The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: Difference between revisions

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* [[Beard of Evil]]: Ganondorf, of course, and in this case, the more evil he gets, the fuller it becomes.
* [[The Beastmaster]]: One of the Dragon Tear scenes shows that Ganondorf had a glorified snake charmer play an important role in his army. But instead of summoning snakes when she played her flute? She summoned '''Moldugas'''.
*[[Beautiful Void]]: The “free” Zonai Shrines (as in, no puzzle in the actual Shrine, just an altar with Rauru's Blessing) is a bridge leading to an altar in the center of a sea of rippling astral light.
*[[Beneath the Earth]] : One of the ways Hyrule was massively expanded was via the addition of the Depths, a subterranean realm roughly equal to Hyrule itself which can be entered via ominous chasms in the overworld. These dark caves have an alien ecosystem with a high monster population, strange trees and plants, giant mushrooms, Zorai ruins, and patches of the dangerous Gloom spawned by Ganondorf’s foul magic.
*[[Benevolent Architecture]]: Whenever you need to use the Ultrahand to construct something, the materials are usually close by. (With a sign saying anyone is welcome to take them.) The hard part, of course, is figuring out how to use them.
* [[Beyond the Impossible]]: {{spoiler|Mineru made it perfectly clear that draconification is an irreversible process, and given how scientifically inclined she is, it's not like she was making wild assumptions. Yet at the end of the game, Link is able to turn the Light Dragon back into Zelda through [[The Power of Love]]... as well as a bit of help from Rauru and Sonia.}}
* [[Big Bad]]: Ganondorf takes center stage as the game's main threat, and unlike his previous appearances? He's a flesh-and-blood Gerudo this time instead of a boar monster or an [[Eldritch Abomination]] made of Malice.
* [[Big Beautiful Woman]]: Kiana, the Great Fairies, and the middle-aged Gerudo count once again. And as far as new examples go, there's Hateno Village's resident fashionista Cece. Being very visibly overweight doesn't make her any less attractive, and her form-fitting wardrobe does a good job at highlighting her... um, ''[[Baby Got Back|assets.]]''
Bi Lingual Bonus: if you understand Japanese Kanji, you can notice that the symbols of the Sages powers correspond to the appropriate element: Rauru is “light”, Sonia and Zelda (on the Recall icon) is “time”, Mineru is “spirit”, Sideon has “water”, Yunobo “fire”, Tulin “wind”, Riju “lightning” (harder to read, as it’s upside down for some reason), and Ganondorf is “darkness”.
* [[Bullfight Boss]]: Yunobo; defeating him while he's still under the mask's control is pretty simple, you dodge his charge attack, causing him to crash into a wall, which makes him dizzy and vulnerable; then hit him until he recovers, then repeat three more times.
*[[Big Damn Heroes]]:
** Link does this a lot, coming across a Hyrulean traveler fighting a lone monster, usually a Bokoblin or Lizalfo. Running in and helping out will earn Link a food item or advice. One notable example is where he comes to the rescue of a frightened Gerudo shopkeep who has been treed by a hungry Molduga.
** This happens {{spoiler| right before the [[Final Battle]] when the Demon King’s Army attacks. Link cannot use his Sage’s Oath to summon the avatars of his friends, so it seems he’s on his own... But then, the Sages themselves show up - as in, rushing in to back Link up in person. The urge to shout “AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!” when the cutscene ends it is hard to resist.}}
*[[Bigger on the Inside]]: Unlike the Sheikah shrines from the last game (which seemed to be entrances to underground complexes) the Zonai Shrines seem to work this way. This is emphasized with the Crystal Retrieval quests, where bringing the Crystal to the right place causes it to grow and become the actual shrine.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: {{spoiler| Downplayed. Ganondorf is dealt a crushing defeat, Zelda is restored to normal, Link's arm is restored, and the Sages swear eternal alliance, suggesting peace in Hyrule has been achieved at last. Sadly, however, Mineru, Rauru, and Sonia leave the mortal world forever - of course, given how long they’ve had to wait to gain their just reward, it seems fitting.}}
* [[Blackout Basement]]: The Depths are pitch-black. Instead of Shrines, they have Lightroots that Link must activate to transverse the eerie darkness.
** Also true with one of the Proving Grounds Shrines; not only is Link [[No-Gear Level|have to improvise without his gear]], he has to do so in the dark.
