The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: Difference between revisions

(15 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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** In one of the memories that shows Zelda receiving the Master Sword via Recall, she hears a female voice, assuring her that Link is still alive and urging her to find a way to fix the sword. It is heavily implied that this is Fi, the personification of the Master Sword, who appeared in ''Skyward Sword''.
* [[Cartoon Cheese]]: A new food ingredient, Hateno Cheese, a typical wedge of cheese with holes. It isn’t exactly the most useful ingredient, but one of the more interesting, as you can use it to make things like pizza and cheesecake.
* [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]]: Gloom Weapons, dropped by {{spoiler|Phantom Ganon}}, can be used by Link and are among the strongest in the game for base attack power. However, they not only damage Link, they inflict Gloom Damage, meaning you cannot heal said damage while using the weapon and apply the usual methods to cure Gloom.
* [[Catch a Falling Star]]:
** At the start of the game, Link tries to catch Zelda with his wounded arm, but fails. At the end of the game {{spoiler|after defeating Ganondorf, the last playable part has him try again while both are in free-fall. [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|This time, he succeeds.]]}}
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** Happens when Hoz first sees Link - it takes him a few moments to realize who it is.
** {{spoiler|Master Kohga does this at least once when Link encounters him attempting to use a piece of Zonai technology. He mistakes Link for a Yiga Footsoldier and tells him to take over - and then it sinks in that it’s his hated enemy watching him.}}
** [[Drama-Preserving Handicap]]: It is stated repeatedly how in the past Ganondorf was far too powerful to defeat, and that not even the seven greatest warriors of Hyrule could slay him. It seems, however, that ten millennia of imprisonment in that tomb has reduced him to a withering husk, and he requires some time to regain his full health and power. Riju notes that the reason they survive the encounter in Hyrule Castle’s throne room is because he is still not strong enough to face them all, which means they still have a chance.
* [[Dramatic Irony]]: When the Zonai ruins appeared among the clouds and started falling from the sky a massive effort was started to study and research them. However, from the point of view of the player, this research becomes obsolete fast, between Link’s ability to use the Zonai devices and the flashbacks from the geoglyphs. They do help a little due to their translations of the steles (which Link cannot read) but Link barely needs that to uncover the mysteries of the Zonai of his own.
* [[Dressing as the Enemy]]: {{spoiler|Once Link obtains the full Yiga set, he can pass as a Yiga and enter their hideout unnoticed, plus he can use it to prevent disguised Yiga attacks and ambushes. In fact, switching to the armor after a random ambush starts causes the attackers to cease and despawn.}}
* [[Disc One Nuke]]: It is possible to get the Champions Leathers armor very early in the game, once you finish the quest that activates the tower to Lookout Landing.{{spoiler| Simply brew a few Stamina Elixirs (easily done by finding a few Crickets) then use the Tower to launch Link into the air, and then use the Glider to fly to the front gate of Hyrule Castle. There are no enemies or traps there (yet), despite its significance to the end game, it’s perfectly safe now. Enter the throne room and light the braziers, and this opens a secret compartment where you will find the Champions Leathers.}}
* [[Dual World Gameplay]]: This game ups the ante by having triple world gameplay.
* [[Dude, Not Funny]]: {{spoiler|Wearing a Yiga Clan uniform and talking to Sheikah NPCs will have them remark how Link's outfit is of incredibly poor taste and strongly recommend that he change into something more respectable. Trying it in Gerudo Town will result in the guards ''arresting'' Link, and refusing to let him out of jail until he takes it off.}}
* [[Dying Race]]: The Zonai are quite likely an extinct race judging by Ganondorf's passive-aggressive statements during one of the memories - {{spoiler|only Rauru and Mineru are still around, and both are spirits.}}
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== F ==
* [[Face of a Thug]]: Dondons are Dodongo-like creatures with bulky armored bodies and an imposing pair of horns, and are mistaken for fearsome monsters by civilians who have seen Zelda riding one. However, they're very peaceful, dopey creatures that actually seem to have a bit of a shy streak to them.
* [[Failed Attempt At Drama]]: {{spoiler|In the epilogue, the Sages try to renew their Vows to assure Mineru, as she leaves for the afterlife, that Hyrule will be safe under their protection. Unfortunately, none of them are very experienced making speeches, and they mess up the lines. Still, she appreciates the gesture.}}
* [[Famed in Story]] Everybody knows who the Hero of the Wild is. Link is even able to get a job at the Lucky Clover Gazette because the editor recognizes him.
* [[Fantastic Drug]]: The Gorons are addicted to the new Marble Rock Roast, so much that they have become lazy and unwilling to do anything except eat it or gain more of it, becoming aggressive should anyone suggest they stop doing so. They've even been reduced to trying to con visitors out of their money in order to buy more. It even causes their eyes to glow blood red as a sign of its influence.
* [[Fantastic Flora]]: In addition to the fruits and vegetables that Link can harvest and use, there is Sundelions, flowers found in the Sky Kingdom that hold solar power within, and are able to cure the debilitating effect of the Gloom. The Depths are covered with forests of strange twisted trees with fronds resembling peacock feathers, and strange purple grass. They're also gigantic mushrooms and weird fern-like plants.
**[[Fantastic Fruits and Vegetables]]: The stat boosting fruit and mushrooms return from the previous game (except Hearty Durans), with a lot of new ones appearing, such as elemental fruit that can be bonded to weapons in order produce bursts of flame, frost, electricity, water, or flashes of light. There are also muddle buds, whose pollen disorients living creatures, puffshrooms, whose spores create obscuring smoke, and the explosive bomb flowers.
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** While it doesn't last, [[Stout Strength|Yunobo]] goes from a [[Cowardly Lion]] and bonafide [[Nice Guy]] to an abrasive, slimy [[Jerkass]] who gladly spreads the highly-addictive [[G-Rated Drug|Marbled Rock Roast]] throughout Goron City {{spoiler|because of Phantom Ganon's brainwashing via cursed mask}}.
* [[Feed It a Bomb]]: Much like Dodongos, you can do some serious damage to Froxes by hurling bombs into their open maws.
* [[Fight Off the Kryptonite]]: Villainous example. When Ganondorf first wakes up, he nearly kills Link and destroys the master sword, a weapon that was specifically designed with him in mind. While a shattered piece of it does manage to cut him, the resulting wound heals within seconds. Only through several thousand years of linear time exposed to Zelda's divine light does the sword again become strong enough to harm him.
* [[Fighting a Shadow]]: The Phantom Ganons are, as Ganondorf himself claims, a puppet created by magic under his control.
* [[Fighting Your Friend]]: At Goron City, Link has to fight Yunobo {{spoiler|to free him from the evil mask that has rendered him brainwashed and crazy}}.
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* [[Fling a Light Into the Future]]: A major point of the plot. Ganondorf was far too powerful for the sages to defeat, but they managed to seal him away, which they knew was a temporary solution. Knowing he would eventually break his bonds, they did all they could to leave warnings, instructions, and other aid through their descendants, in hopes Link could succeed where they failed.
* [[Floating Continent]]: The Sky Kingdom above Hyrule, an archipelago of floating islands holding ruins of the Zonai civilization
* [[Floating Water]]:
** The Memories are small pools of water within geoglyphs; Link views each memory by finding and interacting with them.
** On Wellspring Island, there are odd Zonai mechanisms that create spheres of water with their own localized gravity. Link can leap into these spheres to ride them across gaps or float higher, and can use Ultrahand and Recall to manipulate their path.
* [[Flunky Boss]]: Queen Gibdo. Like any queen insect worth her salt, she sics hordes of Gibdo drones on Link and Riju during her boss fights.
* [[Forced Perspective]]: Two examples:
** In the quest “Sidon of Zora’s Domain”, Link is told to shoot an arrow fused with a King’s Scale (provided by King Dorphan) through a droplet among rocks surrounding Floating Scales Island. There is nothing on this island that resembles a droplet. However, if the player has Link walk around while moving the camera, a cluster of rocks eventually align in perspective into an outline of a teardrop, through which Link must shoot the arrow.
** This is also how Link must find one of the Gerudo steles in the underground shelter in a side quest. The stele in question is in two pieces, the main part against the wall of the classroom, and another fixed on a pedestal. By positioning Link in a specific spot and viewing the two parts of the stele by a specific angle, the two can be viewed as one stele and the camera can be used to take a picture of it as such.
* [[Foreshadowing]]:
** The game's logo is an ouroboros symbol composed of two dragons eating each other’s tails. This foreshadows {{spoiler|the [[Stable Time Loop]] that leads to Ganondorf’s initial defeat 10,000 years ago and the conflict between him and Link in the present day, from the time-displaced Zelda’s point of view. It also predicts the [[Final Battle]], with Ganondorf consuming his Stone to become the Dark Demon Dragon and the aerial battle high above Hyrule where Link engages the villain while riding atop Zelda’s similar aspect of the Light Dragon.}}
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* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]: The “Bring Peace” quests have some heroic examples. These quests involve Link aiding the Monster Control Crew, volunteer squads of Hyruleans willing to fight to defend their homes, and the most diehard fans might recognize their leaders. In ''Breath of the Wild'', Toren was a guy at the Tabantha Bridge Stable who was too afraid of heights to climb the mountain to look for the Great Fairy; Hoz was a lone self-made soldier patrolling the East Akada Stable, and Flaxel was a traveler who Link finds cornered by Bokoblins and has to rescue. In this game, all three NPCs have gotten much better skilled, enough to lead the three volunteer squads.
* [[Fungus Humongous]]: Towering stalks of fungi grow like trees in the Depths. The caps of this giant fungus can be used as platforms for Link to use with Ascend in order to reach high cliffs.
* [[Futile Hand Reach]]: As the Upheaval occurs and the ruins collapse around them, Link dives after Zelda as she falls into a dark abyss. He almost manages to grab her hand, but ultimately fails. Fortunately, a golden aura surrounds Zelda as she falls, and she ends up teleported somewhere else - or rather, ''somewhen'' else - safely.
== G ==
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** The Hyrulian volunteer army is dedicated, loyal, and brave but as some quests show, not very bright:
*** In the “Gourmets Gone Missing” sidequest, you have to go out to look for missing travelers who are supposedly gourmet cooks; when you find their camp, all of them are sick. Seems Zelda had given them a recipe for Meat and Rice Bowl that seems simple (“Raw meat, Hylian Rice, and Rock Salt”) but for the Raw Meat part they used monster parts - as an NPC puts it, even children know enough never to do that.
*** In “For Our Princess!” a group of soldiers at the Hebra Stable claim they received a letter from Zelda, telling them “So prepare your mind and body and explore in your underpants.” They’re unwilling to question their beloved Princess, but aren’t doing a very good job and not willing to confront a cave full of monsters unarmed and without armor. Once Link shows them that it’s possible (a [[No -Gear Level]], of course) [[Women Are Wiser| Leica comes by]], telling them that someone misinterpreted the letter; it actually said, “So prepare your mind and body and explore all other paths.”
* [[Ignored Epiphany]]: The Evil Statue that was originally in Hateno Village (whom Link could use to swap his Heart Containers for Stamina Vessels and vice versa) has been further punished by the Goddess, buried in an abandoned shrine in Lookout Landing. It admits to Link that it should have learned its lesson, but refuses to, and still cannot resist making its infernal deals.
* [[Imposter Forgot One Detail]]: {{spoiler| There is a subtle hint that the “Zelda” Link is trailing might not truly be her, as the clothing she is wearing is different than what she was wearing when she disappeared, and is not anything she previously wore. She ''is'', however, wearing it in some of the memories, with Queen Sofia wearing the same style of dress - obviously, Sofia leant it to Zelda, and there is no memory where Ganondorf interacts with or even sees Zelda wearing anything other than that dress, so his version of Zelda is the one Ganondorf is familiar with, which is ''not'' familiar to anyone in modern Hyrule. Consequently, this detail is ''not'' missed by the Yiga Clan members who disguise as Zelda, as they have not seen Zelda wearing this style.}}
Line 584 ⟶ 597:
** Sonia falls victim to this ploy; as shown in one of the flashbacks, Phantom Ganon disguises himself as Zelda in order to get close to Sonia with a knife, but both Sonia and the real Zelda are wise to him and foil the attempt. But that was only a distraction for the real Ganondorf to attack.
** Some time later, the same technique [[Beat Them At Their Own Game| is used against him.]] The Sages all hurl their weapons at him, he dodges, and Zelda uses Recall to send them back towards him. But she has used this trick before, so he effortlessly dodges again… and realizes too late this was a distraction for Rauru to strike and use his magic to seal him.
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]:
** The Gloom Sword resembles the typical katana, and it is incredibly powerful, boasting a base power of 41 without any other item fused to them, when other weapons have a limit of 30 or so (and those are usually two-handed, a Gloom Sword being a one-handed sword). However, it also inflicts Gloom damage over time to the wielder.
** Link can build one himself by fusing a Blue Lizalfos horn to a one-handed weapon, and such a fuse increases the power by +16. Silver Lionel Horns are among the strongest Fuse materials in the game, creating a Katana blade with a whopping +55 attack power.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: {{spoiler|Rauru, Sonia, and Mineru don't survive the events of the game. While there was no way they ''would'' thanks to them hailing from Hyrule's distant past, they each had their life cut short by Ganondorf. Ganondorf, likewise, seems to have been definitively killed off... or at least, ''this'' version of the character.}}
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: Dragon head-shaped flamethrowers are among the Zonai devices you can create. Early on you're nudged into combining one with a shield in a cave that's home to a Like-Like, and the result is a ''fire-breathing shield''!
* [[Kill It with Water]]: The same, likewise, can be accomplished with Hydrants attached to constructs and weapons. The Zora's Domain scenario, in fact, revolves around washing away toxic grime and fighting sludge-spewing monsters. It almost feels like you're playing a ''Zelda''-flavored version of ''[[Super Mario Sunshine]]''.
** Like in Breath of the Wild, most enemies except Lizalfos drown if they enter deep water, making this an easy (and sadistically humorous) way to deal with them. It even works on Gloom Spawn.
* [[King Mook]]: There's three among the enemies, overworld bosses, ''and'' temple bosses respectively.
** For the enemies, there are the Boss Bokoblins. Bigger, fatter, stronger, and meaner than your bog-standard Bokoblins, they lead several of their weaker brethren into battle and coordinate group attacks by blowing on special horns.
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** And finally, there's the boss of the Gerudo Desert scenario: Queen Gibdo. She's the [[Hive Queen]] of the new buglike Gibdos, and she'll unleash hordes of them on you during her boss fight.
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: Ganondorf. While ''Tears of the Kingdom'' is generally more lighthearted than ''Breath of the Wild'', Ganondorf is a cruel, bloodthirsty monster who's treated less like a man, and more like a horrific ancient evil. When he shows up, things never fail to take a turn for the worst.
* [[Knockback]]: Link can grant this property to a Shield by fusing it with a Zonai Springboard, Zonai Bomb, or explosive barrel. Mushrooms can do the same to weapons.
* [[Kryptonite-Proof Suit]]: The Depths set (and [[Cool Helmet| Midna's Helmet]]) gives limited resistance to Gloom damage, as the armor itself has three Hearts. If exposed to Gloom, the armor’s hearts are expended first, so Link is safe so long as there is at least one. Unlike Link, this Gloom damage on the armor goes away after a minute or so.
== L ==
Line 597 ⟶ 616:
* [[Lady Land]]: Gerudo Town once again. However, {{spoiler|because they're facing down a potential [[Zombie Apocalypse|Gibdo Apocalypse]], they have no choice but to welcome Link, a man, into their town so he can help fight back against the hordes of zombie bugs descending upon their home. Once Queen Gibdo has been killed, Riju allows him to come and go as he pleases as the one man allowed into Gerudo Town.}}
* [[Lady of War]]: Riju, who carries herself with queenly grace, dignity, and beauty as she cuts through monsters on the battlefield. Urbosa would be proud.
* [[Land, Sea, Sky]]: {{spoiler|Three of the four Boss Battles against Master Kohga involve him creating Autobuild vehicles to assault Link using a different motif. The first is a tank with spiked armor, the second is a flying machine which he uses to assault from above, and the third is a motorboat on a river.}}
* [[Laser Blade]]: Many Zonai weapons are blue and glowy, similar to the Ancient and Guardian weapons from the previous game. Link can also make his own by fusing a weapon with Gleeok horns, which creates a beam of the appropriate element when swung.
* [[Laser Hallway]]: These are a new hazard for Shrines and some areas of the Sky Islands, usually triggering a trap that causes the floor to give way.
* [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall]]:
** In the final trailer, Ganondorf’s claim, "You witness a king's revival..." could refer to how he is returning to the franchise after being absent for 17 years
** And of course, the Purah Pad is a [[Magitek]] version [[Console Cameo| of the Nintendo Switch]]
* [[Legend Fades to Myth]]: While Calamity Ganon is well known (and feared) in present day Hyrule, the original Imprisoning War happened so long ago that few have ever heard of “Ganondorf”. The lore of ''Breath of the Wild'' does hint at a connection between Calamity Ganon and the Gerudo, but when Zelda and Link open the tomb, they have no idea who or what they have found, despite the more potent Malice. Zelda is very concerned about the similarity in names and views him as [[Obviously Evil]], but still does not seem to see a connection and realize that the first villain is a reflection of the newer one.
** There is also a sidequest where Link provides visual evidence of the Calamity to schoolchildren. Because this happened so long ago, they regard it as myth rather than history, even though Zelda has been teaching the class personally.
* [[Lethal Joke Weapon]]: Bouncy Weapons, created by using Fuse with a mushroom, are this. While not very powerful, the mushroom gives Link quite a powerful knockback with his strike, adequate for throwing a Bokoblin or similar small mook into a lake or over a cliff.
* [[Level in Boss Clothing]]: This game has some literal examples, with groups of mobs referred to as Monster Forces. All the monsters in one area, often a cave, have a shared life bar and you must defeat them all to win the battle. If Link is killed or falls back and retreats before all of them are slain, you have to start the whole battle over.
** {{spoiler|The Demon King's Army, which Link and his friends have to fight right before the final boss appears, combines this with [[Sequential Boss]], As once the first wave of mobs is defeated a stronger wave appears, and then a third after that. Only after all three are destroyed is the lifebar depleted and the battle ends.}}
* [[Leitmotif]]: Many scores from previous games of the franchise are used in certain situations, like the main theme of the franchise and "Zelda's Lullaby".
* [[Light and Mirrors Puzzle]]: The Lightning Temple and a couple of shrines make use of Zonai Mirrors to reflect beams of light onto solar panels for a variety of effects.
* [[Light Is Good]]: While it comes with the territory in a Zelda game, there's a lot of emphasis on the divine restorative power of light combating corrupting, infectious darkness.
** Rauru, the Sage of Light in Hyrule's distant past, is the game's [[Big Good]] and saves Link's life by grafting his own arm onto the hero's body in order to stop Ganondorf's Malice/Gloom from slowly killing him from the inside. Link further dispels the corruption by recieving "Lights of Blessing" from the various Zonai shrines showing up around Hyrule.
Line 605 ⟶ 635:
** While Gibdos are weak to every element, you're encouraged to take advantage of the beams of light shining down from the Lightning Temple's ceilings and reflect them onto the horrible beasts with MacGuyver'd Mirror Shields.
** While Gloom damage can't be healed normally, sunlight and the lightroots in the Depths will dispel it and let him heal normally once again. Also, gloom damage can be mitigated with Sundelions that have been cooked into meals.
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: While the game has a horrific beginning, with the awakening of a villain far more vile and terrifying than the one in the previous game, the overall story isn’t quite as dark. ''Breath of the Wild'' had an overarching feeling of despair, loss of identity, isolation, and dread, with Hyrule a scarred and broken land with citizens desperately trying to cope with the horrors spawned by the tragedy 100 years previous. Now, however, they aren’t going to let it happen a second time. With hope restored, Hyrule has become brighter and empowering, with recovery underway and the people united against the threat, with quite a few moments of humor due to people able to laugh again. Most importantly, ''Tears'' makes it clear that for once, Link does not have to face this crisis alone.
* [[Lily Pad Platform]]: You can find these in all sorts of bodies of water, and swimming towards one and standing on top of it is a good way to restore your stamina and avoid drowning.
* [[Logical Weakness]]: Evermeans are nasty mooks and are very strong, but seeing as they are trees, two strikes with an axe will take one down quickly.
Line 633 ⟶ 664:
** The 2021 trailer alone has two of these. The first shot of Link skydiving in the trailer is framed exactly like the skydiving cutscenes in [[The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword|Skyward Sword]], complete with the circular clouds creating some sort of tunnel around Link. The trailer also shows Zelda falling in a dark void, much like how in ''Skyward Sword'' Zelda fell to the surface after being dragged by a black tornado summoned by Ghirahim.
** Flux Constructs are block-like Golems, calling to mind the Avalaunch from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, or Eox from The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.
** One of the most useful features of the Purah Pad is the Ultra Hand; way back in the 1950s (when Nintendo made toys, rather than video games) they put out a product with that name. It has been featured in other games, including ''[[Mario Kart|Mario Kart 8]]'', ''[[Splatoon|Splatoon 3]]'', and the ''[[Wario Ware]]'' series.
** Ganondorf's new design is an [[Art Shift]] that combines features of his previous three appearances. He has the rounder ears and the pointier nose from the Era of the Hero of Time, a stouter face like he had in the Era of the Great Sea, and a trimmed beard with gold jewelry like he had in the Era of Twilight. His longer hair is also reminiscent of Demise and his non-canon counterpart from ''[[Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity|Hyrule Warriors]]'', and he becomes even more like Demise during the Final Boss fight when he transforms into the Demon King.
** The battle between the original Sages and Ganondorf in the past is referred to as the Imprisoning War, the same name as the war in the backstory of ''[[The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past|A Link to the Past]]'' backstory in which the sages of Hyrule banished Ganon to the Dark World.
Line 686 ⟶ 717:
* [[Paper-Thin Disguise]]: The monster masks return (and with a new Horriblin mask in tow), and despite them still being obvious raggedy-looking disguise, they totally fool the monsters that they mimic. Except the Lynels, who are quick to catch on to your deception.
* [[Permanently Missable Content]]: Once you go to Tarrey Town, you can have Kilton make figurines of monsters replicated from any pictures you've taken from them. This actually includes the pictures of the bosses you fight... with the catch that he won't make models based off of pictures you take for the bestiary. You ''have'' to have a picture of them in your album. While this isn't a problem for the first four dungeon bosses or Ganondorf since you can refight them whenever you want, it ''is'' a problem for bosses that can only be fougth a finite amount of times. If you want models of the Sludge-Like, Moragia, or {{spoiler|Kohga}}, you better have pictures of them saved, or no figurines for you!
* [[Persona Non Grata]]: If you try to approach the Ring Ruins near Kakariko Village, you'll be stopped by Calip, who yells at you to stay away from them. He claims Zelda has given an order that no-one is allowed there; she didn't say why. {{spoiler|When this "Zelda" is exposed as an imposter, you're free to go there.}}
* [[Petting Zoo People]]: In addition to the Rito (bird people) and Zorua (fish people), this game introduces the precursor race of Zonai, who seem to have included goat people and cat people. Interestingly, Rauru and Mineru seem to be from different animal stock, despite being siblings.
* [[Pig in a Poke]]: Hagle tryies to pull this on Link; he stole a big, green gemstone from the construction site thinking it was valuable, but he now assumes it has no value (and is giving him "the creeps"). Whe Link shows an interst in it, he offers to sell it for 100 rupees; he wife shows up and scolds him for it (he's done this before) and he lowers the price to 50. Little does he and his wife know, this is a Shrine Stone, and it is ''very'' valuable, but only for Link.
* [[Planet Heck]]: While Hyrule itself is larger than before, the Depths below it are just as big. This realm of eternal darkness is where Gloom breeds, home to a high population of monsters, twisted plants and trees, giant mushrooms, and a heart of pure Evil where the Demon King resides. The only inhabitants that are genuinely helpful to Link are the Steward Constructs, though there are plenty of disguised Yiga who try to deceive him.
* [[Punny Name]]: The Stable Trotters and their hilariously specific, on the nose names. You've got Mastro the maestro, Violynne the violinist, Pyper the flute player (or in other words, a ''piper''), and Beetz the drummer. It's easy to think that Eustus is a case of [[My Friends and Zoidberg]], but even his name is an [[Genius Bonus|obscure reference to a bit of inner-ear anatomy that is shaped like a horn, the instrument that he plays.]]
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* [[Secret Shop]]: The secret shop in Gerudo Town that sells male clothing returns, but there are two others as well. {{spoiler|The Bargainer Statues hidden in The Depths will exchange certain weapons and outfits for Poes}}, and giving Koltin Bubbul gems will allow you to buy special outfits and monster parts from his own shop.
* [[Seldom-Seen Species]]: Dondons are a newly discovered species that look like a cross between bison and armadillos. Only five specimens have been found. Supposedly, these are prehistoric ancestors to common horses. An odd path for evolution to take, but then, in this world, Rito and Zora descended from the same forerunning species.
* [[Shield Surf]]: Possible to pull this off as a traversal method, though effectiveness can vary depending on a number of factors.
* [[Simple Yet Awesome]]:
** The various Hero armor sets. There are [[The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening|Awakening]], [[The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword|Sky]], [[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess|Twilight]], [[The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild|Wild]], [[Ocarina of Time| Time]], [[Wind Waker| Winds]], and [[The Legend of Zelda (video game)| the regular Hero set]]. Nostalgia fans will love these, as they make Link look like he did in previous games in the franchise. Most of them grant a base armor defense of 3 and can be upgraded up to 20, plus an attack bonus for the whole set, putting them right below the Barbarian set, while the Hero of the Wild stands out a bit, the base defense being 4 and the maximum being 28.
Line 740 ⟶ 774:
* [[Supreme Chef]]:
** Link has improved his skills in this game. While most of the food and recipes in the previous game can still be crafted, additional ingredients are added that can make him more creative. Link can now use Hylian Tomatoes and Hateno Cheese to make pizza, to name just one.
** Remember Moza, the [[Lethal Chef]] in ''Breath of the Wild'' who was obsessed with finding a way to turn machine parts, monster parts, and rocks into decent food? She's still a little spacy, trying to open a restaurant at the bottom of the Rikoka Hills Well (the roast beef she's cooking when Link meets her there obviously burned), but amazingly, she has succeeded! She will convert any Rock Hard Food or Dubious Food that Link brings her into Monster Stew. While Link can make this himself, Moza's is better, and an easy way to dispose of botched meals.
* [[Swallowed Whole]]:
** If Link gets too close to a Like-Like, this will happen to him. This only causes moderate damage before the creature spits him out, but it also causes him to lose a weapon or shield. This can also happen to one of Link’s sidekicks - kind of odd that anything would be able to eat a spirit avatar, but again, all this does is take the sidekick out of commission for a few seconds.