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{{quote| ''[[Pretentious Latin Motto|Tu Stultus Es]]'' <ref>"You are stupid"</ref>}}
A [[Satire|satirical]] newspaper devoted to all aspects of American life and culture, frequently parodying tropes mentioned on [[This Very Wiki]]. Started in 1988 as a print newspaper in Madison, Wisconsin (by a pair of students at the University of Wisconsin), it has since branched off into the internet, including video clips supposedly originating from the [[CNN|Onion News Network]].
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* [[Get a Load of That Square]]: "[ Area Father Must Have Read Some Drug-Slang Brochure Or Something]".
* [[The Ghost]]: Clifford Banes, the [[Informed Ability|supposed host]] of ''In The Know''. The various reasons given are Troperiffic:
{{quote| "I'm sitting in for Clifford Banes, who has been accidentally [[Unperson|erased]]."<br />
"I'm sitting in for Clifford Banes, who is battling his nemesis to the death on top of a [[Evil Tower of Ominousness|clock tower]]."<br />
"I'm sitting in for Clifford Banes, who is regaling the interns with [[The Storyteller|tales of his days at sea]]."<br />
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* [[Must Have Nicotine]]: "[ Smoking Now Permitted Only In Special Room In Iowa]".
* [[My Greatest Failure]]: "[,10892 Mall Justice Is Swift And Harsh]".
{{quote| "Thursday, November 3, 1995. Early afternoon. I have been working as a security guard at Clover Square Mall for two, maybe three months. The world is my oyster. I veer off my usual route and stop for a Mountain Dew at Mrs. Fields.<br />
As I lean against the counter, shooting the breeze with Gail, I hear a distinctive clap-clap sound coming from the direction of Electronics Boutique. That sound can only mean one thing–running. Past Waldenbooks, Eddie Bauer, Lane Bryant and Sbarro runs a young Caucasian male. Paul, the assistant manager of Electronics Boutique, is pursuing him. I give chase, but I am too late. The perpetrator has escaped with a brand-new copy of Madden '96.<br />
YOU COULD HAVE BEEN THERE. I was young, damn it. YOU COULD HAVE STOPPED HIM. I am a human being, not a god. HE IS OUT THERE STILL. I don't know that." }}
* [[Narm]]: [[Invoked]] with "Study: Children of Divorce Twice As Likely to Write Bad Poetry" (no longer available online but can be found in the book ''[ Dispatches from the Tenth Circle]'').
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* [[Precision F-Strike]]: "[,1019/ Playboy Centerfold Has Big Dreams, Tits]".
* [[Pretty Fly for a White Guy]]: [,1019/ Herbert Kornfeld], Accounts Receivable.
{{quote| '''Kornfeld''': 'Cause I keep my fly shit on my desk. I gots my dope spreadsheets, my hangin' file folders, my delinquent-account file, my paper clips, my Post-It note dispenser, my monthly desk planner, my Midstate Office Supply business cards, my four-color ball-point pen, my motherfuckin' dot-matrix printer address labels, and my stoopid-fresh three-hole punch. Not to mention my computer. I swear, if I see any of y'all within three feet of my computer, I'll put a [[Lee Van Cleef]] on your bitch ass. I'll come at you like a ''mother fuck''.}}
** Not all that fly. Kornfeld was a big fan of [[Chicago (band)|Chicago]].
* [[Product Placement]] / [[Too Incompetent to Operate a Blanket]]: "[ Should More Americans Get In On The EZ-Go Juicer Craze?]"
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* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: [[In-Universe]]: "[,21135/ Somebody's Got to Save This Country From Certain Doom, And Let's Face It, That Person Is Me]".
* [[Sophisticated As Hell]]: [,1022/ Smoove B.]
{{quote| '''Smoove B''': Lay your body down, and I will show you love. I will drape you in the finest black silks. I will travel to the finest Asian nations to attain this silk. Then, I will run my fingers through your hair. I will caress your body slowly and whisper in your ear while I do so. I will tell you such things as, "You are the most beautiful woman in the world" and "Your skin is like the most expensive Swiss chocolate money can buy" and "Your eyes are like windows to paradise," and other romantic things that will make you tremble with desire. ''I will hit you doggy-style.''}}
* [[So Unfunny It's Funny]]:
** The entire point of Roger Dudek's "[,1027/ Write On The Funny!]"
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* [[Viewers are Morons]]: "[,19739/ Microsoft Word Now Includes Squiggly Blue Line To Alert Writer When Word Is Too Advanced For Mainstream Audience]".
* [[Villain Has a Point]]: "[,19105/ U.S. Authorities Can't Really Fault Al-Qaeda For Deadly Bombing Of Carnival Cruise Ship]"
{{quote| Following Monday's deadly terrorist attack on a Carnival Cruise Line ship, U.S. officials have had difficulty issuing a stern condemnation of the incident, saying that while any act of terrorism is inexcusable, they couldn't completely blame al-Qaeda for wanting to blow up what is essentially a giant, floating symbol of everything that is truly god-awful about America.}}
* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]: "[,20226/ PR Firm Kills Innocent Child]".
* [[Visual Pun]]: "[,18404 Guy Who Normally Holds Up Letter 'D' Sick This Week]".