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** In the past, however, an entire civilization ''did'' die out due to depopulation; they were the ones who made the same artifact that caused the valley curse, and since they were all women, they couldn't have any more kids, thus, they no longer exist. Worse still, they were the only ones who knew how to transfer and manipulate gender essence, meaning they were the only ones who knew how to do ''permanent'', "soul level" gender changes.
** In the past, however, an entire civilization ''did'' die out due to depopulation; they were the ones who made the same artifact that caused the valley curse, and since they were all women, they couldn't have any more kids, thus, they no longer exist. Worse still, they were the only ones who knew how to transfer and manipulate gender essence, meaning they were the only ones who knew how to do ''permanent'', "soul level" gender changes.
* [[Genetic Engineering Is the New Nuke]]: About 200 years before the comic takes place, there was a huge conflict called the "Beastman Wars" where humans discovered magical [[Lego Genetics]] and made themselves superhuman "beastmen" by splicing animal traits into themselves. Unfortunately, they lost because their biologies were different enough from human that they weren't prepared logistically for soldiers who ate three times as much and couldn't stomach certain things that humans take for granted, like chocolate. The reaction to the Beastman Wars led to the creation of ultra-conservative Thoria, a nation that severely restricted "deviant" magic.
* [[Genetic Engineering Is the New Nuke]]: About 200 years before the comic takes place, there was a huge conflict called the "Beastman Wars" where humans discovered magical [[Lego Genetics]] and made themselves superhuman "beastmen" by splicing animal traits into themselves. Unfortunately, they lost because their biologies were different enough from human that they weren't prepared logistically for soldiers who ate three times as much and couldn't stomach certain things that humans take for granted, like chocolate. The reaction to the Beastman Wars led to the creation of ultra-conservative Thoria, a nation that severely restricted "deviant" magic.
* [[Gift of the Magi Plot]]: Euryale the gorgon has herself turned human to be with Percy (the human), while Percy has himself turned into a rock golem-thing to be with Euryale. Euryale's earned unlimited credit, so they just laugh it off.
* [["Gift of the Magi" Plot]]: Euryale the gorgon has herself turned human to be with Percy (the human), while Percy has himself turned into a rock golem-thing to be with Euryale. Euryale's earned unlimited credit, so they just laugh it off.
* [[The Glasses Come Off]]: Elizabeth takes off her sunglasses when she gets annoyed.
* [[The Glasses Come Off]]: Elizabeth takes off her sunglasses when she gets annoyed.
* [[Guardian Angel]]: {{spoiler|Tomo has saved Kili twice from spiritual threats, it's implied she spends her afterlife spiritually watching over Kili's shoulder.}}
* [[Guardian Angel]]: {{spoiler|Tomo has saved Kili twice from spiritual threats, it's implied she spends her afterlife spiritually watching over Kili's shoulder.}}
* [[Harmless Freezing]]: Justified with the [[Nigh Invulnerable]] Crax; the Doctors plan to dispose of it by [[Schizo Tech|freezing it with magic, storing it in liquid nitrogen, and dissolving it with magical acid.]] {{spoiler|This is due to its status as an energy eater, only cold effects work to restrain it cause there is no energy to consume.}}
* [[Harmless Freezing]]: Justified with the [[Nigh Invulnerable]] Crax; the Doctors plan to dispose of it by [[Schizo-Tech|freezing it with magic, storing it in liquid nitrogen, and dissolving it with magical acid.]] {{spoiler|This is due to its status as an energy eater, only cold effects work to restrain it cause there is no energy to consume.}}
* [[Hit So Hard the Calendar Felt It]]: The four "breakings" each started a new calendar. The current year is "625 4B". It becomes 627 4B by the time {{spoiler|Tanica finally turns human}}.
* [[Hit So Hard the Calendar Felt It]]: The four "breakings" each started a new calendar. The current year is "625 4B". It becomes 627 4B by the time {{spoiler|Tanica finally turns human}}.
* [[Hoist By His Own Petard]]:
* [[Hoist By His Own Petard]]:
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* [[Hot Amazon]]: Goro, after getting her strength (if not masculinity) restored. Aki is delighted.
* [[Hot Amazon]]: Goro, after getting her strength (if not masculinity) restored. Aki is delighted.
