequel promptly answered none of the questions left over from the first game, and only added a ton more. And [[Murder Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|the next game's a rythm game.]]
== Web Animation ==