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{{Useful Notes|wppage=List of prime ministers of the United Kingdom}}
[[File:2008 Official Downing Street pic.jpg|thumb|400px|Number 10]]
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{{quote|'''Barney:''' And I say, that England's greatest Prime Minister was Lord Palmerston!
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'''Barney:''' Okay, you asked for it, Boggs! (punches him out)
'''Moe:''' Yeah, that's showing him Barney! Heh, 'Pitt the Elder'!
'''Barney:''' LORD PALMERSTON!! (punches Moe out)|'''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'''}}
|'''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'''}}
British Prime Ministers. A varied lot, be it in the areas of appearance, influence, time, origin, personality, politics or even personal lives, though a lot went to Eton and then Oxbridge. They have had a great deal of impact on worlds both real and fictional and rank second only to [[The Presidents]] in being the most influential and well known Western world leaders.
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Between about 1895 and 1920 the Conservatives and their Liberal Unionist allies were labeled 'Unionists' by the press (and indeed themselves). For convenience's sake Unionist PMs such as Balfour are listed as Conservatives. (Also, the Conservatives merged with Irish Unionists in the 1910s.)
A list of British Prime Ministers, with pages linked for those who have had a significant impact in their own time and/or one in worlds of fiction.
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* [[Herbert Henry Asquith]] (Liberal, 1908-16)
'''George V'''
* [[David Lloyd George]] (Liberal, 1916-22) - last Liberal Prime Minster: the party split over the issue of Irish independence.
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* [[Winston Churchill]] (Conservative, 1940-45)
* [[Clement Attlee]] (Labour, 1945-51)
* [[Winston Churchill]] (Conservative, 1951-55)
'''Elizabeth II'''
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* [[Harold Wilson]] (Labour, 1964-70)
* [[Edward Heath]] (Conservative, 1970-74)
* [[Harold Wilson]] (Labour, 1974-76)
* [[James Callaghan]] (Labour, 1976-79)
* [[Margaret Thatcher]] (Conservative, 1979-90) - The onlyfirst ''woman'' of Downing Street, but many humorists felt she was more man than her entire Cabinet.
* [[John Major]] (Conservative, 1990-97)
* [[Tony Blair]] (Labour, 1997-2007)
* [[Gordon Brown]] (Labour, 2007-2010)
* [[David Cameron]] (Conservative, 2010-2016) - For the first time since the Second World War, Britain has a coalition government - in this case, between Cameron's Tories and the Liberal Democrats - meaning some concessions have had to be made, like [[Nick Clegg]] getting a top position in the coalition.
* [[Theresa May]] (Conservative, 2016-2019) - Cameron resigned in the wake of the [[Brexit]] vote, and May became Prime Minister (and the second woman to hold the post). Because of deep divisions in her party and the country, she was unable to accomplish anything.
* [[Boris Johnson]] (Conservative, 2019-2022) - Johnson inherited the mess that Cameron presided over and May couldn't solve. He couldn't solve it either, and distracted people from the mess with Brexit.
'''Charles III'''
* [[Liz Truss]] (Conservative, September-October 2022) - She couldn't solve the messes — Cameron's or the one caused by Brexit — either, and she had the misfortune of being Prime Minister upon the death of Elizabeth II. Lost power on what might or might not have been a confidence motion.<ref>For our American friends, key motions in Parliament (including but not limited to what Americans would call "Ways and Means" bills) are treated as motions of Confidence in the current government; if one fails, Parliament is dissolved and there is an ''immediate'' general election.</ref> She chose to interpret the situation as a motion of confidence in ''her'', rather than in ''the government'', and voluntarily stepped down. She holds the record of having the shortest term as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, at 49 days.
* [[Rishi Sunak]] (Conservative, 2022-2024) - The first British Asian Prime Minister (he has [[India]]n ancestry) and the first [[Hinduism|Hindi]] Prime Minister. He managed to make a bit of headway on the economy and stayed in power for long enough for domestic politics to actually stabilize... just in time for the Russia-Ukraine and Gaza-Israel situations to take place, replacing one mess with another.
* [[Keir Starmer]] (Labour, 2024- ) - To the surprise of absolutely nobody, the Brexit mess lost the Conservatives the election. As of July 2024, it remains to be seen how Labour will address the issues.
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