The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: Difference between revisions

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* [[Heavily Armored Mook]]: Two types of enemies come in armored variants, with the added durability you'd expect with the trope. One is [[The Goomba|Armored Bokoblins]]... and the other is [[Oh Crap|Armored]] [[Demonic Spiders|LYNELS.]]
* [[High Altitude Battle]]: Thanks to the newfound emphasis on flying, several climactic battles take place high in the sky: Moragia is meant to be fought with a Zonai flying machine, Colgera is fought high above the Wind Temple/Stormwind Ark (which is itself ridiculously high in the sky), and {{spoiler|the Demon Dragon is fought in the sky as well}}.
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]:
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]:* With his Recall power, Link can cause certain enemies and even bosses to be hit by their own attacks. Marbled Gohma is the most notable example, since launching its boulders right back at it is one of the few ways you can hurt it.
** Likewise, {{spoiler|transforming into the Demon Dragon seems to be what ultimately seals Ganondorf's fate. While he's ridiculously powerful due to transforming into a titanic dragon, his mind has regressed into a feral, animalistic state meaning that he's missing a key part of what made him so dangerous in the first place: his intelligence.}}
** Once again, this trope ends up being how {{spoiler|Kohga is dealt with at the end of his sidequest chain. His sloppy handling of a whole bunch of Zonai Rockets leads to him [[Pokémon|blasting off again]]. While it's unlikely that he's dead considering that he survived a far more definitive-looking "death", it's still enough to put him out of commission for the rest of the game.}}
** When a Gleeox is reduced to about 25% of its health, it flies ''way'' up high where Link can't reach it, and then unleashes a devestating super attack; Flame Gleeox use giant fireballs, Frost Gleeox drop giant iciciles, Lightning Gleeox conjure up a thunderstorn to call lighting down on Link, and King Gleeox can do any of the three. But each time, this potent attack is the key to bringing it down. Both the fireballs and thunderstorm set the ground on fire, enabling Link to use his glider to ride the backdraft upward, while he can use Recall on the icicles to ride them upward,and in each case, let him have it with an arrow rush.
* [[Homing Projectile]]: Attaching monster eyeballs to arrows will turn them into these. In particular, it's a ''godsend'' when you're up against a [[That One Boss|Gleeok]].
* [[Horned Humanoid]]: This seems to have been a racial trait for the Zonai, given the presence of horns on Rauru's head. There's also {{spoiler|Ganondorf, who grows a little pair of devil horns after becoming the Demon King.}}