The Iron Giant/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Adaptation Displacement]]: The film is (''very'') loosely inspired on the children's book ''[[wikipedia:The Iron Man (novel)|The Iron Man]]''. How loose? Well, there was a dragon, for starters.
** Not to mention {{spoiler|the iron man doesn't "die" at the end.}}
* [[Better on DVD]]: The Signature Edition reinserted two newly complete scenes, making the film more whole.
* [[Dying Moment of Awesome]]: {{spoiler|SUUUPERMAAAAN!}}
* [[Ear Worm]]: The "Duck and Cover" song is very catchy. If you hear the full version on the DVD, it WILL get stuck in your head.
* [[Fan Nickname]]: "Hog Hug", used by some fans to refer to Hogarth because of one scene.
* [[He Really Can Act|He Really Can Voice Act]]: Vin Diesel as the Giant. He doesn't get much dialogue, but whenever the Giant speaks, the mood is absolutely spot-on.
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]: Dean getting a [[Phineas and Ferb|squirrel in his pants]].
** Dean getting a [[Phineas and Ferb|squirrel in his pants]].
** Also, Kent Mansley saying "Screw the Country! I Wanna Live" as his final lines in the movie after he unwittingly sent a nuke directly into the town becomes extremely ironic when the President in ''[[Shadow the Hedgehog]]'' (who is strongly implied to be the same president from ''[[Sonic Adventure]] 2'') is redesigned to resemble Kent Mansley.
** Vin Diesel would voice a character who doesn’t talk that much in the [[Marvel Cinematic Universe]].
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: Dean's facial expressions are remarkably well-animated, such that he's become a source for reaction images on certain parts of 4chan.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]:
** Watch the scene where Dean "meets" Hogarth's squirrel. Starting from the time when he says "CALLMEDEAN," frame by frame it. Tell me you don't laugh your ass off at every single facial expression he makes.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]:* Dean's facial expressions are remarkably well-animated, such that he's become a source for reaction images on certain parts of 4chan.
*** Watch the scene where Dean "meets" Hogarth's squirrel. Starting from the time when he says "CALLMEDEAN," frame by frame it. Tell me you don't laugh your ass off at every single facial expression he makes.
** Dean explaining the Giant the difference between garbage and art caught on for many fans.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: Mansley crosses the line from [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]] to all-out villain when he {{spoiler|lies to the General, telling him that the Giant has killed Hogarth.}}
** Not enough for you? Then we have four little words for you then: {{spoiler|"LAUNCH THE MISSILE NOW!"}}
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* [[Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped]]: Friendly giant robots aside, this film is ''very'' explicit in its condemnation of nuclear weapons, and of [[Red Scare|paranoia]] and [[Dirty Communists|xenophobia]] in general.
* [[Tear Jerker]]: See main page quote.
* [[Unacceptable Targets]]: Making fun of this film can lead to trouble.
* [[Vindicated by History]]: The film was praised by critics, but that didn't save the film from a horrible fate at the box office; Warner Bros.' marketing blitz for the home video release (as well as [[Cartoon Network]] airing the film numerous times in the past few years) led to the film being seen by a wider audience, and now it's considered a modern animation classic.
* [[Values Resonance]]: With dozens of firearm shooting incidents since the film’s release, including Sandy Hook, the film’s morals aged so well.
* [[Vindicated by History]]: The film was praised by critics, but that didn't save the film from a horrible fate at the box office; Warner Bros.' marketing blitz for the home video release (as well as [[Cartoon Network]] airing the film numerous times in the past few years2000s) led to the film being seen by a wider audience, and now it's considered a modern animation classic.
** [[Cartoon Network]] once did a Memorial Day special of airing the movie over and over and over and over and over again back-to-back, three days in a row.
* [[Visual Effects of Awesome]]: The CGI giant blends in with the traditional animation amazingly.