The Familiar of Zero/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|"Tabitha has taken over Siesta as my favorite character, and not just because she is channeling Yuki. She is made of pure win, I don't usually like the stoic silent types, but something about Tabitha just makes my inner moe meter go berserk."}}
** Louise may also count.
* [[OT3One True Threesome]] - Louise/Saito/Siesta is a popular pairing., Likelylikely because [[Bastard Girlfriend|Louise]] and [[Meido|Siesta]] balance each other out. This was teased a little in the 12th volume where Louise says she would be disappointed if Siesta gave up on winning Saito so easily.
** This is of course when shippers stop [[Die for Our Ship|painting the other as a manipulating monster, who just wants to interrupt true love]]
** Also Louise generally gets [[Unstoppable Rage|very violent]] when [[Green-Eyed Monster|another woman so much as looks at Saito funny]].
* [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap]]: Louise usually gets this treatment in fanfictionfan fiction. Done first by ''[[The Hill of Swords]]'' and then by [[Follow the Leader|about 99.9% of all ZnT fanfics that came after it]].
** For many this already happened after she gave up her nobility to save Tabitha and went uphill from there.
* [[The Scrappy]]: Louise and Saito ''both'' qualify, depending on who you ask.