The Ren and Stimpy Show: Difference between revisions

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* [[Animation Bump]]: The episodes done by Carbunkle Cartoons.
** And no, [[Puyo Puyo|it's not Carbuncle]].
* [[Anthropomorphic Food]]: There have been a few instances of these in the franchise, ranging from raw chickens to potatoes.
* [[Aren't You Forgetting Someone?]]: At the end of "Ren's Pecs", Ren forgets to give Stimpy credit for his new-found fame and success.
{{quote|'''Ren''': To the guy who made it all possible: [[Brick Joke|Charles Globe]]!}}
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** This is further solidified by "My Shiny Friend", which features Mr. Horse repeatedly saying "What are ya?" Apparently, "What are ya?" was a catchphrase of John K.'s.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Ren.
** [[Ralph Bakshi]] literally becomes this in the ''Adult Party Cartoon'' episode "Fire Dogs 2" out of fear of thinking circus midgets are invading his apartment.
* [[Beach Episode]]: The ''Adult Party Cartoon'' episode "Naked Beach Frenzy".
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: At the end of "The Scotsman in Space", a genie grants Ren a wish; Ren wishes for babes and a lot of money. Stimpy begs for a wish too, and Ren relents. Stimpy wishes that people be free of want (Ren's money disappears) and that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of race or creed (Ren's babes turn into men from different countries). He also wishes to be where it's always warm, at which point Ren and Stimpy are hurled towards the sun.
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** One episode begins with their house being a manger-like building on a starry night and a camel's head in the frame, complete with a motif from "we three kings", even though it wasn't a Christmas Episode.
* [[Big Eater]]: Stimpy.
* [[Big No]]: Ren in "Svën Hoek" when he finds out Stimpy and Sven have violated his collection of rare, incurable diseases.
** The [[Stock Audio Clip|same sound clip]] is reused in "Hermit Ren" when Ren gets overwhelmed with living with Stimpy.
** Ren screams "'''''OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!'''''" in "Jimminy Lummox" when he finds out Stimpy washed his collection of used celebrity underwear.
* [[Bigger on the Inside]]: Parodied to the extreme in "The Cat That Laid the Golden Hairball", which had Ren and Stimpy living in a birdhouse, yet there's plenty of room inside.
** In that same episode, Stimpy himself. Ren's nephew Bubba is able to walk inside Stimpy's interior like a damp cavern in spite of being several times larger than him.
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* [[Can't You Read the Sign?]]: "Exact change ONLY!" at the end of "Black Hole", thereby causing Ren and Stimpy to be kicked off the bus back to Earth.
* [[Captain Ersatz]]: Ren and Stimpy are essentially updated versions of the [[Terry Toons]] characters Sourpuss (Ren borrowing his short temper and grumpiness from him) and Gandy Goose (Stimpy inheriting his infantile, flamboyant speech pattern as well as his stupidity). No surprise considering John K is a big fan of [[Terry Toons]] and even claimed Gandy and Sourpuss's [[With Friends Like These...|relationship]] was part of what inspired ''Ren & Stimpy''.
** An in-show example is [[Pinocchio (Disney film)|Jimminy Lummox]], as well as [[Peter Pan (Disney film)|Tinker Galoot]].
* [[Cartoon Cheese]]
* [[Catapult Nightmare]]: Stimpy jolts up and screams "MUDDY!!!" after waking up from his nightmare that Muddy Mudskipper ate him in "My Shiny Friend".
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** The funny thing is that those weren't even ''intended'' as catchphrases.
* [[Cats Are Mean]] and [[Dogs Are Dumb]]: Reversed, Ren the dog is the [[Jerkass]], and Stimpy the cat is the simpleton.
** However, in "Who's Stupid Now?", these tropes are played straight when the duo's roles are switched around.
* [[Cats Have Nine Lives]]: The premise of "Terminal Stimpy".
* [[Chainsaw Good]]: The ghost in "Haunted House" tries to scare Ren and Stimpy as a chainsaw-wielding masked killer. Also, little Ren is given a chainsaw (rather than a gun) to euthanize a poor frog he's been torturing for a while in "Ren Seeks Help".
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: George Liquor stars in "Man's Best Friend" and "Dog Show", and made cameo appearances in a few others. Years later, he gets his own webshow, complete with a supporting cast. It has recently been [[Uncanceled]].
** And now canceled, since George's voice actor died earlier this year.
* [[Chew Toy]]: Stimpy, who is always at the receiving end of Ren's abuse.
* [[Christmas Episode]]: "Son of Stimpy" and "A Scooter for Yaksmas".
* [[Collector of the Strange]]: Ren's collection of used celebrity underwear in one"Jimminy episodeLummox", and, in another"Svën Hoek", his collection of rare, incurable diseases. Not to mention Stimpy's dried booger collection.
** You mean his "magic nose goblins"?
{{quote|"I picked them myself."}}
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* [[Expy]]: Sgt. Big Butt from "An Abe Divided" is more or less the same as the Sarge from "In the Army", except with a slightly different voice and sporting a wig and breasts.
** The Bloody Head Fairy in "Haunted House" is intentionally modeled after [[Doug|Doug Funnie]].
* [[Extreme Omnivore]]: In "The Boy Who Cried Rat!", Ren and Stimpy are paid five bucks in their mouse-exterminating service, but Stimpy gets so hungry, he ends up eating the five bucks. When he confesses, Ren is not happy. Neither are their customers, the Pipes, who force them to do chores to pay them back.
* [[Eye Pop]]: Besides the eyes, Ren's heart has popped out of his throat when shocked in one instance.
* [[The Faceless]]: Mr. and Mrs. Pipe, who are only seen from the neck down.
** "Altruists" subverts this trope: the woman's son that Ren and Stimpy help doesn't have a head at all.
* [[False Teeth Tomfoolery]]: At one point in "Stimpy's Cartoon Show", Wilbur Cobb coughs out his false teeth, which land into Ren's mouth, leaving the poor dog to swallow them.
** This happens with Ren's dentures in "Jimminy Lummox" when Stimpy uses them to prepare dinner.
* [[Family-Friendly Firearms]]: In one episode, Ren and Stimpy attempt to rob a bank with a Scud missile instead of a gun. Particularly glaring since Ren and Stimpy [[It Makes Sense in Context|are hoping to get arrested for "armed robbery"]].
* [[Family-Unfriendly Violence]]: The show was full of it.
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** This is actually a subverted trope, as Ren and Stimpy are fully aware of what they're eating, yet dine on it like it's fine cuisine.
* [[Idiot Savant]]: In the space-themed episodes, Stimpy was surprisingly adept at science, such as when he described what imploding was to Ren in "Black Hole".
* [[I'll Kill You!|I WILL KEEL YOU!]]
* [[In Another Man's Shoes]]: The premise of "Who's Stupid Now?" involves Ren becoming the fat one and Stimpy becoming the skinny one, in order to keep their TV show. Ren gains empathy by knowing what it's like to be the ridiculed one in the duo.
* [[Instrumental Theme Tune]]
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* [[Potty Emergency]]: Ren, at the start of "Pixie King". Unfortunately for him, Stimpy is occupying the bathroom and won't be able to, erm, do his business, until Ren reads him a story.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: In the ''Adult Party Cartoon'' episode, "Ren Seeks Help," [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Ren seeks psychological help]] after abusing Stimpy in some ([[Noodle Incident|unexplained]]) manner that is regarded as being horrible, [[Even Evil Has Standards|even by Ren himself]]. He goes to Mr. Horse and proceeds to tell him about his youth, and the various displays of genuine psychopathy he exhibited then. He finally works up the nerve to tell Mr. Horse what it was he did to Stimpy, and then asks, "What do you think is wrong with me?" After some consideration, Mr. Horse says "So you wanna know what's wrong with you? You ''really'' wanna know?" He then ''punches Ren in the face'' and screams '''"YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY!!!''' '''''THAT'S''''' '''WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!!"'''
** The F-bomb is also dropped in "Onward and Upward" and "Altruists".
** ''Stimpy'' of all people does something like this at the end of "My Shiny Friend". After his TV addiction has been cured, it turns out that his addiction has turned to gambling; as the screen fades to black we hear him mutter a frustrated "Crap!"
** Also, in the original series, "crap" is uttered often by the characters.
* [[Prepare to Die]]: When Ren's [[Sanity Slippage]] in "Jimminy Lummox" almost causes him to actually kill Stimpy, over the latter ruining his collection of used celebrity underwear:
{{quote|"And now... ''(giggles insanely)'' you... ''(giggles again, then inhales)'' '''''[[Suddenly Shouting|DIIIIIIIIII]][[Voice of the Legion|EEEEEEEE!!!]]'''''"}}
* [[Pro Wrestling Episode]]: "Mad Dog Höek".
* [[Recycled in Space]]: SPAAAAACE MADNEEESSSSSSSS...
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* [[Ret-Gone]]: What happens when you press the History Eraser Button.
* [[Retraux]]: The '50-'60s art style.
