The Last Chancers: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cold Sniper]] -- Sniper First Class Tanya Stradinsk used to be a highly decorated one, earning several medals and commendations, until an unfortunate [[Noodle Incident]] that left twenty children dead (including an Imperial commander's heir) [[My God, What Have I Done?|defrosted her previous detachment]]. She was exonerated, but has since been unwilling to pull the trigger with a living target in her sights and subsequently jailed for insubordination. Nicknamed "Sharpshooter".
* [[Cold Sniper]] -- Sniper First Class Tanya Stradinsk used to be a highly decorated one, earning several medals and commendations, until an unfortunate [[Noodle Incident]] that left twenty children dead (including an Imperial commander's heir) [[My God, What Have I Done?|defrosted her previous detachment]]. She was exonerated, but has since been unwilling to pull the trigger with a living target in her sights and subsequently jailed for insubordination. Nicknamed "Sharpshooter".
* [[Comes Great Responsibility]] -- Inqusitor Oriel explains to Kage that the reason he, as a member of the [[State Sec|Holy Imperial Inqusition]], has absolute authority is because the Inqusition has absolute responsibility.
* [[Comes Great Responsibility]] -- Inqusitor Oriel explains to Kage that the reason he, as a member of the [[State Sec|Holy Imperial Inqusition]], has absolute authority is because the Inqusition has absolute responsibility.
* [[Covered With Scars]] -- Kage is described as being covered in scars, most obviously a large one on his face (the result of being near a Tryanid spore mine detonation) but also numerous other ones on his torso and limbs. He admits that he would hardly have been winning any beauty pagents even before all of these, and he seems not to particularly care.
* [[Covered with Scars]] -- Kage is described as being covered in scars, most obviously a large one on his face (the result of being near a Tryanid spore mine detonation) but also numerous other ones on his torso and limbs. He admits that he would hardly have been winning any beauty pagents even before all of these, and he seems not to particularly care.
* [[Dance Battler]] -- Kage describes Inqusitor Oriel as moving with a very fluid, dance-like form when fighting in close quarters. In his mind, [[Foil|this is in contrast]] to Colonel Schaeffer, who has a more precise, structured fighting style.
* [[Dance Battler]] -- Kage describes Inqusitor Oriel as moving with a very fluid, dance-like form when fighting in close quarters. In his mind, [[Foil|this is in contrast]] to Colonel Schaeffer, who has a more precise, structured fighting style.
* [[Denied Food As Punishment]] -- Kage uses this as a "stick" as part of training others. He likes it as a teaching technique because it is "short and sharp", getting seriousness across quickly without doing more serious damage to trainees or interrupting their other schedueled training.
* [[Denied Food as Punishment]] -- Kage uses this as a "stick" as part of training others. He likes it as a teaching technique because it is "short and sharp", getting seriousness across quickly without doing more serious damage to trainees or interrupting their other schedueled training.
* [[Designer Babies]] -- {{spoiler|Loron and Lorii were the product of a cabal of Tech Priests [[Playing With Syringes]] over centuries to create "perfected" soldiers via splincing the genes of Lord Commander Solar Macharius into altered fetuses. Grown in [[Uterine Replicator|Uterine Replicators]], subject to [[Neural Implanting]] of combat doctrine, five-hundred heathy babies were created, out of fifty-thousand attempts. Those were organized into five companies, all of which were annilated save for Loron and Lorii, making them the [[Last of His Kind|Last Of Their Kind]]. This is why calling either of them "freak" hits their [[Berserk Button]].}}
* [[Designer Babies]] -- {{spoiler|Loron and Lorii were the product of a cabal of Tech Priests [[Playing with Syringes]] over centuries to create "perfected" soldiers via splincing the genes of Lord Commander Solar Macharius into altered fetuses. Grown in [[Uterine Replicator|Uterine Replicators]], subject to [[Neural Implanting]] of combat doctrine, five-hundred heathy babies were created, out of fifty-thousand attempts. Those were organized into five companies, all of which were annilated save for Loron and Lorii, making them the [[Last of His Kind|Last Of Their Kind]]. This is why calling either of them "freak" hits their [[Berserk Button]].}}
* [[Determinator]] -- Kage is convinced that the reason he has survived so long in the Last Chancers is because he is absolutely determined to not let the Colonel kill him by dragging him through battlefield after battlefield, he does not want to give Schaeffer the satisfaction of it.
* [[Determinator]] -- Kage is convinced that the reason he has survived so long in the Last Chancers is because he is absolutely determined to not let the Colonel kill him by dragging him through battlefield after battlefield, he does not want to give Schaeffer the satisfaction of it.