*[[Blade on a Stick]]: Polearms return as weapons in this game, but Link can go [[Not Hyperbole]] here, using Fuse to attach almost any sharp object (like a Moblin Horn or another weapon) to a weapon to enhance it, creating a literal Blade on a Stick. You can even fuse a polearm with another polearm, creating a Blade on a Stick on a Stick!
*[[Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce]]: In one quest found in Lurelin Village, an NPC - Ralera - wants you to bring her Seafood Curry - made from Goron Spice, Hyrulian Rice, and any variety of Porgy. She’s happy when she gets it, but the spice is so overpowering, she needs Link to use a fan-weapon to cool her off!
*[[Blinded by the Light]]: Fusing a spotlight (a Zonai device) to his shield lets Link blind and stun foes for a few seconds. Dazzlefruit does the same thing, like a flash grenade.
*[[Bling Bling Bang]]: Link can use the Fuse ability to attach almost anything to a weapon, and if he does so with some gemstones, the weapon gains elemental properties. Doing so to Shields grants Link protection from the element. Rubies are Fire, Sapphires Cold, and Topazes Electricity.
*[[Blow You Away]]: Tulin’s power over Wind is supposed to be used to boost Link’s distance with the paraglider, but it can also be used against enemies to blow them off of cliffs or ledges. Or for more mundane uses, like blowing fruit off of trees.
*[[Bloodless Carnage]]: {{spoiler|In one of the flashbacks, Ganondorf murders Sonia, stabbing her from behind, but no blood is seen for the rest of the scene, even as Zelda tearfully cradles her body.}}
*[[Body Armor as Hit Points]]: Link will often encounter Mooks (mostly Bokoblins) who are covered with stone or wearing plate armor. This gives them a second Life Bar that Link first must destroy using a blunt weapon before their true Life Bars can be depleted.
*[[Body Horror]]: According to the item description for Moblin Horns, the Red Moblins gained those horns through ''intentional'' body mutilation to encourage unnatural growth. More than likely, they aren’t the only ones.
*[[Body Motifs]]: Hands. Symbolic of creativity, ingenuity, and cooperation, they play a major role in several parts of the story:
**Link loses his right arm, and gains a [[Magitek]] prosthetic; hand symbols mark places where Zonai technology is activated by a palm scan. The first skill he uses, Ultrahand, lets him move objects via telekinesis, and he can also learn Earthquake, a Yiga technique that lets him fight with bare fists.
**The Sages swear alliance to Link via shared contact with their hands, and their powers are activated via rings that are fused to the artificial hand’s fingers.
**The Gloom Spawn is likely Ganondorf’s deadliest creation, a living pool of sludge with demonic, grasping, clawed hands.
*[[Bonus Level of Heaven]]: The Sky Kingdom is, in fact, where Link’s journey starts, and he’ll have to explore more and more of it as the game progresses. The ruined and mostly-abandoned home of the Zorai, it contains foes, hazards, and a wealth of the rare Zonaite, plus the secrets of the Zorai’s miraculous technology.
*[[Book Ends]]:
The opening cutscene ends with Link futilely trying to reach for Zelda with his damaged right hand as she appears to fall to her doom - he fails, and she vanishes into darkness. {{spoiler|At the end of the game, after Ganondorf is vanquished, they fall from Sky Kingdom, he reaches for her with his now-restored arm, succeeding and catching her, and they plummet into a lake below. Which is, in fact, a second Book End, as in the beginning of the game, he leaps off one of the Sky Kingdom’s islands and dives possibly a thousand or so feet into a lake below.}}
**Meta example; the music and odd chanting that plays during the Final Battle is the same as the music played at E3 in 2019 when the game was first announced.
*[[Boomerang Comeback]]: {{In one of the Dragon Tear memories, the four Champions attempt this on Ganondorf, throwing their weapons at him so Zelda can use the Recall skill to reverse the trajectory and hit him from behind. It doesn’t work, seeing as she used the same trick before on a Phantom Ganon, but the attempt distracts him long enough for Rauru to use the sealing technique.}}
* [[Bullfight Boss]]: Yunobo; defeating him while he's still under the mask's control is pretty simple, you dodge his charge attack, causing him to crash into a wall, which makes him dizzy and vulnerable; then hit him until he recovers, then repeat three more times.
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