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* ''[[Animorphs]]'': Neither fighting nor scouting etc are Cassie's specialty. She's the moral center and arguably the most traditionally feminine since Rachel is a [[Blood Knight]].
* Sir Dinadin from [[Camelot]]'s Round Table. He doesn't like fighting and thinks [[Courtly Love]] is a waste of time. The other things he's noted for is [[Plucky Comic Relief|good humor]] and being more sociable than his fellows: he's the only one that can recognize all of them by their face in addition to their shield crest. This ability is naturally helpful for knights who otherwise might not recognize their own king.
* ''[[Discworld/Going Postal (Discworld)|Going Postal]]'': Moist for the Post Office staff. It's what Vetinari hired him for. Stanley's considered weird ''[[Even Nerds Have Standards|even by other pin collectors]]'', and Groat is... rather eccentric. Moist, however, [[Boxed Crook|is a con man]], so he knows how to sell an idea.
* Dolores Umbridge exploited this trope in ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix|Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix]]'' She doesn't want Hogwarts students trained in offensive magic so she fills the Defense Against the Dark Arts class with lessons like 'negiotationnegotiation' and 'non-retaliation' on the premise that these skills are just as important for future Auror teams as curses and counter-curses.
** Note that while this might not sound like a bad idea, the fact that she is imposing these restrictions while a wizarding civil war is brewing in the background (plus the fact that she is personally a [[Complete Monster]] for various reasons,) make it clear that, in this case, being The Face is less useful than knowing how to defend yourself from homicidal lunatics.
* ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya]]'': Haruhi herself. She's always out to promote the SOS Brigade and Kyon notes that she 'knows how to get answers' peacefully from the apartment keeper during the investigation of Asakura's disappearance. Though in practice the trope is inverted as she steams-rolls people with either blackmail or [[Genki Girl|her personality]]... if she's not outright ignoring them.
** Asakura herself is a very nice and helpful [[Class Representative]] when she's not, you know, {{spoiler|being a [[Knife Nut]]}}.
* Xuanzang of ''[[Journey to the West]]'' does all the talking with [[Muggles]] etc because he is a courteous monk and his companions are scary-looking (and in Wukong's case, very rude) demons.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Angel]]'' has Cordelia play this role for Team Angel. She's the secertary for Angel's detective biz but she can't even use the phone properly. On the other hand, she's the only link to the [[The Powers That Be|people he really needs to be in touch with]]. She's also [[The Chick]] and [[The Heart]].
* ''[[The Big Bang Theory]]'': Besides being the only female lead, Penny is the only one of the five who is not a socially incompetent nerd.
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== [[Web Comics]] ==
* ''[[The Order of the Stick]]'' has Elan the Bard, whose highest stat is his charisma.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* In ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'', believe it or not, it's [[Cute Bruiser|Toph.]] The youngest and yet the one with the most social savvy. Technically, being the Avatar, it should be Aang at the customs office and the Earth King's birthday etc but she's the one doing the talking.
* ''[[Captain Planet]]'': Ma-Ti is [[Just for Pun|the heart variety]] because no matter where they go he is instantly liked and can communicate with animals, knowing how they feel and asking for their help. Kawami however is usually the one ending group conflicts while Ma-Ti found where conflict was outside of the group.
* Fluttershy from ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' fills this role for the mane cast but only for non-ponies. Otherwise she's a [[Shrinking Violet]]. For example, in ''Dragonshy'' Twilight's [[Plan]] for dealing with a dragon boils down to: 1.) Escort Fluttershy to the dragon's cave and 2.) have her talk with it.
** Applejack appears to be this for the Apple Family in Ponyville. Mostly due to Big Macintosh's quiet demeanor.
* [[Phineas and Ferb|Phineas]] is the one talking with whoever the group needs for their latest "Best day ever", from city officials to delivery guys to [[Scout Out|the Fireside Girls]]. The best example would be persuading Love Handel to reunite for a concert while directing the girls to make a stage. Extra points for contrasting his brother Ferb, who rarely ever talks.
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== [[Real Life]] ==
* Some would say that Anastas Mikoyan was the most likeable (and stable!) of Stalin's inner circle, a man who went for much more practical (and much less brutal) measures to revive Russia after the Civil War than Stalin. He was also seen as a fairly genteel "traveling salesman" by the West, in comparison to the bombast of those he answered to.
* Stu Stutcliffe of [[The Beatles]]. Didn't know how to play, wasn't all that interested in being in a band. He was just a guy that John Lennon knew from art school and liked to hang out with.
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