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{{quote| You is kind,<br />
you is smart,<br />
you is important. }}
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The film has received note for both its fine performances and [[Politically-Correct History|its questionable portrayal of history]]. It received three Academy award nominations: Best Picture, Actress and Actress in a Supporting Role. Octavia Spencer won for Best Actress in a Supporting Role.
=== Tropes ===
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Elizabeth Leefolt to her daughter, Mae Mobley.
** From the little we seen of her it seems Elizabeth's own mother was also abusive.
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* [[Ethnic Menial Labor]]
* [[Extreme Doormat]]: Elizabeth, who's constantly bossed around by Hilly, cowed by her husband, and is practically a chew toy to her domineering and extravagant mother. With such a pushover personality, it's no wonder she never realizes Aibileen dedicates some pages in the book to her very own home life.
* [[Fan Fiction]]: An [[In -Universe]] example. Skeeter writes her own episodes of ''Dr. Kildare'' for fun.
* [[First Girl Wins]]: This has a [[Gender FlippedFlip]]ped subversion. {{spoiler|It seems like Stuart, the first man that Skeeter dates, is going to end up being her love interest from then on in the film, but he leaves her after she tells him about the book.}}
* [[Former Friend of Alpha Bitch]]: This trope comes into play after Skeeter is cast out of Hilly's social circle.
* [[Genki Girl]]: Celia Foote, ''oh so much''. She is constantly running around, speaking fast, and generally is very energetic and happy about everything. However, she's not as flat a character as she seems.
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* [[Title Drop]]: At the beginning of the film, a woman writes down the words The Help on a note pad, the name of the book that is [[Captain Obvious|also the title of the movie]]. It also serves as the film's title card.
* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: Used by Minny when speaking of what she did to Hilly, naming the event the 'Terrible Awful'.
* [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity]]: Hilly.
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]: Averted. After a certain point in the movie, Mrs. Walters just sort of disappears, but later you find out what actually happened to her almost to the end. {{spoiler|She got put into a nursing home.}}
* [[White Man's Burden]]: The main criticism of the movie. Many critics see it as being about Skeeter finding these poor black maids and telling their story for them.
{{BET Award for Best Movie}}
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[[Category:TheLiterature Helpof the 2000s]]
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