The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Difference between revisions

Undo revision 1670339 by HeneryVII (talk)
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(Undo revision 1670339 by HeneryVII (talk))
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** While NPCs can't be harmed, you can still swing your weapons at them to make them scared or annoyed. They'll have a different reaction to your bombs, where they'll look at it in terror, track where it goes if you toss it, and then freak out proper when you detonate the bomb. They also have a different reaction to your attempts at setting them on fire with the Fire or Meteor Rod.
** Fighting monsters has so many ways you can utilize: blowing them up with explosives, shooting elemental arrows at them, setting them on fire with a torch, blowing them off a cliff with a Korok Leaf... the possibilities are endless! But what takes the cake is what you can do to skeletons: You can beat one with its own arm, then steal its skull and run away with it while the rest of the skeleton desperately tries to take it back, and finally kick the skull off a cliff, after which the skeleton throws a fit in frustration before collapsing into a pile of bones.
** Want to catch a whole school of fish but you’re too ill-equipped/lazy to swim after them? Simply let loose a Shock Arrow into their general area and watch them all float up to the surface of the water!
** An old lady in Kakariko Village yells at you for stepping in her garden where she's growing her plum trees. She'll also yell at you if you blow up a tree with a bomb. Blow up all the trees and she gets depressed that her trees are all gone.
** At the top of one of the Towers, Link finds a guy looking over the edge. One option Link has is to sneak up behind him and shout "BOO!" Fortunately, he doesn't fall.
** Like most games in the series, attacking Cuccos earns you the wrath of the Cucco Revenge Squad. However, due to the open world nature of this game, it is possible to kill them without consequences by carrying one all the way up to the hottest parts of the Eldin region and then throwing it into lava.
** An NPC will give you 500 rupees if you agree to meeting a Great Fairy and making an offering in his place. Nothing is stopping you from ignoring the request and just keeping the money for yourself, though doing so does deprive you of a means of further upgrading your armour.