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** {{spoiler|Not only a mommy, but a daddy, too, which explains the other moldarach you find in the shipyard.}}
* During the {{spoiler|the first battle to reseal the Imprisoned, you are told by the old woman who watches over the Sealed Temple if the Imprisoned escapes, it would mean the [[Endofthe World As We Know It]]. At first, you think it is because it is incredibly strong anyways and probably has enough power to level Hyrule, but after turning Fi into the Master Sword, these battle are given an even greater importance because a) the Imprisoned requires the Goddess Hylia's soul to regain its true form as Demise, b) Zelda is in fact Hylia reborn as a mortal, and c) Zelda has put herself into a crystallized sleep capsule in order to maintain the seal for as long as she can, and d) said capsule is in the Sealed Temple not far from where the Imprisoned's seal is located. Meaning if you cannot stop the Imprisoned from reaching the top, you've just allowed him to regain his true form.}} - tclittle
* Hyrule's desert used to be a vast ocean. In the alternate world of [[The Legend of Zelda: MajorasMajora's Mask|Termina]], the Gerudo are pirates!
** The desert used to be a vast ocean? But where did all of that water go? Permanent worldwide cloud coverage.
*** The clouds appear to be wholly magical in origin. The surface has a mostly clear sky, after all. The water could've been sent to (one of) the future(s), answering where all the water that flooded Hyrule came from.
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** More than that, once you {{spoiler|go back to the past and see Zelda before she goes into her long slumber, she uses the power of the goddess Hylia to further empower the Master Sword. Thus the True Master Sword has all three values, plus the blessing of a fourth goddess.}} It may not be much, but it's clearly enough to tip the balance out of Ganon's favor.
* This game was known to detail the origins of the Master Sword long before the game was released. But why was it named the Master Sword? {{spoiler|This version of Link was the one who unlocked the hidden potential within the Goddess Sword, thus creating the Master Sword in the first place. Fi is the living spirit of the Goddess Sword. What does she call Link, the one who wields the sword? She calls Link her "master". The name "Master Sword" is a reference to the original owner of the blade. The very first "Master" of the sword is Link himself, thus making the "Master Sword" HIS sword! As shown by the ending, Fi treasured her time with Link despite it just being her purpose. It is brilliant (and also heartwarming) to see that the spirit within the sword named it after her very first companion.}}
* [[The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Video Game)|Skyward Sword]] has a few puzzles that revolve around electricity, of all things. It looks like [[Schizo-Tech]], but what if it were the other way around, as [[Lost Technology]]? The reason we don't see any electricity dungeons in the other games is because [[Ragnarok Proofing|all the components died out from lack of maintenance.]]
* Relating to [[Skyward Sword]]: the art style is more "real" than in ''[[The Legend of Zelda: theThe Wind Waker (Video Game)|The Wind Waker]]'', and more "colorful" or "cartoony" than in [[Twilight Princess]]. [[Word of God]] confirms its location at the beginning of the story, before the timeline split. Also, [[Ocarina of Time]] sat at a similar balance, though less so due to the primitive N64 graphics. Maybe the colors and realism didn't divide into separate timelines until after the split? [[The Legend of Zelda: theThe Wind Waker (Video Game)|One]] [[The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass|timeline]] [[The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks|became]] [[Lighter and Softer]], [[The Legend of Zelda: MajorasMajora's Mask|the]] [[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess|other]] [[Darker and Edgier]]! Just as, at any crossroads [[Real Life|out here in the boring world]], [[Red Pill, B LueBlue Pill|different choices could lead to different circumstances]]. And hey, maybe the Goddesses made the timeline where {{spoiler|Ganon destroyed everything}} [[Lighter and Softer]] in order to {{spoiler|ease the probable pains of the survivors?}} It wasn't needed as much in the other timeline, where everything continued in the original vein of [[Ocarina of Time]].
* It's well known that the Ballad of the Goddess is Zelda's Lullaby backwards; {{spoiler|The Ballad of the Goddess backwards is, therefore, the goddess's lullaby.}}
* The reason Link starts with six hearts instead of three like in all the other games? Unlike most of his descendants, this Link went through basic combat training at the Knight's Academy, which buffed up his endurance.
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* Fi's singing expression (and some of her other mannerisms) tend to be considered [[Uncanny Valley]] territory by the fanbase. But this makes perfect sense when you consider that she is, essentially, a goddess supplied helper-bot created for the sole purpose of aiding the hero and has had (to the best of our knowledge) next to no human contact prior to Link. To this troper, that makes her {{spoiler|heartfelt farewell}} even more of a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]].
