The Game (TV series)/YMMV

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  • Broken Base: The opinions of season four. Fans either thought the season was uneven but still pretty good, or Ruined FOREVER. Thoughts on the season ending, however...
  • Jerk Sue: Jason may be one of the few examples that uses this trope as a plus. He said a lot of horrible stuff to his wife during season two - and even forced her to dress up like a hooker for a potential client - but his selfishness comes from such wreckless insecurity, it's hard to hate him entirely. And then he redeems himself by protecting Kelly from a persistent boyfriend and giving up his post-NFL career as a sportscaster to look after his increasingly feral daughter.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Pretty much every character crossed this at least once.
    • Derwin in season one when he kissed the video vixen, Drew Sidora, and now in season four, by accusing his wife of getting an abortion. Even assuming that it's true, it's still a horrible accustion.
    • Jason crossed this multiple times in season two - like blaming Kelly's druggie brother for the mysterious syringe that came from Jason's steroid usage, then later claiming that Kelly's diminished attractiveness caused his erectile dysfunction when it was the steroids, and even after admitting to the steroids, he kept using them longer than he promised - but he took the cake when he made Kelly dress up like a stripper to get a late contract for another NFL team.
    • Malik in season four. He screwed his best friend's girlfriend, the Sabers owner's wife, drove behind the wheel while drunk and then attacked the officer who pulled him over. He was too unbearable for even his most supportive teammates and even Tasha.
    • Melanie's paranoia often gets the best of her, though fabricating a DNA test to get Derwin's baby mama away from him was a pretty shitty thing to do.
    • Kelly when she punched Tasha in the face. While the act's understandable, she's not really known for being violent. And then Kelly started lowering her own standards to air a reality TV show.
    • Tasha just can't keep a man, but when she continually sabotages every good relationship she has, it's hard to sympathize.
  • Narm: The scene when Tasha broke up with Rick Fox by singing Rihanna's "Take A Bow". No, really. It was meant to be a Crowning Moment of Awesome (highlighted by the men recording the break-up), but instead comes off as really silly, coming from a forty-something woman.
  • The Scrappy: Not many fans are fond of Brandy's character, Chardonnay, during season five. It doesn't help that the way her and Jason initially got together was extremely contrived.