The Magic of Scheherazade: Difference between revisions

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* [[Eldritch Abomination]] - {{spoiler|Goragora}} and, to a lesser extent, the five demons fought throughout the game (particularly Salamander, a demon so powerful that your only hope of defeating him is to {{spoiler|travel back in time two thousand years and fight him the moment he's born}}).
* [[Eldritch Location]] - The Dark World.
* [[Exposition Fairy]] - Coronya, an exposition catgirl who guides you to the time portals, explains where each one goes, and lets you know when there's a hidden door somewhere onscreen.
* [[Everything's Better with Monkeys]] - Especially flying, magical prankster monkeys.
* [[Everything's Better with Princesses]] - Four of them, and one of them's your girlfriend.
* [[Evil Is Not a Toy]] - {{spoiler|Sabaron finds this out the hard way while trying to control Goragora.}}
* [[Exposition Fairy]] - Coronya, an exposition catgirl who guides you to the time portals, explains where each one goes, and lets you know when there's a hidden door somewhere onscreen.
* [[Fantasy Character Classes]] - You can choose between Fighter (who fights with a sword), Magician (who fights with a magic rod) and the Saint (who has certain miscellaneous advantages and is required by the story at times), both at the beginning of the game and, by paying a fee, during the game.
* [[Genie in a Bottle]] - Your second ally, Faruk, as well as his brother Hassan.
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* [[Heroic Lineage]] - Your descendant was Isfa, famous for sealing the Dark World and stopping Goragora.
* [[Heroic Mime]] - Your character, for the most part, though his allies more than make up for it.
* [[In Medias Res]] - The game starts after the hero's already tried to stop the villain's plot. It went badly.
* [[Inescapable Ambush]] - The wizard fights and the demon boss fights are normally inescapable, though once you've recruited Kebabu, she can be summoned to fly you to safety.
* [[In-Universe Game Clock]] - The Alalart Solar Eclipse happens at regular intervals, allowing you to plant rupia seeds, cast the Great Magic spells, and boost your odds of winning at the casino.
* [[Inescapable Ambush]] - The wizard fights and the demon boss fights are normally inescapable, though once you've recruited Kebabu, she can be summoned to fly you to safety.
* [[In Medias Res]] - The game starts after the hero's already tried to stop the villain's plot. It went badly.
* [[It Was with You All Along]] - {{spoiler|Scheherazade, who's been accompanying the hero as Coronya since the game began. Near the end, you have to correctly guess her true identity.}}
* [[Lost Forever]] - The Great Magic spells can only be learned in their respective chapters, and you can't go back to a chapter once you've completed it.
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* [[Stalked by the Bell]] - If you linger too long on a particular screen, the music changes and a fairly tough Grim Reaper mini-boss appears. On the bright side, he does drop a large bag of money when he dies.
* [[Super Drowning Skills]] - Don't try to walk into any body of water, unless you're at one very specific part of the game with the one specific ally needed to breathe underwater (but only in that location).
* [[Talking Your Way Out]] - If you can't defeat or escape from an enemy squadron, you can always try bribery.
* [[Take Over the World]] - Sabaron's villainous motivation.
* [[Talking Your Way Out]] - If you can't defeat or escape from an enemy squadron, you can always try bribery.
* [[Team Mom]] - Coronya, whose role in the intermission cutscenes between chapters usually involves trying to manage the rest of the team's bickering and keep them all focused on saving the world.
* [[Tongue-Tied]] - {{spoiler|Coronya, who'll lose her soul if she reveals her true identity.}}