The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Difference between revisions

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* [[Continuity Nod]]: During a ceremony, Zelda makes references to others Links' lives:
{{Quote|Whether [[The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword|skyward bound]], [[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time|adrift in time]], or steeped in the [[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess|embers of twilight]], the sacred blade is forever bound to the soul of the hero...}}
* [[Convection Schmocvection]]: A rare case of a video game where this is subverted. Link cannot survive the superheated air in the [[Lethal Lava Land]] area without magical protection (either potions or special armor) and any combustible items he carries burn quickly. The closer he is to the source of the heat, the more protection he needs.
* [[Cordon Bleugh Chef]]: Purposely Subverted. Link can cook some pretty potent [[Power-Up Food]] when he follows his recipes, but if he tries to cook ingredients that obviously shouldn't go together, like put bat wings in with apples and rice, all he'll get is a barely edible mess. Putting more than one stat enhancing ingredient in one dish will likely ruin it too.
* [[Dead All Along]]: {{spoiler|The Old Man in the Great Plateau is a dead king. More exactly, King Rhoam of Hyrule}}.
* [[Deal with the Devil]]: What got the entity inside the Horned Statue an eternity of imprisonment by the goddess Hylia; she didn't like he was making outrageous deals like exchanging life for money, or the reverse.
* [[Dem Bones]]: The Stalkoblins are reanimated corpses made entirely of bone, without one piece of flesh visible.
* [[Eldrich Abomination]]: Ganon does not even remotely resemble a human in this version. {{spoiler|His first battle form might be more of a [[Humanoid Abomination]] being a large bug-like [[Cyborg]] made out of Guardian parts and other Sheikah Tech, the only trace of the original Ganondorf being his red bearded face. It's revealed that he was trying to reconstruct a physical body before the battle, but all he managed was a half-rotting corpse. Ganon's final form has the title of "Hatred and Malice Incarnate", and truly fits this Trope, with Zelda stating Ganon has given up on trying to reincarnate. At least in the English version, that is. In the original Japanese version, he become this as a ''result'' of [[Gone Horribly Wrong| trying - and failing - to reincarnate himself]].}}
* [[Exposed to the Elements]]: Again, subverted. Link needs warm clothing or magic to survive blizzards and high altitudes, and the colder it is, the more protection he needs.
* [[Fingerless Gloves]]: Zelda wears them, apparently only because it looks [[Rule of Cool|cool]].
* [[Go for the Eye]]: Hinoxes, but they will cover it if Link make too much damage.
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** Thunderblight Ganon is a lightning-themed boss.
* [[Starfish Robots]]: The Guardians have way more than four limbs and have cephalopode-like heads
* [[Super Drowning Skills]]: Link's ability to swim is handled rather realistically; he can swim as long as his stamina wheel holds out. BokoblinsHowever, however,he can swim just as well in plate armor as he can in a regular shirt and trousers. It's different for monsters. Bokoblins swim about as well as anchors, and it's relatively easy to defeat a group of them by luring them into water. Lizalfos, however, can swim like fish and often ambush Link from water.
* [[The Undead]]: Stalkoblins, reanimated Bokoblins' skeletons.
* [[Underground Monkey]]: Keese, Lizalfos, and Chuchus come in normal, Fire, Ice and Lightning varieties; Wizzrobes have the same types except "normal". Octorocks have normal, Forest, Rock, Snow; Water, Treasure, and Sky varieties. Talos have lava and ice variants; .
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]:
** You can force Link to suffer in cold areas by removing his warm clothes, leaving him shivering. Conversely, you can also make him trudge through deserts and volcanoes in full metal armor.
** Unlike other games in the series, horses can actually die from being hit by attacks. While this mainly means that the monsters you encounter have another target, this doesn't stop you from murdering your own horse if you feel it's outlived its purpose, or if you find a horse with a nicer-looking design or even better stats. And it's ultimately unnecessary, since you can have up to 5 at a time in the stables, and can let go the ones you don't want. Also, if you try to bring it near the lava in the Eldin region, the poor thing will burst into flames unlike other damage-registering NPCs.
** While NPCs can't be harmed, you can still swing your weapons at them to make them scared or annoyed. They'll have a different reaction to your bombs, where they'll look at it in terror, track where it goes if you toss it, and then freak out proper when you detonate the bomb. They also have a different reaction to your attempts at setting them on fire with the Fire or Meteor Rod.
** Fighting monsters has so many ways you can utilize: blowing them up with explosives, shooting elemental arrows at them, setting them on fire with a torch, blowing them off a cliff with a Korok Leaf... the possibilities are endless! But what takes the cake is what you can do to skeletons: You can beat one with its own arm, then steal its skull and run away with it while the rest of the skeleton desperately tries to take it back, and finally kick the skull off a cliff, after which the skeleton throws a fit in frustration before collapsing into a pile of bones.
Want to catch a whole school of fish but you’re too ill-equipped/lazy to swim after them? Simply let loose a Shock Arrow into their general area and watch them all float up to the surface of the water!
** An old lady in Kakariko Village yells at you for stepping in her garden where she's growing her plum trees. She'll also yell at you if you blow up a tree with a bomb. Blow up all the trees and she gets depressed that her trees are all gone.
** Like most games in the series, attacking Cuccos earns you the wrath of the Cucco Revenge Squad. However, due to the open world nature of this game, it is possible to kill them without consequences by carrying one all the way up to the hottest parts of the Eldin region and then throwing it into lava.
** An NPC will give you 500 rupees if you agree to meeting a Great Fairy and making an offering in his place. Nothing is stopping you from ignoring the request and just keeping the money for yourself, though doing so does deprive you of a means of further upgrading your armour.
** When you find an NPC looking over the edge of one of the towers, you have the option of having Link sneak up behind him and shout, "BOO!" (Don't worry, he doesn't fall.)
* [[Trick Arrow]]: Link can use arrows that have elemental powers, like ice, fire and lightning.
* [[You Kill It, You Bought It]]: