The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword/Funny: Difference between revisions

→‎top: clean up, replaced: Big Lipped Alligator Moment → Non Sequitur Scene (2)
m (→‎top: clean up, replaced: Big Lipped Alligator Moment → Non Sequitur Scene (2))
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* How Zelda's Loftwing delivers her letter to Link: by spitting it at him!
* And of course, the fact that [[Kleptomaniac Hero]], among many, ''many'' other adventure-game tropes are [[Subverted Trope|subverted]] throughout the course of the game.
* One of the Gratitude Crystal sidequests also counts. It's a [[Mythology Gag]] centered around one of the weirdest [[BigNon LippedSequitur Alligator Moment|Big Lipped Alligator MomentsScene]]s from [[Majoras Mask]]. To wit: you discover somebody in the Knight's Academy's bathroom in the middle of the night, crying out for paper ("any paper!"). When you find paper, she lets you into the bathroom... to reveal that it's a {{spoiler|disembodied hand}} that appears from inside the toilet. The only thing that could make this better is the fact that the paper is actually a {{spoiler|love letter}}. It's truly a thing of wonder.
* The Cursed Bokoblins. Some find them [[Nightmare Fuel|scary]], others find them hilarious. Even if the first time you're faced with a [[Ninja Zombie Pirate Robot|horde of undead, leopard-print underwear-wearing monsters]] doesn't phase you, there are other moments. They're like the [[Butt Monkey|Butt Monkeys]]s of monsters.
** One example is the first time you're exiting the basement floor via rope. {{spoiler|Out of ''nowhere'' the Cursed Bokoblins pop up and chase you up the rope and, if they catch you, you get to shake them off.}} It's hard to run away through the laughter.
** According to Fi, the whole reason they cling to life is the attachment to their odd underwear.
** Another moment from the Cistern basement is when you finally get the idol. {{spoiler|A mob of Bokoblins springs from the ground and the statue above you begins to drop down from the ceiling/where it ''used to be'' the ceiling.}} You could probably stay to fight them all off, but it's infinitely more satisfying to {{spoiler|sprint out of the way and watch the cinematic of them being squashed.}} And just for those budding PETM members: it's alright. They're already dead.
** Bokoblins in general are [[Butt Monkey|Butt Monkeys]]s in the Zelda series, but nowhere else is it more apparent than in this game.
* [ The cinematic] after you insert the {{spoiler|Stone of Trials}}. Link's blank expression practically screams [[Flat What|"What."]]
** This is likely a [[Call Back]] ([[Anachronic Order|Or CallForward)]] to a similar scene in [[The Wind Waker]], where Link had a similar reaction to a very similar statue doing a very similar thing. Just that in [[The Wind Waker]], Link went on to examine the statue closer in order to see if it's broken - only to have it blow up in his face.
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* If you get spotted in the stealth section of Eldin Volcano, a boulder will be launched on top of Link courtesy of some Bokoblins with a catapult, with the screen going black right before it hits him and a squishing noise.
* If your sense of humor is dark enough, the boss fight with Koloktos- where you repeatedly chop its limbs off ''with its own sword'' and wail on its weak spot while it sits helplessly- can be [[Bloody Hilarious]].
* When you first fix Scrapper, he acts like a complete jerk. Then Fi comes out and he starts flirting with her .<ref> While Fi doesn't have a gender, Scrapper refers to it as a her.</ref>. She's rendered speechless.
{{quote|'''Scrapper''': "Helping young people like yourself is very low on my list of priorities."
*Fi pops out*
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'''Fi''': *extremely long pause* "...Master, I believe we now have a way to retrieve that item." }}
** Scrapper then nicknames Link "Master Shortpants".
* Link's 50ft50&nbsp;ft jump in the air and "hegekeke!" scream [[Rump Roast|when he comes into contact with lava.]] It was funny when his Wind Waker counterpart did the same thing, but [[The Comically Serious|there's something about teenage Link]] that makes it even funnier, and a vast improvement over [[Nightmare Fuel|what happens to Twilight Princess Link in that situation]].
* "This is Peatrice, a sweet girl whose occupation of storing items provides little intellectual stimulation. You can store items with her at the bazaar. Master, your interest in this young woman is clear. I can see your aura shining brightly with joy in her presence. ...I strongly recommend that you do not mention this when you next encounter Zelda."
* After the {{spoiler|second Moldarach boss fight}} happens while you are searching for Skipper's ship, if you continue to search long enough, Fi will tell you that there is a 0% chance that the ship is there and that you should leave.
