The Dresden Files/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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** Here is a quote anyway, just to give a taste: "The enemy fought at first, and those who did died swiftly. As more and more hideous things dealt with the wolfwaffen, their morale faltered and they began to run. Those that did died horribly. And, toward the end, overwhelmed by terror, a handful of the enemy could only stand, staring in horror, and screaming high and piteously. Those last few died indescribably."
* Molly fighting a flying zombie worm aboard ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series|Enterprise]]'', complete with a crew of Molly lookalikes [[Fan Service|wearing uniform miniskirts]]. Also [[The Kirk]]!Molly fights [[The Spock]]!Molly over a [[Self-Destruct Mechanism]] ({{spoiler|and [[The Kirk]] wins, of course}}).
** Don't forget about the [[Star Trek/Recap/S2 E1/E01 Amok Time|highly recognizable fighting soundtrack]] playing as this occurs.
** Dresden also compliments Molly on how weird her brain is.
* During a meeting between Murphy and her various allies, their White Court contact learns that {{spoiler|Murphy is now custodian of two of the Swords}}. She makes Murphy an offer so that the White Court won't "learn" about this: [[Les Yay|let her feed on Murphy.]] Murphy [[Shut UP, Hannibal|presents her counter-offer]]: {{spoiler|a [[Pistol-Whipping]], followed by smashing her face against her coffee table, and leveling a gun at her and ''promising'' to kill her if anyone from the White Court so much as ''blinks'' at the Swords}}. Needless to say, the vampire agrees with the terms. The icing on the cake is Harry and Sir Stuart's commentary at the end: