The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover/YMMV

- Georgina: Are we safe here?
- Michael: Can Albert read?

  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The Tenor Boy once again. When he sings, even Albert shuts up... for a moment.
    • The Michael Nyman score definitely also counts.
  • Nausea Fuel: Loads and loads. The first scene depicts the main villain beating up an innocent man, ripping off his clothes, smearing dog excrement on his face and chest, then urinating on him. Then we get on to the rest of the movie.
  • Squick: You bet!
  • The Woobie: We see what Georgina goes through in the span of a single week while married to Albert. God knows what else she suffered. It's a wonder that she didn't snap completely.