* [[Immortality Immorality]]: {{spoiler|The Crax is the physical vessel of a mage who learned how to take over other bodies. [[The Virus]] effect comes from his mind copying itself into his victims.}}
* [[Immortality Immorality]]: {{spoiler|The Crax is the physical vessel of a mage who learned how to take over other bodies. [[The Virus]] effect comes from his mind copying itself into his victims.}}
* [[Improbably Female Cast]]: Justified. The first case the Doctors solve in the series is a cursed valley with a statue in the center that caused all visitors and inhabitants to become permanently female. The doctors themselves were hit by this curse before they managed to destroy the statue, so most of them are stuck as women. Most of the comic takes place in Tinto, the town next-door to the valley, but it also has a large female population as a sociological side-effect of the curse; rescue workers, police officers, delivery workers and anyone else with a high-mobility job are usually female in case they need to pass through or near to the valley.
* [[Improbably-Female Cast]]: Justified. The first case the Doctors solve in the series is a cursed valley with a statue in the center that caused all visitors and inhabitants to become permanently female. The doctors themselves were hit by this curse before they managed to destroy the statue, so most of them are stuck as women. Most of the comic takes place in Tinto, the town next-door to the valley, but it also has a large female population as a sociological side-effect of the curse; rescue workers, police officers, delivery workers and anyone else with a high-mobility job are usually female in case they need to pass through or near to the valley.
* [[Instant Sedation]]: One of Goro's talents is this, as a magical surgeon. It comes in handy a few times.
* [[Instant Sedation]]: One of Goro's talents is this, as a magical surgeon. It comes in handy a few times.
* [[Invisible to Normals]]: The Silent Suffering arc features a character who is invisible to everybody, even Kili when she isn't trying.
* [[Invisible to Normals]]: The Silent Suffering arc features a character who is invisible to everybody, even Kili when she isn't trying.
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* [[Morality Pet]]: Aki, for Tanica.
* [[Morality Pet]]: Aki, for Tanica.
* [[Multiethnic Name]]: A few. Goro Delgado, Tomo Wakeman, and Preston Chang, for example. Fits the story's setting, in that the ethnic and cultural divides of the world have changed severly in the last two millenia.
* [[Multiethnic Name]]: A few. Goro Delgado, Tomo Wakeman, and Preston Chang, for example. Fits the story's setting, in that the ethnic and cultural divides of the world have changed severly in the last two millenia.
* [[My Country Right or Wrong]]: Nancy the Thorian spy really didn't want to kill Mori and Tom but was committed to her [[Medieval Stasis|mission]] to betray the exploration team.
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]: Nancy the Thorian spy really didn't want to kill Mori and Tom but was committed to her [[Medieval Stasis|mission]] to betray the exploration team.
* [[Naked People Are Funny]]: Nudity, mostly of the [[Magic Pants]] failure or [[The Nudifier]] variety, pops up as a semi-running gag.
* [[Naked People Are Funny]]: Nudity, mostly of the [[Magic Pants]] failure or [[The Nudifier]] variety, pops up as a semi-running gag.
** Minor character Priscilla was hit with a [[Cool and Unusual Punishment]] for violating Sarin's privacy. Said curse makes it so whenever she uses magic, she innately destroys any clothing she's wearing. It's only after this that we discover her day job -- a wood-shaping (carpenter/artist) mage -- requires that she use magic ''all day long.'' {{spoiler|It's revealed several months later that the curse, designed to wear off after a week, refuses to go away even when specifically dispelled.}}
** Minor character Priscilla was hit with a [[Cool and Unusual Punishment]] for violating Sarin's privacy. Said curse makes it so whenever she uses magic, she innately destroys any clothing she's wearing. It's only after this that we discover her day job -- a wood-shaping (carpenter/artist) mage -- requires that she use magic ''all day long.'' {{spoiler|It's revealed several months later that the curse, designed to wear off after a week, refuses to go away even when specifically dispelled.}}
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** And Sarin gives one to {{spoiler|Elizabeth}} on why she failed.