* [[Scenery Censor]]: When the woman removes her top in "Naked Beach Frenzy", despite her nipples being shown for a brief moment, Stimpy stands in front of her breasts just as her bikini top drops, obstructing Ren's view. With his ''butt'', no less.
* [[Schmuck Bait]]: In "Man's Best Friend", George Liquor tells the duo about discipline and explains at length why they they shouldn't sit on the couch. Then he tells them to go ahead and jump on the couch. Ren refuses to follow through, but Stimpy does. A few moments of false security later, Stimpy is subjected to George's discipline.
** Not to mention the History Eraser button from "Space Madness".
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** One of the nonsense phrases Stimpy says in "Blazing Entrails" is "Want Some Sea Food Mama", which was the name of a song by the Andrews Sisters.
** In "Lumber Jerks", a character resembling [[Rocky and Bullwinkle|Fearless Leader]] appears from beneath the tree stump that Fifi pulls out of the ground.
** In "Jimminy Lummox", when Stimpy is watching TV, you can hear clips from ''[[The Three Stooges]]'' and ''[[The Simpsons]]''.
* [[Show Some Leg]]: Stimpy woos the duck guard in "Altruists" by pretending to be a sultry female duck.
* [[Show Within a Show]]: Muddy Mudskipper and The Scotsman are a couple examples.
** "Bass Masters" is takes place in a fishing show, where Ren even [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|speaks to the viewers]].
* [[Shrunken Organ]]: Stimpy's bean-sized brain [[Who Even Needs a Brain?|accidentally falls off when he leans down]]. Ren's cousin Sven marvels at how ''big'' it is, and then shows Stimpy his own, pinhead-sized brain.
* [[Sick Episode]]: "Nurse Stimpy".
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'''Ren''': Juju, huh? Oooh, I'm so scared. The big bad juju's about to get me. '''COME ON, JUJU, I'M CALLING YOU OUT'''! (struck by lightning)}}
* [[Smoking Is Cool]]: Seen in "Fire Dogs 2".
** Kowalski thinks so in "Fake Dad", but Ren begs to differ]].
{{quote|"Don't you know that smoking can ''KILL'' YOU?!}}
* [[Snipe Hunt]]: Seen in "Eat My Cookies". Turns out a snipe actually exists, and devours Ren.
* [[Snowed In]]: The premise of "Big Flakes".
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* [[Soundtrack Dissonance]]: "Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy" eventually devolves into this.
* [[Space Madness]]: [[Trope Namer]]; the trope takes its name from an episode title.
* [[Speaks Fluent Animal]]: "Bass Masters" reveals that Stimpy is fluent in fish by making gurgly vocalizations.
* [[Spin-Off]]: The Goddamn George Liquor Program, a webtoon which Nickelodeon had nothing to do with.
* [[Spiritual Successor]]: Countless examples, but ''[[Cow and Chicken]]'', ''[[Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog]]'', ''[[Two Stupid Dogs]]'', ''[[The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]]'' and ''[[SpongeBob SquarePants]]'' which employed ex-Ren and Stimpy staffers. Some still do.
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* [[Unmoving Pattern]]: The man who helps Ren and Stimpy move into Haggis's former mansion in "Hard Times for Haggis" has a shirt that features this.
* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: "''DO YOU HAVE TO KEEP '''TAPPING''' LIKE THAT, YOU '''BLOATED SACK OF PROTOPLASM?!?!'''''"
** The "Adult Party Cartoon" episode "Onward and Upward" has "You're the pitcher, I'm the catcher!".
* [[Vague Age]]: Ren and Stimpy. In fact, one episode plays with this, by revealing that Ren is retirement age in dog years.
* [[Vomit Discretion Shot]]: Ren vomits in "Travelogue" when he sees a hair in his soup, but we never actually see the vomit itself.
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* [[Worst News Judgment Ever]]: "Ren Höek takes bubbly sponge bath"?!
* [[Written Sound Effect]]
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: The beatnik food items from Eggyölkeo"Egg Yölkeo".
* [[You Mean "Xmas"]]: Yak Shaving Day.
* [[Younger Than He Looks]]: Kowalski is stated to be seven years old, despite him looking like a grown man in his fifties.
* [[Your Favorite]]: Ren loves hog jowls, as seen in "A Yard Too Far".
* [[Your Mom|Your Mother Sews My Socks!]]
* [[Zany Scheme]]: "The Boy Who Cried Rat!", which involved Ren posing as a mouse and Stimpy pretending to eat Ren so they could get $5 for rodent killing. Also "Big Baby Scam", which had Ren and Stimpy posing as babies so they could be pampered and not have to work for food or shelter.