* [[Dying As Yourself]] -- {{spoiler|Kage, now almost completely lost to [[Demonic Possession]], is allowed to reassert control over his own body when [[Anti-Magic|Oahebs]] gets close to him. Seeing his own hands already mutated into [[Femme Fatalons]], his team mates about to be executed, and the knowledge that even if he were to get out alive he would no longer be himself, grants him an epiphany. He finally embraces the [[Martyrdom Culture]] of the Imperium, and the concept of self-sacrifice for survival. He grabs Von Strab and throws the two off them off a cliff together, bringing his story with the 13th Penal Legion to a close.}}
* [[Dying as Yourself]] -- {{spoiler|Kage, now almost completely lost to [[Demonic Possession]], is allowed to reassert control over his own body when [[Anti-Magic|Oahebs]] gets close to him. Seeing his own hands already mutated into [[Femme Fatalons]], his team mates about to be executed, and the knowledge that even if he were to get out alive he would no longer be himself, grants him an epiphany. He finally embraces the [[Martyrdom Culture]] of the Imperium, and the concept of self-sacrifice for survival. He grabs Von Strab and throws the two off them off a cliff together, bringing his story with the 13th Penal Legion to a close.}}
* [[The Engineer]] -- Adept Gudmanz was a tech-priest of the [[Machine Worship|Cult Mechanicus]], until he was discovered to have been selling supplies from his Forge World to [[Space Pirates]]. All the implants that could be removed were removed, and he was condemned to be made into a servator until Schaeffer pulled some strings to bring his skills along on a [[Suicide Mission]] with the Last Chancers. Gudmanz considers himself to have gotten off light, [[Fate Worse Than Death|considering the alternative]]. As many of his implants were responsible for maintaining his biological frame to live to the age of two-hundred and eighty-six, [[No Immortal Inertia|he suffers from increased lethargy and physical wasting as his age catches up with him]].
* [[The Engineer]] -- Adept Gudmanz was a tech-priest of the [[Machine Worship|Cult Mechanicus]], until he was discovered to have been selling supplies from his Forge World to [[Space Pirates]]. All the implants that could be removed were removed, and he was condemned to be made into a servator until Schaeffer pulled some strings to bring his skills along on a [[Suicide Mission]] with the Last Chancers. Gudmanz considers himself to have gotten off light, [[Fate Worse Than Death|considering the alternative]]. As many of his implants were responsible for maintaining his biological frame to live to the age of two-hundred and eighty-six, [[No Immortal Inertia|he suffers from increased lethargy and physical wasting as his age catches up with him]].
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]] -- Colonel Schaeffer is just refered to as "The Colonel" by most everyone in the legion, which is understandable considering that he is likely to be the last and only commander they ever serve under.
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]] -- Colonel Schaeffer is just refered to as "The Colonel" by most everyone in the legion, which is understandable considering that he is likely to be the last and only commander they ever serve under.
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* [[Hollywood Atheist]] -- Gappo, a former Imperial preacher who lost his faith. He now doubts the existance of the [[God-Emperor]], [[Based on a Great Big Lie|thinking it is a lie]] to keep the wealth flowing into the Ecclesiarchy. Considering [[The Fundamentalist]] values of Imperial culture, his views make him unpopular with other Last Chancers, but Kage considers him something of a friend as he is "not as much of a [[Dumb Muscle|meathead]] as the others."
* [[Hollywood Atheist]] -- Gappo, a former Imperial preacher who lost his faith. He now doubts the existance of the [[God-Emperor]], [[Based on a Great Big Lie|thinking it is a lie]] to keep the wealth flowing into the Ecclesiarchy. Considering [[The Fundamentalist]] values of Imperial culture, his views make him unpopular with other Last Chancers, but Kage considers him something of a friend as he is "not as much of a [[Dumb Muscle|meathead]] as the others."
* [[Hope Spot]] -- One the [[Central Theme|Central Themes]] of the trilogy is hope, the force that allows someone to cling to life despite impossible odds, and its ultimate futility. [[Word of God|As the author said]], "[[Crapsack World|This is 40K afterall]]."
* [[Hope Spot]] -- One the [[Central Theme|Central Themes]] of the trilogy is hope, the force that allows someone to cling to life despite impossible odds, and its ultimate futility. [[Word of God|As the author said]], "[[Crapsack World|This is 40K afterall]]."
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]] -- Inqusitor Oriel's justification for {{spoiler|bringing a genestealer ([[Sealed Evil in A Can|sealed in a stasis chamber]]) to Coritanorum}}.
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]] -- Inqusitor Oriel's justification for {{spoiler|bringing a genestealer ([[Sealed Evil in a Can|sealed in a stasis chamber]]) to Coritanorum}}.
* [[Implacable Man]] -- Colonel Schaeffer has a reputation for being unkillable. It is not so much that he is [[Made of Iron]] as it is that he just never seems to get hit, and there is hardly ever even a scratch in his uniform after a big fight, and he will fearlessly lead troops on a suicide mission with every expectation that he will succeed. Described by Kage as "Unflappable, unlovable, and unkillable." In all his life, he has never failed to see a mission through. {{spoiler|Kage is taken by surprise to find the Colonel [[An Arm and A Leg|lost an arm]] while fighting in Coritanorum, and then even more surprised to see him again later with [[Unexplained Recovery|his arm whole and functioning]].}} This only serves to reinforce the Colonel's reputation.
* [[Implacable Man]] -- Colonel Schaeffer has a reputation for being unkillable. It is not so much that he is [[Made of Iron]] as it is that he just never seems to get hit, and there is hardly ever even a scratch in his uniform after a big fight, and he will fearlessly lead troops on a suicide mission with every expectation that he will succeed. Described by Kage as "Unflappable, unlovable, and unkillable." In all his life, he has never failed to see a mission through. {{spoiler|Kage is taken by surprise to find the Colonel [[An Arm and a Leg|lost an arm]] while fighting in Coritanorum, and then even more surprised to see him again later with [[Unexplained Recovery|his arm whole and functioning]].}} This only serves to reinforce the Colonel's reputation.
* [[Insufferable Genius]] -- Vandikar Kelth, a ship's Navigator. Like many from the Guild of Navigators, he has little involvement with those not on retainer to the Guild, considering himself to be above them. Proficient with a laspistol, but only ever [[Ten Paces and Turn|used it while dueling]]. Stranded on Armageddon with the Last Chancers, he considers their trek beneath him, but has little other option than to go along with them. Can [[Brown Note|weaponize]] his [[Third Eye]] in a pinch.
* [[Insufferable Genius]] -- Vandikar Kelth, a ship's Navigator. Like many from the Guild of Navigators, he has little involvement with those not on retainer to the Guild, considering himself to be above them. Proficient with a laspistol, but only ever [[Ten Paces and Turn|used it while dueling]]. Stranded on Armageddon with the Last Chancers, he considers their trek beneath him, but has little other option than to go along with them. Can [[Brown Note|weaponize]] his [[Third Eye]] in a pinch.
* [[In the Hood]] -- While posing as part of a diplimatic deligation, Kage is disguised as an Administratum scribe, wearing a scribe's traditional heavy hooded robe. He is given this disguise primarily because it is the one that best hides the [[Covered With Scars|many scars covering his body]] which would otherwise hint his history as a soldier.
* [[In the Hood]] -- While posing as part of a diplimatic deligation, Kage is disguised as an Administratum scribe, wearing a scribe's traditional heavy hooded robe. He is given this disguise primarily because it is the one that best hides the [[Covered with Scars|many scars covering his body]] which would otherwise hint his history as a soldier.
* [[It's Quiet... Too Quiet]] -- Kage's impression of the inside of a Tau ship. He is used to ships having their own set of sounds, from the soft whir of air circulation to the distant rumble of the engines, that its absence, especially onboard a xenos vessle, is quite unnerving to him.
* [[It's Quiet... Too Quiet]] -- Kage's impression of the inside of a Tau ship. He is used to ships having their own set of sounds, from the soft whir of air circulation to the distant rumble of the engines, that its absence, especially onboard a xenos vessle, is quite unnerving to him.
* [[It's Raining Men]] -- Festal Kin-Drugg, once part of the elite 33rd Kator Gravchute Regiment. Led his squad in an unauthorized drop to loot a town already cleared in the wake of an Ork attack. Trained to scout and use guerrilla tactics.
* [[It's Raining Men]] -- Festal Kin-Drugg, once part of the elite 33rd Kator Gravchute Regiment. Led his squad in an unauthorized drop to loot a town already cleared in the wake of an Ork attack. Trained to scout and use guerrilla tactics.
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* [[Mage Killer]] -- Gideon Oahebs, a soldier transfered into the Last Chancers just prior to their mission to Armageddon. He keeps to himself, no one wants to interact with him, does not volunteer why he is in the unit, and people tend to feel disgusted by his presence for reasons none of them can really articulate. {{spoiler|He is a Soulguard, a "[[Anti-Magic|blank]]" trained by the Inqusition keep daemons from possessing people near him. He was sent into the Last Chancers by Inqusitor Oriel to keep an eye on Kage.}}
* [[Mage Killer]] -- Gideon Oahebs, a soldier transfered into the Last Chancers just prior to their mission to Armageddon. He keeps to himself, no one wants to interact with him, does not volunteer why he is in the unit, and people tend to feel disgusted by his presence for reasons none of them can really articulate. {{spoiler|He is a Soulguard, a "[[Anti-Magic|blank]]" trained by the Inqusition keep daemons from possessing people near him. He was sent into the Last Chancers by Inqusitor Oriel to keep an eye on Kage.}}
* [[Meaningful Name]] -- His name is Kage. He is a prisoner. [[Sarcasm Mode|Subtle]].
