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* [[Badass Abnormal]] - {{spoiler|Lio Shirazumi}} in the seventh movie, after his origin had been awakened.
* [[Badass Normal]] - Ryougi Shiki, who is still technically human; this doesn't stop her from leaping off tall buildings.
* [[Bare -Fisted Monk]] - Araya started as this. [[It Got Worse]].
* [[Berserk Button]] - Touko is usually pretty calm, but if you call her a "dirty red," calmness turns to [[Tranquil Fury]] and you're dead. It's her policy. But that's not even her real [[Berserk Button]]. Calling her a rotten red is just a way of mocking her and saying she plays second fiddle to her little sister. Her ''real'' [[Berserk Button]] is her [[Sibling Rivalry|little sister]]. Lets just say their rivalry has gotten [[Moral Event Horizon|rather bad]] a good few times in the past.
** It is also amusing to note that since the fifth movie came out, calling her a "dirty red" or simply mentioning that name on certain [[Image Boards|imageboards]] bears a similar result to saying [[Candle Jack|Candleja]]
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* [[Knife Nut]] - Shiki, very much so. {{spoiler|Not that she has anything against swords though, as shown in her fight against Souren.}}. {{spoiler|Lio Shirazumi}}, although he isn't limited to just a ''knife'' nut per se.
* [[Last of Their Kind]] - {{spoiler|Both Asagami Fujino and Fujyo Kirie are implied to be the last supernatural member of their respective families, and Kurokiri Satsuki is the last person ''on Earth'' that can use the Unified Language.}}
* [[Leitmotif]] - In the movies, a specific tune (heard with lyrics [ here] is usually associated with Shiki (see also [[Theme Music Power -Up]]). The villains in part 5 also get Leitmotifs representative to their personalities (that [[Axe Crazy|Alba's]] sounds vaguely like "Hall of the Mountain King" may be a reference to ''[[M (Film)|M]]'').
** Shiki's [[Leitmotif]] even finds it's way into [[Melty Blood]] Actress Again as her stage's music.
* [[The Lifestream]] - Akasha, the Root of everything and nothing, the beginning and the end, the Swirl of Origin, etc. [[The Nothing After Death]] would be more appropriate a description,though you're still sort-of conscious in it.
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* [[Super Weight]] - Lets rank 'em.
** ''Muggle Weight'' - Kokuto Mikiya ([[Unfazed Everyman]]), Enjou Tomoe ([[Ordinary High School Student]])
** ''Iron Weight'' - Shirazumi Lio (although it was magically enabled, he's pretty much got a weird variant of the [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]), Ouji Misaya (can cause [[Laser -Guided Amnesia]] via her [[The Fair Folk|fairy]] [[Familiar|Familiars]])
** ''Super Weight'' - Fujyou Kirie ([[Mind Control]]), Kurogiri Satsuki ([[Mind Control]]), Kokuto Azaka ([[Kill It With Fire]])
** ''Lottery Weight'' - Asagami Fujino (Super [[Mind Over Matter|Telekinesis]], clairvoyance), Cornelius Alba (High-speed spellcasting, powerful puppets), Aozaki Touko ([[Immortality]], superpowered puppets, rune magic), Ryougi Shiki (mystic eyes superpower, highest-ranking [[Super Speed]])
** ''Deus Weight'' - Araya Souren ([[Implacable Man]], [[Immortality]], [[Nigh Invulnerable]], [[Force Field]], [[Super Speed]], crushing space-time attack, [[Reality Warper]] inside the temple)
** ''Author Weight'' - {{spoiler|Ryougi Shiki's Third Personality}}
* [[Theme Music Power -Up]] - Partially played straight - whenever Shiki begins doing something particularly epic, a suitably epic background track starts up; the music used in these scenes changes from movie to movie, if not from scene to scene, but manages to stay relatively similar overall (the tracks from her showdown [ with Araya Souren] and her fight [ with Asagami Fujino] are great examples).
* [[They Were Holding You Back]]: Done to Mikiya.
* [[Title Drop]] - The epilogue, which also explains what "The Boundary of Emptiness" is. {{spoiler|It is Shiki's third, but original personality, the Void, Akasha, the root of everything itself.}}
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* [[Tomboyish Name]] - The "Shiki" in Ryougi Shiki is a neutral name, hence Tohno Shiki of [[Tsukihime]].
* [[Took a Level In Badass]] - Shiki does this ''twice'' against Araya Souren. What's more badass than regular Shiki? That would be {{spoiler|Shiki with a sword}}. And what's even more badass than that? {{spoiler|Shiki's third personality}}.
** Rumor has it that {{spoiler|Shiki's skill with the sword is just on par with Fujimura Taiga from [[Fate Stay Night]]. But then again Shiki has her [[Evil Eye|eyes]]... but wait, what if [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|Taiga became Shiki]]?}}
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]] - Bottled water, of all things, for Shiki (it's the only thing we ever see in her fridge). She says multiple times that she hates sweet food.
