The Orc and the Pie

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The Orc and the Pie is a very brief Adventure Module by Monte Cook, playable in just about any role-playing game system imaginable. It's an example of the simplest possible, yet technically complete adventure.

Adventure Background: An orc has a pie.
Adventure Synopsis: The PCs kill the orc and take his pie.
Adventure Hook: The PCs are hungry for pie.

Seems to be gone from, but still available at Instant Dungeon, among other places.

Tropes used in The Orc and the Pie include:
  • MacGuffin: The pie
  • Minimalism: A one-page, one encounter adventure that still has everything you need: a monster, a 10x10 room, treasure, and a future adventure hook ("Somewhere, there is a bakery making these good pies. Perhaps it's guarded by more orcs.")
  • Mook: By implication, the orc.
  • Our Orcs Are Different: This one happens to have a pie
  • Pastiche: Of every adventure module ever written, but especially of Dungeons and Dragons.