* [[Meaningful Name]] -- His name is Kage. He is a prisoner. [[Sarcasm Mode|Subtle]].
* [[The Medic]] -- Pieter Stroniberg was a field surgeon who became addicted to a homemade chemical mix of stimmulants and painkillers. It affected his job performance, losing five times the ususal number of patients. He eventually began [[Dr. Feelgood|giving out his chemical cocktail]] to other soldiers in exhange for money and favors, resulting in his eventual imprisonment. [[Nailed to The Wagon|He has been detoxed]], but suffers from long-term symptoms of withdrawl. Considered a trustee for good behavior, he has acted as a prison surgeon for over a year. Has [[Twitchy Eye|a nervous tick in his eye]] and [[The Insomniac|cannot sleep more than four hours a night]]. Nicknamed "Stitcher".
* [[The Medic]] -- Pieter Stroniberg was a field surgeon who became addicted to a homemade chemical mix of stimmulants and painkillers. It affected his job performance, losing five times the ususal number of patients. He eventually began [[Dr. Feelgood|giving out his chemical cocktail]] to other soldiers in exhange for money and favors, resulting in his eventual imprisonment. [[Nailed to the Wagon|He has been detoxed]], but suffers from long-term symptoms of withdrawl. Considered a trustee for good behavior, he has acted as a prison surgeon for over a year. Has [[Twitchy Eye|a nervous tick in his eye]] and [[The Insomniac|cannot sleep more than four hours a night]]. Nicknamed "Stitcher".
* [[Necessary Drawback]] -- [[Discussed Trope|Discussed]] by Kage with Gudmanz, when he gets his hands on a Fractrix-pattern assault laser, which has a much greater rate of fire than typical lasguns and is equipped with an advanced target recognition scope. He asks Gudmanz what the catch is, reasoning that if such a weapon did not have a drawback then everyone would be using one. Gudmanz explains that the focus crystal needs to be changed every few hundred shots, which is particularly delicate and requires a qualified tech-adept to do, making it impractical for most battlefield uses.
* [[Necessary Drawback]] -- [[Discussed Trope|Discussed]] by Kage with Gudmanz, when he gets his hands on a Fractrix-pattern assault laser, which has a much greater rate of fire than typical lasguns and is equipped with an advanced target recognition scope. He asks Gudmanz what the catch is, reasoning that if such a weapon did not have a drawback then everyone would be using one. Gudmanz explains that the focus crystal needs to be changed every few hundred shots, which is particularly delicate and requires a qualified tech-adept to do, making it impractical for most battlefield uses.
* [[New Meat]] -- Kage runs into a green company of Modians outside Coritanorum while wearing a Mordian uniform he stripped from a corpse. He tries to get away from them all when the fighting starts, but seeing as he is an officer (albiet one in a penal legion) the FNGs end up following him when the chain of command breaks down, which keeps them from getting shot up in a suicidal charge. [[Stop Helping Me!|Kage is not happy they have latched onto him]]. {{spoiler|They do repay him by saving his life later when the Colonel finds him, and they threaten to shoot him if he follows through on his intention to [[You Have Failed Me|execute Kage for desertion]].}}
* [[New Meat]] -- Kage runs into a green company of Modians outside Coritanorum while wearing a Mordian uniform he stripped from a corpse. He tries to get away from them all when the fighting starts, but seeing as he is an officer (albiet one in a penal legion) the FNGs end up following him when the chain of command breaks down, which keeps them from getting shot up in a suicidal charge. [[Stop Helping Me!|Kage is not happy they have latched onto him]]. {{spoiler|They do repay him by saving his life later when the Colonel finds him, and they threaten to shoot him if he follows through on his intention to [[You Have Failed Me|execute Kage for desertion]].}}
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* [[Non-Action Guy]] -- Armoror-Scribe Erasmus Spooge, armory quartermaster of the ship the Last Chancers travel to Armageddon on. Has a auto-quil servo-skull made from the cranium of his father which he keeps with him at all times, even when its grav motor gives out. Stranded with the Last Chancers when they make planetfall, he is pressed into service as an ammunition loader for a heavy stubber, being familiar with the function of common Imperial manufactured weapons, if not profecient in their operation. Brownie gives him the nickname "Razzy".