* A minor thing that came to mind, about the shields. Now, one may wonder, with how, for example, why the imagery of the shields Link can procure in this game don't appear in any other game, save for the {{spoiler|Hylian Shield}} [[Infinity+1 Sword|of +1 Infinity]]. The answer to this is simple, all the other shields break. It is only logical that, after so long, the other shields wore down over time, leaving only the {{spoiler|Hylian Shield}} as a reminder of that ancient era.
** Perhaps it also explains why all of the {{spoiler|Hylian Shields don't really look all the same, too. In [[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time]], the Hylian shield looks different than this one, adding an upside down triangular yellow piece at the bottom. Maybe the shield creators just used the design of this game's shield and based theirs off of it, due to the fact that it's one of the only remaining shields from this era}}.
* {{spoiler|Impa's dual appearance in this game is a reference to [[Composite Character|both of her portrayals]] throughout the series; the old woman represents Impa as she appeared in [[All There in the Manual|(the manuals of)]] Zelda I and II, while the sleek, younger Impa hearkens back to her appearance in Ocarina of Time.}}
* Why does the lava in that one section of the Fire Sanctuary [[Nonstandard Game Over|instantly kill you?]] Simple: Link can't [[Rule of Funny|leap into the air]] and escape from certain death while underground.
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* All the structures and enemies in the past version of Lanayru Desert have this [[Color Contrast|red-and-blue]] abstract pattern on certain segments. A similar red-and-blue motif can be found in Gerudo-related designs, though the Past-Lanayru patterns are typically gaudier than the more faded, deserty Gerudo patterns. This signifies how the Gerudo probably came across relics of the past such as the robots or buildings and decided to incorporate elements of those designs into their own. Cross-reference an [ Armos] with [ Ganondorf].
* That symbol on the base of the Goddess Statue (the one that turns into the entry to the inside of the statue) and the Goddess Crests look like Fi.
* The depowered Master Sword in ''[[The Legend of Zelda: theThe Wind Waker (Video Game)|Wind Waker]]'' is identical to the half-powered Master Sword in [[Skyward Sword]].
* Faron Province is associated with Farore, the Goddess of Courage. The dungeons of Faron are also where you find the vast majority of the game's undead creatures, which are [[Nightmare Fuel|pretty scary]], and which require courage to face.
* The introduction of Loftwings: for the longest time, I wondered why the herald of Hyrule was [ a bird]. Now we know where it comes from.
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*** The Master Sword, and thus {{spoiler|Demise's consciousness}}, is still apparently gone forever, so the point remains the same.
**** That doesn't seem to be the case, as a new Demon King (Malladus) appears right afterwards. Demise's curse was never specifically about Ganondorf(s).
*** The way I see it, in The Wind Waker, Ganondorf wasn't killed--think about it. In the other games where he's actually killed, what happened to him? [[The Legend of Zelda: aA Link Toto T Hethe Past (Video Game)|He'd]] [[The Legend of Zelda Oracle Games|disintegrate]] [[The Legend of Zelda (Videovideo Gamegame)|into]] [[Zelda II: theThe Adventure of Link (Video Game)|ashes]], or he'd [[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Video Game)|just plain die]]. But in The Wind Waker, he turns to stone. Most likely, he'd only been [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|sealed in stone for as long as the Master Sword remains embedded in his head]]. [[And I Must Scream|Not quite dead, unable to move]] with no chance for {{spoiler|Demise's curse to reincarnate in a new form so long as Ganondorf still lives}}... and the world moved on and prospered without it.
* {{spoiler|Levias, Guardian of the Sky, is a Windfish.}} If you have ever played [[The Legend of Zelda: LinksLink's Awakening]], the idea of it dreaming gets horrifying very quickly.
* Skipper, like all of the little robots in the desert, are only alive in the past. And Skipper proved the robots are actually aware that they are in a future where [[Look Onon My Works Ye Mighty and Despair|they and everything they worked for has decayed and been forgotten.]] They may be robots, but they're sentient and have personalities. You'd think that'd create some sort of existential dread.
** Additionally, after Link defeats Tentalus, Skipper and his crew are now in power of the ship again. However, we find out earlier that Skipper has a wife and child living in Skipper's Retreat. (This can be assumed by reading the pieces of paper on the walls of Skipper's Retreat - one of which is a note from his child. There are two deactivated robots in the Retreat - we can assume they are his family). Skipper has revealed that he cannot access his old home (which is why Link has to get the sea chart for him). Skipper may forever live in Lanayru's golden age, with his crew, protecting the Flame... but his wife and child are deactivated for eternity.
** Which, in turn, is why their main industrial activity seems to be centered around gathering Timeshift Stones, which allow them to live forever at their height in Lanayru's golden age.