** And Sarin gives one to {{spoiler|Elizabeth}} on why she failed.
* [[Reed Richards Is Useless]]: Totally averted. The Dragon Doctors solve as many mundane cases as they do extraordinary ones (just very quickly) and humanity in general seems to benefit from a lot of the stuff they are capable of doing; people can purchase rejuvenations once they start getting old, for example, and Sarin's ability to magically turn anyone into anything is compared to an advanced form of face-lifts.
* [[Reed Richards Is Useless]]: Totally averted. The Dragon Doctors solve as many mundane cases as they do extraordinary ones (just very quickly) and humanity in general seems to benefit from a lot of the stuff they are capable of doing; people can purchase rejuvenations once they start getting old, for example, and Sarin's ability to magically turn anyone into anything is compared to an advanced form of face-lifts.
* [[Ret Gone]]: Doesn't actually occur in this comic, but is referenced when Aki's reading to Tanica. Tanica ''really'' hates this trope.
* [[Ret-Gone]]: Doesn't actually occur in this comic, but is referenced when Aki's reading to Tanica. Tanica ''really'' hates this trope.
** Mori had a minor one when the details of the [[Unperson]] spell was unveiled -- {{spoiler|no one, not even herself, can remember her last name. All records and memories of it have been completely destroyed from history.}}
** Mori had a minor one when the details of the [[Unperson]] spell was unveiled -- {{spoiler|no one, not even herself, can remember her last name. All records and memories of it have been completely destroyed from history.}}
* [[Revealing Coverup]]: In the "thieves of life" arc, it's the robbers' jamming of communications that tips Goro off about their imminent attack.
* [[Revealing Coverup]]: In the "thieves of life" arc, it's the robbers' jamming of communications that tips Goro off about their imminent attack.
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* [[Ridiculously Average Guy]]: Greg even makes a speech about it. "You could forget I'm there if you so much as blink while talking to me." Of course, turns out there's a couple of [[Hidden Depths]] to him.
* [[Ridiculously Average Guy]]: Greg even makes a speech about it. "You could forget I'm there if you so much as blink while talking to me." Of course, turns out there's a couple of [[Hidden Depths]] to him.
* [[Sadistic Choice]]: Derek's MO was to trap people in caves with no food or water... and [[Taken for Granite|a scroll of flesh to stone]]. This was two thousand years ago, and one of his victims was only recently found; they're ''still'' not sure they've found them all, or when or if they will.
* [[Sadistic Choice]]: Derek's MO was to trap people in caves with no food or water... and [[Taken for Granite|a scroll of flesh to stone]]. This was two thousand years ago, and one of his victims was only recently found; they're ''still'' not sure they've found them all, or when or if they will.
* [[Schizo Tech]]: In the early strips, when it wasn't expected to be an ongoing series, it comes off as a pseudo-medieval fantasy world... but then they start making deliveries on motorcycles... and ''doing research on the Internet''. Now it's been dated to 2000 years (or more) in our future, and the technological trappings are harder to miss. {{spoiler|It turns out the Earth has went through 4 different major catastrophies, called "Breakings", that have reduced civilization to the dark ages each time -- the unveiling of Magic to the general public and the subsequent world war that followed, a [[Nuclear War]], a global magical catastrophe, and most recently a dimensional collapse, causing multiple alternate realities to merge with Earth. Poorly.}}
* [[Schizo-Tech]]: In the early strips, when it wasn't expected to be an ongoing series, it comes off as a pseudo-medieval fantasy world... but then they start making deliveries on motorcycles... and ''doing research on the Internet''. Now it's been dated to 2000 years (or more) in our future, and the technological trappings are harder to miss. {{spoiler|It turns out the Earth has went through 4 different major catastrophies, called "Breakings", that have reduced civilization to the dark ages each time -- the unveiling of Magic to the general public and the subsequent world war that followed, a [[Nuclear War]], a global magical catastrophe, and most recently a dimensional collapse, causing multiple alternate realities to merge with Earth. Poorly.}}
* [[Science Hero]]: Mori.
* [[Science Hero]]: Mori.
* [[Second Law of Gender Bending]]: Played with. Mori still isn't fully comfortable as a man, Sarin (being a shapeshifter) never minded it in the first place, Goro initially despised it but realized she hated being weak more than being female, and Kili, after some soul-searching, settled in so well others have difficulty remembering she used to be male in the first place.