* [[Non-Action Guy]] -- Armoror-Scribe Erasmus Spooge, armory quartermaster of the ship the Last Chancers travel to Armageddon on. Has a auto-quil servo-skull made from the cranium of his father which he keeps with him at all times, even when its grav motor gives out. Stranded with the Last Chancers when they make planetfall, he is pressed into service as an ammunition loader for a heavy stubber, being familiar with the function of common Imperial manufactured weapons, if not profecient in their operation. Brownie gives him the nickname "Razzy".
* [[Plant Aliens]] -- The "God Plant" {{spoiler|located in the Heart of the Jungle on the planet False Hope is one giant organism which feeds on the bodies of other creatures which wander into its center.}}
* [[Plant Aliens]] -- The "God Plant" {{spoiler|located in the Heart of the Jungle on the planet False Hope is one giant organism which feeds on the bodies of other creatures which wander into its center.}}
* [[Plot-Driven Breakdown]] -- A stasis chamber in which [[Sealed Evil in A Can|a very dangerous xenos is being kept]] for future study seems to have opened at a very inoppertune time, at a very inoppertune place, in a room that happened to have an [[Air Vent Passageway|air vent]] leading to the rest of the very large facility. This kicks of the plot of ''13th Legion''.
* [[Plot-Driven Breakdown]] -- A stasis chamber in which [[Sealed Evil in a Can|a very dangerous xenos is being kept]] for future study seems to have opened at a very inoppertune time, at a very inoppertune place, in a room that happened to have an [[Air Vent Passageway|air vent]] leading to the rest of the very large facility. This kicks of the plot of ''13th Legion''.
* [[Power of Trust]] -- [[Averted Trope|Averted]] by Kage, who goes to great lengths to ensure his trainees learn that they cannot trust him or each other, and that the only one they can trust is themselves so they better toughen up and learn to be self-sufficient and expect anything. Quidlon points out the [[Logic Bomb|Epimenides Paradox]] of him telling them to trust him about not trusting him, which Kage says is the entire point.
* [[Power of Trust]] -- [[Averted Trope|Averted]] by Kage, who goes to great lengths to ensure his trainees learn that they cannot trust him or each other, and that the only one they can trust is themselves so they better toughen up and learn to be self-sufficient and expect anything. Quidlon points out the [[Logic Bomb|Epimenides Paradox]] of him telling them to trust him about not trusting him, which Kage says is the entire point.
* [[Prisons Are Gymnasiums]]: Since the Last Chancers are a military unit, their imprisonment necessarily includes daily calisthenics, and sometimes combat drills, especially when aboard ship in transit between theaters. Even when not on active duty, wardens are expected to keep inmates in good shape should Schaeffer have need of them. Kage is an exception to this, since his past history shows that when he is off duty he is most likely to go nuts and try to make an escape. After killing another inmate who wanted a turn at the punching bag and making an escape attempt [[Noodle Implements|with a spoon]], Kage is restricted to solitary confinement where he is kept perpetually chained to the wall and denied exercise to keep him manageable.
* [[Prisons Are Gymnasiums]]: Since the Last Chancers are a military unit, their imprisonment necessarily includes daily calisthenics, and sometimes combat drills, especially when aboard ship in transit between theaters. Even when not on active duty, wardens are expected to keep inmates in good shape should Schaeffer have need of them. Kage is an exception to this, since his past history shows that when he is off duty he is most likely to go nuts and try to make an escape. After killing another inmate who wanted a turn at the punching bag and making an escape attempt [[Noodle Implements|with a spoon]], Kage is restricted to solitary confinement where he is kept perpetually chained to the wall and denied exercise to keep him manageable.
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** [[Boxed Crook]] -- While the legionaries are given no choice in becoming part of the Last Chancers, they are not forced to go along on a [[Suicide Mission]] once Schaeffer has the experts he needs. Making it through a suicide mission entitles a Last Chancer to a full pardon of all crimes. Refusal to go along results in their sentence being changed from life imprisonment to death, so this is something of a [[False Dichotomy]]. Of course, the Colonel rarely ''tells'' those to whom he makes the offer what the option is for not accepting...
** [[Boxed Crook]] -- While the legionaries are given no choice in becoming part of the Last Chancers, they are not forced to go along on a [[Suicide Mission]] once Schaeffer has the experts he needs. Making it through a suicide mission entitles a Last Chancer to a full pardon of all crimes. Refusal to go along results in their sentence being changed from life imprisonment to death, so this is something of a [[False Dichotomy]]. Of course, the Colonel rarely ''tells'' those to whom he makes the offer what the option is for not accepting...
* [[Redemption Equals Death]] -- Another fundamental aspect of the 13th Penal Legion is that anyone who dies in its service is given a posthumous parden, absolving their crimes in the eyes of the Emperor. Those who are offered the oppertunity to go on a [[Suicide Mission]] can get a living pardon, assuming that they survive, but then there is a reason such things are called ''suicide'' missions...
* [[Redemption Equals Death]] -- Another fundamental aspect of the 13th Penal Legion is that anyone who dies in its service is given a posthumous parden, absolving their crimes in the eyes of the Emperor. Those who are offered the oppertunity to go on a [[Suicide Mission]] can get a living pardon, assuming that they survive, but then there is a reason such things are called ''suicide'' missions...
* [[Remember the New Guy]] -- The Tau were introduced into the 40K setting after the first book in this trilogy was written, and feature heavily in the second book. [[Lampshade Hanging|Kage had never heard of them before]]. Somewhat justified in that Kage is from one the underclass of a hive city, and like most Imperial citizens, is kept in relative ignorance of the extent of the galaxy, especially specific knowledge of xenos.
* [[Remember the New Guy?]] -- The Tau were introduced into the 40K setting after the first book in this trilogy was written, and feature heavily in the second book. [[Lampshade Hanging|Kage had never heard of them before]]. Somewhat justified in that Kage is from one the underclass of a hive city, and like most Imperial citizens, is kept in relative ignorance of the extent of the galaxy, especially specific knowledge of xenos.
* [[The Reveal]] -- While camped inside a disused oil pipeline, some of the Last Chancers are discussing the Colonel. The Colonel himself, [[Instant Waking Skills|seemlying asleep moments ago]], decides to lay a few things on the table regarding [[Shrouded in Myth|the rumors about himself]]. He removes his left glove. {{spoiler|Underneath is a completely normal human hand. He explains that he was fixed up after he [[An Arm and A Leg|Lost An Arm]] in the [[Storming the Castle|battle of Coritanorum]] thanks to the [[Machine Worship|Adeptus Mechanius]] cloning and regrowing him a new one. It was painful, but he had worse when they once had to [[Normally I Would Be Dead Now|regrow his spine after he got crushed by a tank]]. Even his trademark [[Blue Eyes]] are not his original ones, having been taken from a condemned criminal. Through this perpetual biological repair he has lived for over three centuries, and as long as he continues to bring victory to the Imperium he will continue to recieve such treatments. He considers this to be a blessing and a sign of the [[God-Emperor]]'s favor, as he has never failed in any mission.}}
* [[The Reveal]] -- While camped inside a disused oil pipeline, some of the Last Chancers are discussing the Colonel. The Colonel himself, [[Instant Waking Skills|seemlying asleep moments ago]], decides to lay a few things on the table regarding [[Shrouded in Myth|the rumors about himself]]. He removes his left glove. {{spoiler|Underneath is a completely normal human hand. He explains that he was fixed up after he [[An Arm and a Leg|Lost An Arm]] in the [[Storming the Castle|battle of Coritanorum]] thanks to the [[Machine Worship|Adeptus Mechanius]] cloning and regrowing him a new one. It was painful, but he had worse when they once had to [[Normally I Would Be Dead Now|regrow his spine after he got crushed by a tank]]. Even his trademark [[Blue Eyes]] are not his original ones, having been taken from a condemned criminal. Through this perpetual biological repair he has lived for over three centuries, and as long as he continues to bring victory to the Imperium he will continue to recieve such treatments. He considers this to be a blessing and a sign of the [[God-Emperor]]'s favor, as he has never failed in any mission.}}
* [[Satisfied Street Rat]] -- Kage is "hive scum", growing up in the lower hive levels of Olympas. He was part of a labor gang, serving as juvie muscle for feuding manufacturing houses, raiding each other to break equipment and give an economic edge to one or the other. He wanted to be part of something bigger than that, and so joined the Imperial Guard, and the rest is history.
* [[Satisfied Street Rat]] -- Kage is "hive scum", growing up in the lower hive levels of Olympas. He was part of a labor gang, serving as juvie muscle for feuding manufacturing houses, raiding each other to break equipment and give an economic edge to one or the other. He wanted to be part of something bigger than that, and so joined the Imperial Guard, and the rest is history.
* [[Shining City]] -- The Last Chancers visit a Tau world at one point, and stop by a panoramic window in the local space port to gaze out over the city, taking note of the carefully planned layout of streets and buildings, the quiet order of the way it conducts itself, and the bright lights that keep the place well-lit even at night. Kage finds the [[Ascetic Aesthetic]] of it rather soulless, empty, and boring, much prefering the relatively organic development and lived-in [[Used Future]] nature of Imperial cities.
* [[Shining City]] -- The Last Chancers visit a Tau world at one point, and stop by a panoramic window in the local space port to gaze out over the city, taking note of the carefully planned layout of streets and buildings, the quiet order of the way it conducts itself, and the bright lights that keep the place well-lit even at night. Kage finds the [[Ascetic Aesthetic]] of it rather soulless, empty, and boring, much prefering the relatively organic development and lived-in [[Used Future]] nature of Imperial cities.
