The Online Warrior: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|"[[Catch Phrase|YO VIDEOGAMES!!!]]"|Max}}
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* [[Hypocritical Humor]]: Max tries to cover a new weapon for ''[[Modern Warfare|Modern Warfare 3]]'' only for Doom to cut in and tell max to stop camping. Eventually Max hands Doom the controller and tells him to show him what's not camping. Guess what's the first thing Doom does?
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Max calling Super Skrull's [[Playing With Fire|Inferno]] attack "hot" in a recent video of ''The Online Warrior''.
* [[Ironic Echo]]: When trying Doom's [[Bland-Name Product|Doomequis]], Max and Deadpool both say it tastes "like raw-ass butt". At the end of the tutorial [[spoiler:where Deadpool's teleport belt explodes and Max has cuts and scrapes all over him. Doom {{[[Squick |swipes his finger on Max's cheek thinking it's}}]] [[Trademark Favorite Food|yogurt]] and says it tastes exactly the same as they thought of his Doomequis.
** Then again, considering {{spoiler|it was a piece of Deadpool, [[Squickit|may very well have been exactly that.]]}}
* [[I Shall Taunt You]]: Played with. Max is not fond of taunting midmatch or post-match believing it is [[Let's Fight Like Gentlemen|unsportsmanlike conduct]]. However, for [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|Deadpool's taunt]] he says it's alright.