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{{quote|''The spirit was willing but the testicles were weak.''|''The Wolf's Hour'' by '''Robert R. McCammon'''}}
Okay, let's get this out of the way quickly, this Trope is about a common - yet embarrassing - sex-related problem for men called male erectile disfunction, aka '''[ impotence]'''.
When a character about to have sex cannot get it up. The cause is often related to good old [[UST]] - for someone other than the person/people they're with at the moment. The "guy can't get hard for girl(s)" variation is the most common—the phrase "It's okay, this sort of thing happens to lots of guys" is closely associated with this trope.
WhenAs in, when a character about to have sex cannot get it up. The cause is often related to good old [[UST]] - for someone other than the person/people they're with at the moment. The "guy can't get hard for girl(s)" variation is the most common—the phrase "It's okay, this sort of thing happens to lots of guys" is closely associated with this trope.
Strictly a comedy trope, since the situation is usually temporary, and playing it for drama lasts longer. Double points if something like "I'm sorry, I swear this has never happened to me before..." or the above-mentioned "It's okay..." phrase shows up in the dialog.
Can be [[Truth in Television]] (and there are usually other ways to get the job done). Also, [,completion%20of%20a%20sexual%20activity. there is indeed such a thing as female impotence], but it is almost never mentioned in fiction.
Named as a [[Just for Pun|pun]] for a song that has ''absolutely nothing'' to do with impotence, but the [[Double Entendre]] is too good to pass up.
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* Takezaki in [[Sensitive Pornograph]]. His girlfriend is not pleased. He gets slapped good.
* Tomoe from ''[[Kamisama Kiss]]'' heads to the Red Light District after Nanami heads to a summit. However, it is implied that he does this because he is lonely while she is gone. So he merely gets drunk and falls asleep without having sex with any of the girls.
* [[Memetic Mutation]] example - in the Egghead Island arc of ''[[One Piece]]'', Saturn berates Fleet Admiral Sakazuki by calling him an "impotent fool". More than likely, he meant Sakazuki was an incompetent weakling, but try telling ''that'' to internet bloggers.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* Happens in ''[[Green Arrow|The Rise of Arsenal #3]]'' when Roy Harper, who's strung out on drugs and grieving for his daughter, [ can't get it up to have hate sex with Cheshire]. He then goes out to beat up some druggies with a dead cat. At least one fan has since gone on to coin the nickname of ''The Inability To Rise Of Arsenal'' for the series in the wake of this incident.
* Marvyn from ''[[Donjon]]'' angrily lists all the reasons he doesn't want the power of Immortality. One of them is that he "didnt have an erection since the planet stopped spinning."
* A subtle impotence joke was made in issues #48-#49 of [[Catwoman]]'s solo series. After infiltrating a group of thieves called S.P.I.D.E.R., FeliciaSelina confronts one member, Widow, who claims the name is accurate, as she murdered her husband. However, after beating up Widow, another member of the gang attacks her, this one a hulking male brute named Spider:
{{quote|'''Spider:''' Youse hurt my wife!
'''Catwoman:''' Widow is your wife? She said her husband was dead.
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* In ''[[Who Cut the Cheese?]]'' by Mason Brown, after no cheese for days, neither of the punypeople can get it up.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* In ''[[Wings (TV series)|Wings]]'', Brian starts dating one of his old teachers. Yet she was a grade school teacher (or junior high), so Brian had trouble seeing her as more than a crush, and when they were about to have sex, he had what he called, "an incomplete." In another episode Joe and Helen go on their first date in years, but between Brian's putting a subliminal "stuttering" suggestion in Joe's head and Helen's inability to see Joe as anything other than a childhood pal, the loins sleep.
* Elliot and Maya had an accidental wedding in ''[[Just Shoot Me]]'', and when he tries to ignore it (the circumstances were weird) and sleep with a model, he can't.
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* ''[[Herman's Head]]'' used this with Herman somehow hooking up with a supermodel, but couldn't perform because he was intimidated by her status (he gets over it).
* Used as an ongoing plot point with Charlotte's first husband Trey in ''[[Sex and the City]]'', one of the few cases where it is an ongoing issue rather than a one-episode gag. Also when Samantha has sex with a party guest when she sees that her boyfriend Richard won't commit to monogamy, he goes soft inside her and while he's blabbering that this has never happened before, this is the first time that she actually doesn't care that it happened.
* In the ''[[M*A*S*H (television)|MashM*A*S*H]]'' episode "Some 38th Parallels," Hawkeye experiences "The Big Couldn't" with a nurse:
{{quote|'''Hawkeye:''' She looks a little like my mother. Maybe [[Pungeon Master|Oedipus wrecked it]] for me.
'''BJ:''' Look, it's perfectly understandable. You've been going full tilt since you got here, and your nerves are brittle enough to use for kindling.
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* Was the problem facing Rose and her boyfriend in ''[[The Golden Girls]]'' episode "[[Pun-Based Title|The Impotence of Being Ernest]]".
* On [[The Young and The Restless]], when a woman's husband couldn't perform (which needless to say, put a crimp into their plans to have another baby), he blamed it on stress from work, and then eventually, cruelly blamed it on her nagging and pressuring him. It turned out he was cheating on her and therefore too exhausted from having serviced his mistress all afternoon to come home and make love to his wife.
* In one arc of ''[[All in the Family]]'', Archie was having this problem (among other health issues) due to stress and depression, after being laid off from his job. Turned out it was mostly psychosomatic.
== Music ==
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== Theatre ==
* ''[[A Little Night Music|]]'': "We have sinned, and it was a complete disaster!"]]
* This happening sets in motion the plot of the farce ''[[A Flea in Her Ear]]''. Because a guy becomes impotent, his wife mistakenly suspects he is cheating on her.
* [[Older Than Steam]]: The Porter's scene in ''[[Macbeth]]'' is chock full of this.
* A major plot point (and indeed, the [[Word of God|inspiration for]]) ''[[Me and My Dick]]''.
== Web Comics ==
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'''Barbie:''' Not having a penis has never happened to you before? }}
* In the ''[[Family Guy]]'' episode "Big Man on Hippocampus," Peter gets amnesia, and acts like a bachelor. Lois eventually leaves him, and almost has sex with Quagmire; however, when she says she trusts him, he gets impotent from guilt, and tries to "resuscitate" himself with increasingly drastic measures.
* In the ''[[Batman: The Animated Series]]'' episode "The Man Who Killed Batman", Bullock seems a little suspicious of the lawyer who bails Sid out of jail (seeing as she's Harley Quinn in disguise), and asks if he's seen her before:
{{quote|'''Harley:''' I think I've served you with a subpoena once. [[Stealth Insult| It was a ''very'' small subpoena]].}}
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