• Fridge Brilliance
    • How Eric was able to find Shelly's ring in a box of rings. Earlier he realized every item he's touched related to before and during his and Shelly's death he ends up reliving a memory from it. When he found Shelly's ring, he experienced the memory of his proposal to her. It's also why he threw away the rings that weren't hers so quickly, he saw nothing.
  • Fridge Logic:
    • In the movie, Eric's coffin has apparently been buried about two inches below the ground. It's amazing natural erosion didn't expose it.
    • Who pawns a whole bunch of barrels of gasoline?[1]
  • Fridge Horror:
    • When Sarah gets kidnapped by Top Dollar, his sister Myca remarks on how innocent her eyes is. Seeing how the last time she talked about someone's eyes, she cut them out to collect for rituals. Odds are had Eric not arrived, Sarah's eyes would have been added to her collection.
  1. In the comics, it was just a kerosene generator and a spare gallon of fuel that Eric jury-rigged into a bomb.