* [[Tsundere]] - Shiki towards Mikiya.
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* [[Expository Hairstyle Change]]: When Shiki first wakes up the fact that her hair is now past shoulder-length lets us know she's been asleep for a long time. Add an [[Important Haircut]] later and you know she's serious.
* [[Eye Scream]]: One of the first things Shiki does upon waking up is try to claw her own eyes out, as the result of a [[Freak Out]] upon realizing what her eyes can see.
* [[Out -of -Clothes Experience]]: While in the Void Shiki is depicted as being completely nude.
* [[Soundtrack Dissonance]]: There's a rather eerie scene in which a recovering Shiki is being attacked by a zombie in her hospital room, overlayed by Mikiya (elsewhere) singing "Singing in the Rain" (possibly a [[Shout Out]] to [[A Clockwork Orange (Literature)|A Clockwork Orange]]).
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* [[And Show It to You]] - Araya ''rips out'' {{spoiler|Touko's}} heart, which is [[Beat Still My Heart|still beating]], and yet, being the Nasuverse, they still manage to have a philosophical conversation. {{spoiler|Touko gets better}}.
* [[Bloodless Carnage]] - Despite the large amount of blood elsewhere in the movie, the scene near the beginning of Tomoe killing his mother is oddly lacking. {{spoiler|This lack of blood is actually a critical clue to what's really going on}}. This also works as an effective [[Mind Screw]].
* [[BraininaBrain In A Jar]] - {{spoiler|Everyone in Tomoe's apartment is just a puppet, with their brains actually kept alive in a pile of jars in the basement}}.
* [[Card -Carrying Villain]] - Cornelius Alba in the anime only. The novel gives him more depth.
* [[Continuity Nod]] - Done very literally in-story with a completely different (and ''important'') meaning: while Shiki is basically {{spoiler|''in'' Akasha and viewing all the moments}} the Counter Force had an influence on the situation, she sees the moment she first met Mikiya -- and "that her" stops talking, ''looks up at the screen where {{spoiler|Shiki is watching from Akasha}}, and smiles at her.'' This is a '''''huge''''' plot detail.
* [[Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?]] - Enjou didn't have a chance against Araya. But ''damn'' did he tell him off.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]] - The ''thing'' in Touko's briefcase. Sometimes it just resembles a traditional [[Obake|bakeneko]]. Others....
* [[Expy]] - Cornelius Alba is basically the most disgusting parts of [[Charlie and The Chocolate Factory|Willy Wonka]] and [[A Clockwork Orange (Film)|Alexander De-Large]] rolled into one humanoid mass; combining the arrogance and bad-fashion sense of both. He even goes as far as to gleefully sing ''Bethoven's 9th Symphony 4th Movement,'' the favourite tune of Alex from [[A Clockwork Orange (Film)|A Clockwork Orange]], when he {{spoiler|tried to murder Mikiya in a chillingly sadistic torture scene.}}
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* [[Eye Scream]]
* [[Genius Loci]] - Araya has fused with his apartment.
* [[If ItsIt's You ItsIt's Okay]] - After thinking for a minute, Kokutou decides that he'd probably like Shiki the same regardless of her gender. Though he does add that he's pretty happy that she's a girl.
* [[Inn Between the Worlds]] - The Cafe Of Impossible Meetings, Cafe Ahnenerbe. Used in this series between Life and Death.
* [[Innocuously Important Episode]] - Sure, the plot seems weak and confusing now, but it'll all make sense once the seventh movie actually shows you what the heck was going on!
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** And even then (in the movie, at least) she was only saved by the [[Big Bad]]'s Mobile Bounded Field (kind of like a shield) taking most of the landing impact (it's slightly implied he activated it on purpose for that reason).
* [[Mind Screw]] - Of truly epic proportions. Without reading the novels, you really need to see this film at ''least'' twice to even get a rough idea about what the blazes is going on. A great case of [[All There in the Manual]] (listed above). Half the reason for the mind screw is not just because of the mind screw nature, but because the movie left out parts that are necessary to put everything together, leaving you with a general sense of "wtf" as you try to put together the gaps.
* [[Off -Model]] - Shiki's fight against the zombie puppets.
* [[Pet the Dog]] - Shiki goes somewhere between this and [[Clingy Jealous Girl]] (but not quite - she is ''very'' hard to categorize) when she starts stabbing her pillow in frustration while griping about Mikiya's absence to Tomoe.
* [[Single Stroke Battle]] - Shiki vs zombie. ... Zombie explodes in half.