* [[Second Law of Gender Bending]]: Played with. Mori still isn't fully comfortable as a man, Sarin (being a shapeshifter) never minded it in the first place, Goro initially despised it but realized she hated being weak more than being female, and Kili, after some soul-searching, settled in so well others have difficulty remembering she used to be male in the first place.
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* [[She Cleans Up Nicely]]: Multiple characters, although Priscilla may take the cake -- normally, she's a [[Hollywood Nerd]] with tightly bunned up hair and geek glasses, wearing conservative, baggy clothing. ... Then her nudity curse kicks in, letting her hair down and destroying the glasses. And, er, everything else.
* [[She Cleans Up Nicely]]: Multiple characters, although Priscilla may take the cake -- normally, she's a [[Hollywood Nerd]] with tightly bunned up hair and geek glasses, wearing conservative, baggy clothing. ... Then her nudity curse kicks in, letting her hair down and destroying the glasses. And, er, everything else.
* [[Shirtless Scene]]: [ After a poll,] Mori notes that there's a request for a "Mori Shirtless Scene" and wonders aloud whether they mean girl-Mori or guy-Mori.
* [[Shirtless Scene]]: [ After a poll,] Mori notes that there's a request for a "Mori Shirtless Scene" and wonders aloud whether they mean girl-Mori or guy-Mori.
* [[Shout Out]]
* [[Shout-Out]]
** "[[Sluggy Freelance|Emergency pants.]]"
** "[[Sluggy Freelance|Emergency pants.]]"
** A comic references "that legend about that sorceress who learned all her magic when she was turned to stone...who went mad and became an insane violator<ref>an abuser of sorcery, especially one who uses [[Taken for Granite|debilitating]] transformation magic without consent</ref>." This is almost certainly a reference to The Sorceress of the transformation-fetish site Naga's Den, especially since the author is tightly linked to that site's creator's tamer works and this is the ''only'' time the word "sorceress" is used (the word "sorcerer" usually being gender-neutral).
** A comic references "that legend about that sorceress who learned all her magic when she was turned to stone...who went mad and became an insane violator<ref>an abuser of sorcery, especially one who uses [[Taken for Granite|debilitating]] transformation magic without consent</ref>." This is almost certainly a reference to The Sorceress of the transformation-fetish site Naga's Den, especially since the author is tightly linked to that site's creator's tamer works and this is the ''only'' time the word "sorceress" is used (the word "sorcerer" usually being gender-neutral).
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* [[Xanatos Speed Chess]]: During the [[Die Hard On an X]] chapter, Elizabeth the shapeshifting thief keeps re-adapting her master plan every time Goro tries something different to stop the thieves. If it hadn't been for a slip up at the end (making her disguise as Goro ''too'' perfect) she'd have gotten away with it, too.
* [[Xanatos Speed Chess]]: During the [[Die Hard On an X]] chapter, Elizabeth the shapeshifting thief keeps re-adapting her master plan every time Goro tries something different to stop the thieves. If it hadn't been for a slip up at the end (making her disguise as Goro ''too'' perfect) she'd have gotten away with it, too.
* [[Year Inside, Hour Outside]]: When Kili and Greg bond inside a dreamworld while the doctors operate on Greg's petrified body to chip out the Crax, we see seasons passing as they get to know each other. They spent long enough with one another there that they have fallen deeply in love.
* [[Year Inside, Hour Outside]]: When Kili and Greg bond inside a dreamworld while the doctors operate on Greg's petrified body to chip out the Crax, we see seasons passing as they get to know each other. They spent long enough with one another there that they have fallen deeply in love.
* [[You Can See Me]]:
* [[You Can See Me?]]:
** {{spoiler|Tomo}} says this. Subverted because {{spoiler|she}} really wants to be seen.
** {{spoiler|Tomo}} says this. Subverted because {{spoiler|she}} really wants to be seen.
** And Sarin can see the Real you. Regardless of whether it's illusions, transformation, or any other sort of magic, she always sees the real form of others. She takes this [[Up to Eleven]] when she can see the true form of a person using an astral projection.
** And Sarin can see the Real you. Regardless of whether it's illusions, transformation, or any other sort of magic, she always sees the real form of others. She takes this [[Up to Eleven]] when she can see the true form of a person using an astral projection.