Fics to be sporked in the future:


Pure guesses:

In the next MST, Skepkitty will finally break the fourth wall.

It hasn't been done and for some reason this troper would find it highly satisfying to see her punch either Enoby or Sin. Please?

  • Well, as Oh Kami has been Lost Forever, that just leaves Enoby.
  • Skepkitty was teasing that she would actually break the fourth wall in My Immortal, but since then the MST finally finished without such a maneuver.

 Which reminds me: one of these days, I’m gonna break the fourth wall and kill everyone in this fic with neurotoxin.


Skepkitty will one day read Homestuck, opening us up to a whole new fandom of sporkings.

Don't think we didn't see "Complacency of the Learned" up there. Would you? Could you?

  • It was merely a joke, based on both Skepkitty and Rose/Roxy living in the New York State.
  • Skepkitty is currently reading Homestuck, but is too far behind to do any Homestuck MSTs.