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* [[The Man Behind the Man]] - {{spoiler|Araya reveals to Shiki that he engineered her conflicts with Fujino and Kirei as a part of his [[Evil Plan]] to reach [[The Lifestream|Akasha]].}}
* [[Talking Is a Free Action]]: Touko chatters on about her meaning of life for a ''while'' after {{spoiler|Araya rips her heart out}} and only seems to actually {{spoiler|die when he crushes it in his hand}}.
* [[Tomato in The Mirror]] - {{spoiler|The Tomoe who interacts with Shiki is a fake, as he himself confirms when he finds the [[BraininaBrain In A Jar]] with his name on it}}.
* [[Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?]] - Subverted. Araya mercilessly ''destroys'' {{spoiler|Tohko, but keeps her head alive}} on purpose - she's {{spoiler|created an exact duplicate of her own body and linked them to herself. Whenever she is "killed" the other body awakens, allowing her to come back - when Alba crushes her head, she comes back}}. ''With a vengeance''.
=== #6: "Oblivion Recorder"/"Records of Oblivion" (January 1999) ===
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* [[Breather Episode]]: Cute and light-hearted, almost as if preparing you for a soul-shatteringly traumatic finale.
** The film adaptation only, mainly due to the focus on Azaka.
* [[Brother -Sister Incest]]: Azaka openly states that she's in love with Mikiya, her blood-related brother - during her self-intro narration, no less. She even left home and enrolled at Reien in hopes that their time apart would lead Mikiya to view her as a woman rather than his little sister.
* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: Azaka towards her brother Mikiya.
* [[Dark Magical Girl]]: Misaya Ouji. Is it any wonder she's voiced by [[Nana Mizuki]] in the movie?
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* {{spoiler|[[Enjo Kosai]]: What Tachibana Kaori's class ended up doing, with ''their teacher'' Hayama Hideo as the pimp. Kaori herself was the last to hold out due to her Christian convictions, and ''[[Moral Event Horizon|was raped and impregnated by the said teacher as a result]].'' Both aspects were cut out of the movie.}}
* [[The Fair Folk]]: And were '''not''' talking about the packaged-for-kids Christmas version, oh no.
* [[Foe -Tossing Charge]] - Azaka performs one of these against {{spoiler|the big demon flower controlling Ouji}}. She even finishes it off with her best approximation of a [[Gun Buster|Super Inazuma Kick]].
* [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere]]: {{spoiler|The random giant flower thing}} in the movie.
* [[Kawaiiko]]: Azaka-chan is a slightly older than usual example, but oh so very cute nevertheless.
* [[Kung Fu Wizard]]: Azaka-chan's style of combat. Anyone [[Wrong Genre Savvy|expecting her to be]] [[Glass Cannon|a worthless warrior]] in close combat [[Squishy Wizard|because she practices magic]] is in for a very, '''[[Foe -Tossing Charge|VERY rude surprise.]]'''
* [[Les Yay]]: Between Azaka and Shiki, at least in the movie. Most notably when Azaka pins Shiki to the bed and straddles her while trying to take away a knife.
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: The '''least''' violent entry in the saga.
* [[The Ojou]]: Ouji Misaya.
* [[Romantic Two -Girl Friendship]]: Implied of Ouji and Tachibana.
* [[Schrodingers Cat]]: {{spoiler|Tachibana dies in the novel and lives in the movie.}}
* [[Shout Out]]: Azaka mentions she's dogsitting for her roommate Seo. Keen Nasuverse fans will assume she means Seo Akira, Akiha's friend in ''[[Tsukihime (Visual Novel)|Kagetsu Tohya]]''. {{spoiler|When we get to see her at the end of the film, she does indeed appear to be a tously-haired [[Expy]], although she's evidently not the same one - the DOG'S name is Akira.}}
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* [[Cherry Blossoms]]: {{spoiler|The post-credits scene.}}
* [[Cry Cute]]: Is ''that'' actually {{spoiler|Shiki}}? My God she's ''adorable.''
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Averted, contrary to popular belief. {{spoiler|While it seemed as if Shiki was able to take out Lio quite easily in the final battle, she was actually experiencing extreme difficulty in keeping up with him. The novel actually elaborates on this outlining how Shiki was still experiencing the lingering effects of the drugs thus being unable to fight as well as she did before. It goes on how Lio was effectively weakening Shiki's limbs one by one like a predator slowly taking down its prey, with the final blow being directed at her neck}} (Shiki basically [[Counter Attack|took full advantage]] of the amount of space between them and took him out in [[One -Hit Kill|one fell swoop]] resulting in the fight to come across as a [[Curb Stomp Battle]])
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: Forget [[Haruhi Suzumiya (Literature)|Haruhi]] or [[Metal Gear|Vamp]]... {{spoiler|Lio}} is the new poster child of this trope!
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]: {{spoiler|A few minutes from the end of the movie, Mikiya is apparently dead from a stab to the face, and Shiki's resigned herself to melancholy after killing Lio. The situation eventually improves.}}
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