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* [[The Stoic]] -- Colonel Schaeffer seems unperturbed by most things. He speaks in a quiet, authoritative voice, shows almost no signs of fear or pain, and seems composed at all times. The only emotion he displays with any regularity is a quiet contempt for the convicts under his command. When he shows [[Not So Stoic|even a hint of stress, worry, or anger]] (which is usually limited to [[Character Tics|a tic of his jaw]],) that is a sign that [[Darkest Hour|things have gotten really bad]].
* [[The Stoic]] -- Colonel Schaeffer seems unperturbed by most things. He speaks in a quiet, authoritative voice, shows almost no signs of fear or pain, and seems composed at all times. The only emotion he displays with any regularity is a quiet contempt for the convicts under his command. When he shows [[Not So Stoic|even a hint of stress, worry, or anger]] (which is usually limited to [[Character Tics|a tic of his jaw]],) that is a sign that [[Darkest Hour|things have gotten really bad]].
* [[Storming the Castle]] -- The Imperial citadel of Coritanorum, capital of Typhos Prime, center of the sector's military administration, built in concentric rings several kilometers wide underneath a mountain, protected by massed gun emplacements, surface-to-orbit missile silos, and artillery, considered untakable by ground forces, resitant to orbital bombardment, and with leadership in rebellion against the Imperium. [[This Is Gonna Suck|The Last Chancers are expected to get in and take it]].
* [[Storming the Castle]] -- The Imperial citadel of Coritanorum, capital of Typhos Prime, center of the sector's military administration, built in concentric rings several kilometers wide underneath a mountain, protected by massed gun emplacements, surface-to-orbit missile silos, and artillery, considered untakable by ground forces, resitant to orbital bombardment, and with leadership in rebellion against the Imperium. [[This Is Gonna Suck|The Last Chancers are expected to get in and take it]].
* [[Stripped to The Bone]] -- {{spoiler|Tau battlesuit anti-theft devices put [[Shock and Awe|an electrical current]] thought the head of an unauthorized pilot sufficient to char anyone sitting in the pilot seat to ash. The ash remains on the skeleton until something distrubs it, leaving bones behind.}}
* [[Stripped to the Bone]] -- {{spoiler|Tau battlesuit anti-theft devices put [[Shock and Awe|an electrical current]] thought the head of an unauthorized pilot sufficient to char anyone sitting in the pilot seat to ash. The ash remains on the skeleton until something distrubs it, leaving bones behind.}}
* [[Supporting Protagonist]] -- Colonel Schaeffer is the head of the Last Chancers, and a genuine heroic figure in the Imperium, but the books are told from the point of view of Kage, who is one of the convicts in his charge.
* [[Supporting Protagonist]] -- Colonel Schaeffer is the head of the Last Chancers, and a genuine heroic figure in the Imperium, but the books are told from the point of view of Kage, who is one of the convicts in his charge.
* [[Surprisingly Elite Cannon Fodder]] -- A non-comedic example, and [[Invoked Trope|deliberately invoked]] by Colonel Schaeffer. The purpose of sending regiments of military convicts into hellish warzones is to [[The Spartan Way|seperate the "elite" from the "fodder"]], in the necessary brutality typical of [[Crapsack World|the setting]].
* [[Surprisingly Elite Cannon Fodder]] -- A non-comedic example, and [[Invoked Trope|deliberately invoked]] by Colonel Schaeffer. The purpose of sending regiments of military convicts into hellish warzones is to [[The Spartan Way|seperate the "elite" from the "fodder"]], in the necessary brutality typical of [[Crapsack World|the setting]].
* [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]] -- The mood of the Last Chancers in general, to the point that fights quickly break out when they are not in theater and have no obvious enemy to battle. In a more specific sense, this is the undercurrent between Kage and Schaeffer. Kage will fight beside the Colonel, supporting him through the worst conditions, and they will speak to each other cordially and with trust. That does not stop Kage from fantasizing about killing the Colonel for everything he has put him and the other Last Chancers through.
* [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]] -- The mood of the Last Chancers in general, to the point that fights quickly break out when they are not in theater and have no obvious enemy to battle. In a more specific sense, this is the undercurrent between Kage and Schaeffer. Kage will fight beside the Colonel, supporting him through the worst conditions, and they will speak to each other cordially and with trust. That does not stop Kage from fantasizing about killing the Colonel for everything he has put him and the other Last Chancers through.
* [[Throw Down the Bomblet]] -- Oynas Trost, a man who [[The Nondescript|looks completely average and unremarkable]], except for his [[Dull Eyes of Unhappiness|dead, emotionless eyes]]. Agent of the [[Career Killers|Officio Sabatorum]], and has the highest bodycount of anyone in the 13th Penal Legion, which is saying something. Made a mistake that ended poisoning three Imperial admirals and their families, which is why he is in the Last Chancers. Used to operating on his own, he [[Talk to The Fist|Talks to Kage's Fist]] often as Kage tries to instill a little team discipline in him. Nicknamed "Demolition Man".
* [[Throw Down the Bomblet]] -- Oynas Trost, a man who [[The Nondescript|looks completely average and unremarkable]], except for his [[Dull Eyes of Unhappiness|dead, emotionless eyes]]. Agent of the [[Career Killers|Officio Sabatorum]], and has the highest bodycount of anyone in the 13th Penal Legion, which is saying something. Made a mistake that ended poisoning three Imperial admirals and their families, which is why he is in the Last Chancers. Used to operating on his own, he [[Talk to the Fist|Talks to Kage's Fist]] often as Kage tries to instill a little team discipline in him. Nicknamed "Demolition Man".
* [[Token Minority]] -- Brin "Brownie" Dunmore. Dark skinned, born on Stralia, a planet of islands, he [[Bring My Brown Pants|soiled his pants]] on his first deployment with the Imperial Guard, which earned him his unfortunate nickname. Since then, he has overcome his fear by training himself with the biggest weapons he can find, reasoning that if he has the biggest guns then it will be the enemies who fear him instead. He is an expert with all manner of heavy ordinance, from mortars to machineguns to rocket launchers, though his [[Weapon of Choice]] is a [[More Dakka|heavy stubber]] for most general use. He once took a bet that he could not use an anti-armor rocket to shoot down a flying airplane. He won the bet, but unfortunately did not properly check his fire and shot down a friendly plane by mistake.
* [[Token Minority]] -- Brin "Brownie" Dunmore. Dark skinned, born on Stralia, a planet of islands, he [[Bring My Brown Pants|soiled his pants]] on his first deployment with the Imperial Guard, which earned him his unfortunate nickname. Since then, he has overcome his fear by training himself with the biggest weapons he can find, reasoning that if he has the biggest guns then it will be the enemies who fear him instead. He is an expert with all manner of heavy ordinance, from mortars to machineguns to rocket launchers, though his [[Weapon of Choice]] is a [[More Dakka|heavy stubber]] for most general use. He once took a bet that he could not use an anti-armor rocket to shoot down a flying airplane. He won the bet, but unfortunately did not properly check his fire and shot down a friendly plane by mistake.
* [[Vague Age]] -- Kage is uncertain of his exact age, given that his early life was spent in an underhive with no seasons to count, warp travel confuses relative and objective time, and the fact that he is given no calender to track such things. Scribe Spooge, who has access to some more exact figures, places Kage's age at somewhere below thirty Terran standard years, though Kage has [[Wise Beyond Their Years|seen more battlefields and combat than most soldiers twice his age]], and [[Covered With Scars|has the scars to prove it]].
* [[Vague Age]] -- Kage is uncertain of his exact age, given that his early life was spent in an underhive with no seasons to count, warp travel confuses relative and objective time, and the fact that he is given no calender to track such things. Scribe Spooge, who has access to some more exact figures, places Kage's age at somewhere below thirty Terran standard years, though Kage has [[Wise Beyond Their Years|seen more battlefields and combat than most soldiers twice his age]], and [[Covered with Scars|has the scars to prove it]].
* [[Virtual Training Simulation]] --
* [[Virtual Training Simulation]] --
** The troopship ''[[Cool Ship|Laurels of Glory]]'', intended for carrying [[Elite Mooks|Imperial Stormtroopers]], is one of [[Power Equals Rarity|less than a dozen such ships in the Imperium]] which include training bays of unusual sophistication. These training bays are capable of convincingly simulating things such as a pastoral farmland on a planet's surface, including weather changes. It may involve [[Hologram|Holograms]], but does not involve [[Hard Light]]. Things such as grass are grown in the bay itself, rather than projected, and each bay must be landscaped and have its structures constructed with conventional methods.
** The troopship ''[[Cool Ship|Laurels of Glory]]'', intended for carrying [[Elite Mooks|Imperial Stormtroopers]], is one of [[Power Equals Rarity|less than a dozen such ships in the Imperium]] which include training bays of unusual sophistication. These training bays are capable of convincingly simulating things such as a pastoral farmland on a planet's surface, including weather changes. It may involve [[Hologram|Holograms]], but does not involve [[Hard Light]]. Things such as grass are grown in the bay itself, rather than projected, and each bay must be landscaped and have its structures constructed with conventional methods.